Chapter 6

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After lunch when Sans was going to his locker he noticed a piece of yellowish  paper sticking out of the creases of were it was stuffed. "Heh I wonder what this is" Sans thought.

'Hey I know this is wired to be coming from me but could we meet after school on the roof, I have to tell you something ~Frisk' read the note. Sans felt like an idiot for not knowing what locker number she was, to respond to her note.

"Oh boy my first note," Sans whispers to himself. Sans smiled at the sight of the note only feeling a bit idiotic but agreed to meet her.

The bell rang for everyone to be heading to class Sans stuffed his note in his pocket so he wouldn't forget about it.

Sans was the First in class again, and was met with the same Eerie silence making Sans remember some recent forgotten things, only to be killed by some distant sobbing.

Sans went out the class to who was crying, Sans looked left first then right and found a girl that looked like Frisk on the ground in a puddle of milk.

"H-hey are you okay?" Sans asked, the girl looked up at Sans and it seemed to be muffet Grillbes Girlfriend "w-why do you care?" She asked wiping her teared up eyes. "N-never mind that, tell me what happened?" Sans asked "Trudie, Mia, and Larua happend," Muffet said tucking her head in her arms, when Sans saw how Muffet was it reminded him of Frisk in middle school, the memory made him tense up "g-go to the nurse she can help you, she helped me," Sans said petting muffets head "I-I can't trust her," Muffet mumbled "yes you can," Sans said popping a squat "Okay then," said Muffet looking at Sans with a little more hope in her eyes.

Muffet got up and made her way to the nurse, two seconds later Sans got up and headed back in class. "Heh, today just keeps on getting weirder and weirder," Sans thought.


It was the end of the day and Sans was just getting out of class and was heading to the roof from what he's note read. "Hey Frisk you there!" Sans called, there was no comment back so Sans just assumed she fell asleep some were on the roof until he heard the doors open from behind him. Sans turned around and saw Frisk who seemed outta breath

"You okay?" Sans asked walking to Frisk "Yea," Frisk said grasping her knees, it took a second for Frisk to stand up from her position and look directly at Sans "Uh is there something on my face?" Sans asked being kinda nervous at the long gaze frisk was giving him, "What no," Frisk said tilting her head "I was just focusing on you, sorry if I gave you the creeps," "Oh no its Fine," Sans said reassuring Frisk.

Frisk took a deep breath of air and walked over to the bench on the roof. "So what did you want to tell me?" Sans asked reminding Frisk "Oh yea, " She Said "I was wondering if we could become friends?" She asked "and yes you can help me with Jul," Frisk finished. 

Sans was thinking of how he should answer until it hit him he'll fib just so he could at least help Frisk with Jul. Sans answered Frisk question just as he planed Frisk didn't suspect a thing but Sans did get stuck with Jul for the night until morning since Sans goes to sleep in class anyways.


The next day everything seemed the same, Frisk was at her locker looking at the passing students although when Frisk just closed her locker three girls were standing in her way, the same girls that drug Frisk in the restroom stretching out her favorite shirt. "heh, that stunt you pulled up on the roof yesterday with my boyfriend just signed you up for a death wish," said the posses leader pinning Frisk against the neighboring lockers "See you at lunch weak-link," said the other two girls staring Frisk down.

Frisk was starting to get a familiar vibe that she thought had left her once she got out of middle school. "Hey Frisk you good?" sans asked bringing Frisk back to reality "Y-yea I'm good, and congrats on getting a girlfriend," Frisk said with a lost of hope. Sans was confused in what Frisk meant so he just shrugged it off.

Sans gave Frisk Jul surprising Frisk, she looked back at Sans who seemed to be more concerned then yesterday when she asked if he could be her friend.


The two walked to class together and was once again met by the abandoned classroom in the morning,  the two didn't say a word until the bell rang "Good morning again you two," Mr. B said walking in.

Sans was the only one to reply to Mr. B wail Frisk was lost at thought and stayed silent "Are you okay Frisk?" Asked Mr. B "You didn't say good morning," "Y-yea I'm fine," Frisk answered looking a little stargazed "Sorry I didn't say good morning Mr," "It's fine," Mr. B smiled.

Sans is becoming more concerned the more he noticed Frisk was acting different. So he decided to write her a note.

Sans give Frisk the note and she just looked at it. Frisk seem to be confused in what she was looking at so she read it before she assumed anything. The note read, 'hey can we meet at the roof again but this time during lunch, I need to speak with you if that's okay ~Sans' Frisk turned to Sans and gave him a thumbs up not knowing what she just signed herself up for.

Tis the season to be jolly fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la

Merry Christmas everyone and here's chapter 6 I hope you enjoy it, I had the worst writer's block ever but still I got through, for you guys at least.

Teasers: 🤓

Frisk: what's up...buttercup

Sans: I'll tell you if you tell me

Thank you spicy beans for reading!

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