Chapter 11

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Sirens. Sirens were racing down the street and stopped at the school. The paramedics rushed in and found Sans cradling the unconscious Frisk in the floor.

Now you would think that he'd leave everything all bloody and gruesome but no Sans used he powers to clean up, he cleaned up the blood the dust everything that happend within the 30 minute of torture and death.

"Mr. Skeleton?" Asked a lady "could you place the girl on the stretcher please?" "Sure," he said shaking and being as rental as possible.

Once Sans got her on the stretcher he couldn't help but notice the crowd of people surrounding him, Frisk, and the paramedics. Sans started to look around for a few people, Chara, Asrial, Dogamy, Dogaressa, Grillby, and Aaron.

"FRISK! FRISK!" Yelled someone from the crowd "WAIT, PLEASE THAT'S MY BABY SISTER PLEASE DON'T TAKE HER FROM ME!" the vice continued screaming "PLEASE!" She stopped finally crying.

The girl looked to her left and saw Sans tears rushing down her face, she rushed to him. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" She question mad and crying, sans said nothing he was fine if she attracted him after all that was her baby baby sister.

Chara and Asrial was Graduating next month whail Frisk has two more years till she graduates sans with Sans.

"What did you do?!" Chara asked still tensed and mad but more settle "I killed them," Sans whispered to her. The words that sloped from Sans' mouth made her eyes widen "w-who?" She asked now scared.

Sans pulled Chara to the other side of the crowd that was till watching as the ambulance drives off with wispers and murmurs. "You killed whom now?" Chara asked wiping her eyes "Mia, Trudie, and Laura... I killed them, they where hurting Frisk, and I didn't know what came over me to go so far," Sans said "You love her don't you?" A voice said from behind "Asi?" Chara said "hey Chara, hey Sans," Asrial said Reavling himself "when did- how did- how long where you here?" Sans asked baffled "Long enough to know that you killed the three devil's of the school

Sans smiled and looked away with a hint of guilt, "Why that look? You should be proud," said Asrial squatting right next to him, Sans sighed and said that wasn't him at all, chara and Asrial just looked at each other and asked what he ment.

Sans looked at the two and sighed, explaining everything, in how just seeing Frisk helpless, weak and so pale just made something in him snap, and how it felt seeing her like that and how..."good" it felt to kill Mia, and Trudie and to hear their screams.

The two looked long and hard at Sans saying nothing, "would you like to come with us to see if Frisk is ok?" Asked The two sans just looked at them somewhat frightened "I-Im sorry but I'll have to decline on that offer," he said they then questioned in why Sans simply said he's too dangerous for her to be around, that if he never would've gotten tired he probably would've ended Frisk.

Asrial laughed Chara holding back as much as possible "no nitwit!" Said Chara taking a breath "You're just highly protective and a dash of possessive, you're not insane of power consumption, you don't crave it, your fine," said Chara, tho she said it like it was second nature so that's saying something.

Sans relaxed a bit and smiled more confidentially "the offer is still open, come and visit whenever you need to, though now if Frisk where wake up, I can bet she want you to be the first face she sees, dont you think?" Questions Asrial sans chuckled and blushed slightly at his comment then later agreed to go with them.

(At the hospital), Sand, Chara and Asrial stand at the front dest waiting for Torial and  Asgor to show up, 5 minutes later and their here. Frisks room was 495 ince they got there her doctor told them to be gentle, and soft spoken she had just woke up and returned to her normal color, and might be a slight but dazed and lightheaded, they all nodded and entered the room.

Frisk shot up from her laying position Torial, Asgor, Chara and Asrial all rush to hug her Sans stayed back, it was the family's time, once they let go they started talking about what happend, Frisk pieced together the bits and pieces she remembered but everything else was blurred, Frisk then showed her wrists and ankles and how high the bandages had to go do the the fact the the vines where 3in" in diameter and the thorns where 4cm" in diameter, Ankle to about lower Chin, wrist to the end of the forearm, Torial gasped and covered her mouth.

"Ma I'm ok, see," Frisk said trying to calm her goat mom down "here Tori let's get some air?" "Yes, thank you Asgor,", once theft Asrial and Chara found an excuse to leave as well, Asrial the bathroom Chara chocolate, Frisk just sighed and played back down "Alone again.." she whispers to herself "well not completely, sunshine," sans said getting up from behind the curtains.

Frisk sat back up and smiled "You came," she said trying not to sound too happy "ofcourse, why wouldn't I?" He then asks "I-I dont know!" Frisk said turning herself to face him more "Thank you," "for what?" "For being there for me when I needed it most, keeping a promise and saving me, I appreciate it," "Eh it was nothing,"

During these conversation Sans started to feel something, something that he never felt before, in his chest and his stomach, he asked if she was feeling nauseous, or lightheaded she said no not really, she then asked why, "So then I could try something on you?" He said, Frisk was hesitant but agreed, Sans snapped his fingers and his left eye illuminated a cyan, light teal color same with his hand that had snapped.

Frisk looked down and saw her soul change from ruby red, to ocean blue coated with a aura that was the same color as his eye just more translucent, Frisk felt herself get lighter and lifted into the air and toward Sans he smiled Same with Frisk.

Sans pulled her closer to him and smirked, Frisk stated laughing and giggling as she felt like she was lighter than air, "You enjoying this?"  "Yes, thank you Sans," she exclaims "no problemo," he then sets her back down but before she touched her bed she grabbed his shirt, Sans lost control and stopped himself from falling completely ontop of her fragile body, their faces were lost than a centimeter away, Sans' face turned I bright blue, frisk smiled and laughed.

She then moved her face closer to where their noses touched "W-what are you doing?" "This silly," she closes off the space between them, the door opens and slight gasps where heard, Frisk moved her face away from Sans and looked at the group of people which doubled from Chara, Asrial, Torial and Asgor to Chara, Asrial, Torial, Asgor, Dogamy, Dogaressa, Grillby, and Aaron "did you guys just kiss?" "Um uh-" "yes we did,"

The group starts to clap and crowd around the two, chara whisper something in Sans' non existent ear and he sighs but smiles "Frisk?" "Yes?" "Would you like to go out with me?" "YES!" She kisses his cheek and Torial takes a picture, and this was just the start of a graceful, happy True Love story.

The End


Well I'm truly sorry I have not posted, I was working on my other book, I thank you for reading and dealing with me and this himd out of a chapter, but I also encourage you to cheek them out even though they crappie, anyway bye my spicey bean past buns

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