Chapter 8

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The school day ended fast and Sans was waiting for Frisk but that's when he heard some familiar voices calling for him, Grillby and Aaron, they were calling for the skeleton boy and they didn't seem to happy.

"Sup guys," Sans called back "Were where you this morning and lunch?" Aaron asked "We thought you ditched us," "Yea no, I was with my partner for this project ," Sans answered "Oh well thats good but, could you at least try to meet up with us tomorrow, dogaressa has to tell us all something," Grillby said some what annoyed, "Got it buddy," Sans said with a thumbs up.


The next day Sans dropped Jul off with Frisk like the usual but today seemed different, before Sans took off to his friends he noticed that Frisk didn't look right, he didn't know if it was a hair change, or a clothes difference.

"Hey!" Sans said getting Frisks attention "Are you okay, you seem a little different than the past few days, you good?" Sans asked hopeing for an answer that he didn't get instead he just got a look away, and that's when Sans knew something deffenintly wasn't right, so he started to question.

"Frisk what's wrong?" He said walking tward Frisk, she still didn't answer so Sans tryed again "Frisk," Sans said pinning her against the nearby lockers "Simethings wrong, and me being someone who cares for you would like to know what exscaly is wrong? So I'm going to need an answer," Frisk looked at Sans blushing just like the day before at lunch when Sans told her the truth about the girlfriend situation and using his powers on her for the first.

Frisk opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out but a squeek like a dog playing with a squeaky toy so she quickly closed her mouth.

"Great silence just what I needed," Frisk thought "Frisk," Sans said closing some more of the space between the two "Are you going to tell me what's up?" "Sans," Frisk said sounding like she was going to cry "I-I've been getting b-b-b-b-b-," Frisk was able to stop when she felt the embrace of her one and only friend she had.

Frisk felt herself just shatter her eyes filled to the brim with tears and the next thing she new she was silently crying, letting the tears just fall onto Sans jacket, it didn't take long for her to start bawling on Sans' shoulder breathing hard and being filled with confusing emotions.

"S-Sans!" Frisk yelled in his jacket "d-do you promise me?" "Do I promise you what?" Sans asked signaling for frisk to continue "Do y-you promise to never change even if you do get a girlfriend or boyfriend and I get pushed away, do you still promise to never change h-how careing you are?" Frisk asked.

Sans stayed quiet at the request from Frisk, because little dose she know Sans isn't all of what she thinks, Sans can care less about a lot of things like his grades or collage or anything more in life, but as before Frisk changed Sans somehow and Sans changed Frisk somehow and it's starting to show.

"Uh, okay...I-I'll try not to change...for you Frisk," Sans answered "N-No!" Frisk argued moving her head off of Sans shoulder to face him "N-Not for me or for anyone else, but yourself, please Sans promise me that you won't change on behalf of you're own mind," Frisk finished placing her forehead on his.

Sans felt his face heat up but he eventually when along with her movements, closing his eyes and thinking, Sans was thinking wether to promise not to change for Frisk or himself he was technically depating against himself until he came to a conclusion he'll do it for Frisk and himself.

"Hey I know you're consintration right now," Sans said just so Frisk could know he was talking "No, I'm just, I was just, I- nevermind," Frisk said removing her head from his "well I promise on behalf of me to never change okay," Sans said changing the subject.

Frisk looked at Sans outta surprise and disbelief, she hadn't had anyone actually commit themselves to one of her promises since kindergarten, it made her feel loved and truly cared for.

"T-Thank you Sans," Frisk said just as the bell rang to call everyone to class.

Ohhh the romance between those two it's kinda...cute, glad most of my chapters are just them the cutest ship ever.

Yup I'm officially back my spicy spicy beans, heh it's been so long maybe too long eehh oh well.

Teasers 🌺

*lunch time*

Frisk: *goes to locker to get lunch & just realized she left tha baby who's with Sanssy and friends*

Bullies (aka: Mia, Trudie, and Larua): Lol, we've been expecting you

Frisk: *gulp* who really was being expected here 😎

(Not apart but who's judging)

Me: wiw there's a savage Frisk on the lose

Thanks for reading my spicy beans

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