Chapter 1

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Frisk was having the best dream to were she didn't want to wake up. A dream that there was no school no hard life decisions it was perfect.

"Frisk come on it time for school, I turned off your alarm for you, get up, get up!" a familiar voice said "Do I really have to?" Frisk asked Knowing that the answer would be yes instead of a no, Frisk would have no choice to get up.

"Frisk come on we're going to be late please get up," The voice said again "Fine Chara, I'm up," Frisk said only being half sleep still. 

Frisk didn't want to go to school because it's long and boring she loves school cause it means getting away from her two older siblings, that was life but the fact that Frisk had grown a crush on the most popular boy on school grounds she will do all she possibly can to not go to school.

Frisk has a crush on Sans and it's driving her nuts.

"Come on dad made waffles, waffles with strawberry's your favorite," Chara said making Frisk speed up "Waffles with strawberry's those are only the best kind of waffle's there are in the world," Frisk consulted putting her hair in a bun and lacing up her overalls, she was also just Hungry.

Frisk put on her shoes and grabbed her phone walking to her older sister in the door way.

"Race ya," Chara said playfully "oh Your on sister Mr," Frisk would always call Chara 'sister Mr' if she's trying to meet her playful level.

Frisk and Chara tied to the dinning table both with heavy breaths, Asrial was confused at why his sisters were breathing so heavy all he could really do was stair and laugh.

"Whos ready for some waffles?" A deep raspy voice called "We are!" Frisk and her brother and sister said in unison, they were really hungry.

A goat man cam from the kitchen wearing an apron that said 'kiss the cook', the three teens were all red faced trying not to burst out laughing at there father Asgore.

"What's the matter is there something on my face?" Asgore asked "No its just the fact that your wearing moms apron," Asrial confronted with a chuckle here and there "Oh is that so," Asgore said smiling widely as if he was holding himself from laughter just as hard as the three teens were.

"Eat up your mom is feeling under the weather so I have to take you all to school," Asgore said being as true as ever "Sir yes sir!" Asrial shouts "Of course father," Chara said trying to be a lady for fact she isn't, frisk nodded to agreement for she was already eating her life away.

Frisk wanted to stall but the food was so good so tempting she couldn't help herself she had to eat them all in four bites

"I-I'm done," Frisk said swallowing the last of her breakfast "Wow you were really hungry you sure you don't want more?" Asgore asked "I'm sure dad thanks for asking," Frisk answered waiting for her sister and brother to finish.

Frisk was still waiting for her siblings to finish there food so she just went on her phone, Frisk was looking at her calendar to see if today was the day she would help the 6th graders, helping them meant getting out of school early, it wasn't unfortunately.

"Well today might just be my death sentence," She thinks "Okay you guys its time to go!" Asgore yelled for us all.

Frisk through on her jacket and headed for the car, Chara and Asrial were debating on who would sit in the front Frisk could honestly care less.

Meanwhile Chara and Asial were getting annoying so Frisk just put on her headphones and played her favorite playlist.


"Alright were here, have fun," Asgore said before driving off "Bye!" They all said to their dad, Chara and Asrial ran off to the fields to hang with there friends, Frisk was headed to her locker to get her stuff all together for class.

Frisk looked around at the students running back and forth from the courtyard waiting for friends to show to the fountain filled chats of gossips, secrets and betrayals then to the back to most likely smoke a Cigarette or Ciggie.

Three unaware girls that talking and walking and weren't paying attention ran into Frisk who was gathering the rest of her stuff. "Ow, my nails you broke them, and I just got them done." One of them winded "Heh, you better like apologize, like now!" another one spit at Frisk "No, I got a better idea girls," The last one said with a sinister smile. Frisk didn't know what she did wrong so she just stared as the three girls gave Frisk the same look to were Frisk started to feel her sins crawl up her back.

In a flash of white Frisk noticed she was being dragged by her royal blue and violet sweater under her overalls. The next thing she noticed was that she was dragged into the nearest girls bathroom. "you can drop the week-link in this inter school now," Said the leader. The girl that was dragging Frisk let her go.

Frisk turned around and faced the three girls their eyes practically glowing in the dark aura of the bathroom "W-why'd you drag me here?" frisk asked in fear "Oh honey you broke Trudies Nails and you're going to pay," said the girl in the middle "I-it's no my fault you weren't paying attention wail walking," Frisk consulted standing up "Oh it so is!" said the same girl raising her head. Frisk was thinking of how to escape so she said something random that would make the girls look away what she said was that there was a spider on the back wall and they all ran out like if a boy walked in.

Frisk ran out and back to her locker and gathered her fallen stuff and ran off to the band room to hide on her way there she realized if she ran all the way to the band room it side tracked her from getting to class on time so she did a U-turn and ran strait to her first Period.


Sorry for not posting, I finished most of the chapters but it just didn't want to post so here, so you go.

Eh I didn't really know how the chapter should start, I personally think that it's bad but you guys can think different I don't really care, I'm just tired. 

Teasers 😁

Papyrus: Get up bruh

Sans: *Sigh*

Thank you spicy beans for reading

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