Story One: Airport confession

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Writing prompt: "You fell asleep on my shoulder on the flight but it's okay because you smelled nice and it was cold anyways"


I woke up in the dark of the morning from the sound of my fire alarm. It said something about low batteries but I ended up falling asleep after it went off.

I groaned when my alarm clock went off and I quickly reached over as best as I could in my tried state to turn it off. I yawned and looked up towards the ceiling. I ran a finger through my hair, my eyes widened as I remember what today was and I quickly sat up, quickly regretting it after my head starting to hurt and my vision went black. As I regained my sight I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom, stripping, before taking a warm shower.

I got out and quickly got dressed, grabbing my suitcase making sure I had everything I needed. I checked to make sure I had my wallet, travel money, passport, and keys. When I pocketed everything I needed on me, I turned off all the nights and walked out of my apartment, taking the elevator down to the first floor.

I made my way outside the apartment complex and grabbed my car, stuffed everything inside it, and drove it to the airport.

I quickly parked the car in the parking garage and made my way to where my plane would take boarding. I made in just in time and quickly boarded the plane, in my seat. I saw a male in the seat next to me and he smiled. I smiled back and placed my bag in the compartment above the seat before sitting down. Seven-hour flight, here I come. I slid in some earbuds and played some relaxing music while I worked on my laptop.

Three hours into the flight and I was feeling a bit of tiredness. I yawned and closed my laptop, after finishing an email. I sighed as I watched my own eyelids fall down on top of my eyes.

I was awoken by a loud sound of a woman on the radio, saying it fasten our seatbelts. I groaned and sat up shaking at the surprisingly now cold air, filling the plane.

I put on my seatbelt and packed up my laptop and other things. I looked past the male and looked out the window. Words couldn't express what I saw down below us. I could see many lights, filling the void in the darkness. I watched as the snow fell lightly, like a soft sprinkle of flour being laid down on a counter or hard surface before dough would be rolled on it, for a batch of fresh cookies. I turned my attention back to the inside of the plane and looked around, slightly. I saw many families who looked tired from traveling, but you could see the happiness from inside the depth of their eyes, from the joy of being able to see a distant family member or relative.

Everyone braced themselves as the plane took landing, on the hardened ground below us. As the plane came to a stop, people told us we could start getting ready to get off the plane. I smiled and grabbed my luggage, waiting as other people fled off of the plane, and into the airport itself. I grabbed a seat in the corner, where no one else had sat and let out a sigh. I pulled out my phone and called an Uber who would pick me up and carry me to the hotel I would be staying at.

As I placed my phone down I leaned my head up and saw the male, sitting beside me, now standing in front of me. I smiled back.

"I didn't want to bother you, but." He started.

"You fell asleep on my shoulder on the flight, but it's okay because you smelled nice and it was cold anyways" He added.

I looked at him surprised before feeling my cheeks start to heat up. I reached a hand up and laughing uncomfortably.

"Heh, Uh. Sorry about that." I muttered.

"So, do you mind if I sit here?" He asked.

"No, go ahead," I responded.

We both sat in the non-silenced room. People were talking about holiday plans and I was trying not to stare at the oddly handsome man sitting next to me.

"So. What brings you down to these parts?" I questioned.

"Business trip." He replied.

"Ah. Same." I started. "So, Who you work for?"

"I'll never tell" He beamed.

We both ended up laughing for a couple of minutes. When we finally calmed down we looked at each other. My hands became sweaty, as I looked at his facial features. His soft plush lips, beautiful shade of eyes and the most amazing hair. We both leaned in closer until we could feel each others breath.

"SHIELD." He whispered, before closing the kiss.

Completely shocked by his words, it took a moment for me to kiss back. I leaned closer to him, kissing him, softly. After only a few moments of kissing, we broke it for air.

"I'll see you at the meeting tomorrow, Mr. Stark." He winked.

I hid my face in my hands out of embarrassment. Tomorrow was going to be a weird day.

I walked into the office building, taking the elevator up to the fifteenth floor. I yawned, watching the numbers on the elevator go up one number at a time. Once it reached the fifteenth floor, the doors flew open and I stepped out, walking down the hall of empty offices. I reached one of the last ones and stood in the doorway. Two men were talking to each other while other people sat around the table, either looking at papers or writing something down. I sighed in relief when I didn't spot the male from last night. I quickly took a seat and took a peek at my watch. The meeting started in two minutes.

I became self-aware of the time, as I watched the minute hand make its way around the tiny watch, sitting on my wrist. I watched as the seconds counted down and more people flooded in, filling the use to be empty chairs around the conference table. I watched as the final seconds counted down and I sat my hands on my knees. As I was looking around the room the male stopped talking to the other male, and they took their seat. There was an empty seat next to me and I watched as that seat was taking by someone. I looked up from my lap and saw that it was the same male from yesterday. I felt my palms become clammy, and I could almost hear my heart pounding.

I tried my best to focus on every word everyone was saying, but the male sitting next to me got the best of my attention. I watched as his pen glided across the paper he was writing on, showing off his somewhat okay handwriting.

As the meeting came to a close I socialized with almost everyone and made my way out of the conference room. I watched as the male smiled and winked at me before walking out of the room. I gathered a heap of confidence and followed him out. We both stepped into the elevator, and as soon as the doors closed he pushed me against the wall, and we started kissing passionately. He pulled away and grabbed some papers that fell, before straightening up his suit. I did the same and we both waited for the elevator doors to open. Once they did we lead me out into the parking lot.

"How about a coffee?" He suggested.

I smiled and nodded. "I'm always down for coffee," I replied.

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