Chapter 4

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Sans arrived to his next class math and wiped his eyes before heading in "Good morning Mrs. Packers," Sans said pulling out his chair to sit "Oh good morning Sans, your here early, why so?" Mrs. Packers asked "Well I did just get out of science ," Sans said not  fewreally answering her question "Okay well here's your warm up," Mrs. Packers said ending the small talk between the two.

Frisk stood in shock thoughts filling her head making her somewhat stressed and scared "Hey are you okay? Your just standing there?" Someone asked from behind "Oh yes sorry," Frisk answered, Frisk then started to walk on tho her favorite class, choir.

"Good Morning Ms. Tea," Frisk said "Good morning," Ms. Tea harmonized. Frisk loved her voice it was like honey and silk made a baby "So hows your day so far?" Ms. Tea asked "It's okay, I guess," Frisk answered "Well I know what'll cheer you up," "Singing that song you made up," Ms. Tea said happily"I-I geus-,".

Frisk got cut off by crying coming from the baby "Oh no," Frisk said not knowing what was wrong, the baby kept on crying until Ms.Tea started to sing a song That she was recently listing to an hour ago "Wait a second let me catch my breath, remind me how it feels to hear your voice, your lips are moving, I can't hear a thing Livin' life as if we had a choice," Ms. Tea's voice calmed the crying baby to a snore Frisk looked at her teacher in awe and amazement. "H-how did you do that?" Frisk asked setting the baby on the bleachers "Well baby's love music it calms them," Ms. Tea answered Frisk "pretty soon she'll be hungry," Ms. Tea said walking to Frisk "heheh" chuckled Frisk "You should laugh and smile more often ya know," Ms. Tea said adoring Frisks laugh and smile it made Frisk flourish red "T-thank you Ms," Frisk said with a wabily smile.


It was finally lunch and Sans when to to the main grounds meeting up with his friends "Hey guys," Sans said walking to them "hey," they all said to him "So did anything interesting happen to you guys if you had science already?" Sans asked "Yea," Dogamy answered "Me and Dogaressa are partners in the baby unit until spring break," Dogamy finished saying  "I think we watch it during break as Well" Dogaressa added "Oh yea," Said Aaron "Yup," Said Dogamy "Hey Sans were's yours?" Asked Dogaressa "Were's who?" Sans asked blocking the question "Where is your baby?" Dogaressa asked once more "Oh Um with my partner, why do you ask?" Sans answered "Oh so your not going to help her with it?" Dogaressa Continued with the questions "What n-no I'll help her," Sans said backing himself up "Yea that's what every first time fathers say, then the next thing you know they are off running and hitting up another girl, right?" Dogaressa consulted "Are you going to help her? And be honest Sans," Dograssea continued wanting the truth "here's a question, are you even going to help Dogamy?" Sans asked not answering the question.

Sans was starting to get on Dogaressa nerve so she asked onn more time will you help your partner with the baby and Sans said the same thing just different wording

"Sans, who is your partner?" Dogamy asked Sans to give Dogaressa a break "M-My partner?" Sans repeated "Yea, who is she?" Dogamy asked again.

Sans didn't want his friends to know that he's partners to a unknown grade level so he twisted and avoided the question that was being asked about his partner.

"Well one I will help her," Sans said answering the thousand times Dogaressa asked him "Thank you," Dogaressa said "My partner well I don't know her name since I did fall asleep in the middle of class so I can't really answer that one, sorry Dogamy," Sans said telling a fib it worked but Aaron and Grillby wern't really convinced.


Heya, I know its been so long since my last post but I'm back

This one was shorter than my past ones but it dose have a lot of details that are now open

Sans didn't want anyone to know who his partner was, hmm embarrassment who knows

Teasers: 👌

Frisk: sorry I'm late Mr. B

Teacher: Sans help the girl

Sans: Fine

Thank you ya spicey Beans for reading

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