Chapter Seven - Aw shux ... I'm In Some Deep Stuff Now

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As we walk into the cafeteria all eyes are on us. I look around. Heads go down. It's obvious they're talking about us, so why not do it loud? I have no idea what these kids are saying, but whatever it is, I hope it's not anything I'm going to have to hear about for the next week. I tell Bre, it's time to tell Jason how everything around here works. We step out the cafeteria into the hall.

"Okay, Michaels, here's how things work around here." Breighlynn begins. "First off, we run the school. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Most teachers are scared to even get involved with us because in the end, no matter if we're wrong, we're always right and the innocent ones. Second, everyone sits at their assigned table. Whatever your status is, is where you go. Misfits to the left..people with some popularity and wannabes to the right, and popular people in the middle. Third, we do not do anything that would mean social destruction. This includes, quitting any sports team, getting caught doin something embarrassing or dating a wannabe or in your case...whores. There's only one person I've seen get away with it." She looks toward me and I shyly smile.

Jason nods and we walk back into the cafeteria.

I begin walking to the back of the lunch line, until some guy told us to cut him. I hate feeling like I can get in front of someone just because I'm "popular". It just doesn't seem fair. I usually don't do this because I get my plate after everyone has gotten theirs, but today I am so hungry. I smile and give a slight wave to the kid. He's in my English class so I try to make small talk. I ask him what did he think of the lesson and how has his day been. He just gives me a blank stare , I begin to ask him if he's okay, but I realize it's time for me to pay for my meal. Obviously, this conversation isn't going anywhere so I pay, then walk away telling Breighlynn she can go to the table without me and Jason.

"Jason, follow me," I tell him. "I want to introduce you to some people."

I walk over to the left side of the cafeteria. I introduce him to the band students, unpopular elites, the kids who you usually find with a book and some people that most consider creepy and weird. He smiles at everyone we meet. It's not a fake smile like most people would give. It's genuine.

"Who were they?" he asks.

"Some were friends and others were friends of friends."

"They seemed cool."

I giggle, "Yea, they are. They're really funny too. I think you'd like them."

I then take him to the right side of the cafeteria. We talk to some of my friends, and others we talked to were just randoms I knew. They stared at him like he was a celebrity. When we walked away, I ask him "What are your thoughts on them?"

"Um...well I like the other people better. The ones we just met seem so....fake?"

"Yea. You have no idea," I laugh.

I navigate my way through the tables with Jason at my heels. As soon as our table is in sight I tell him, "Your throne, my King" in an over exaggerated tone.

He laughs, "Seriously Sasha?"

As we near the table, some people are already sitting there. A few are cheerleaders, basketball players, tennis players, baseball players, softball players, volleyball players,track members, dance team members, two are on the swim team and so on. The table is a little larger than average size, but not much.

"All of you, this is Jason." I point to Jason. "Jason, this is everyone."

Everyone smiles, waves, shakes hands, hi-fives and all that other stuff. Then Jason and I sit down by Bre.

"Yes, food finallly!" I say excitedly.

I start eating the pizza and all I can say is it is amazing! I make a mmmm sound as I bite into. The cheese stretches when I pull the pizza away from my mouth. Aw yea, this is just how I like it. Pulling me out my trance, Breighlynn asks if I want her cookie.

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