Part 3

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Dean's Pov

When we got into the house we kept our guns raised and walked forward. While walking I shouted hey Bobby you in here and then Sam yelled Bobby are you here. We didn't hear anything so we continued to walk forward and we walked into the living area.

When we got there what we saw made both me and Sam gasp. I was looking straight into the eyes of Micheal and Lucifer with Bobby sitting quietly beside them both talking like the last couple of months hadn't happened. Sam said what the heck and then I said loudly Bobby what the hell.

Bobby looked up at Dean and Sam and said please just hear them both out. I got a bit angry and said loudly oh hell no you have no right to ask that of us. Not after what those 2 dicks did and Sam said yeah Bobby I mean what the hell. Bobby then said both Michael and Lucifer have reasons why they did what they did you just have to hear them out.

I laughed and said raising my gun at Michael and then Sam followed suit and raised his gun at Lucifer no thank you what they did was fucking sick what their minions did was fucking sick. Sam then said yeah Dean is right Bobby no way are we listening to those dicks and then both me and Sam started shooting at Michael and Lucifer. Now even though we knew nothing was happening we continued to shooting.

After about 5 rounds of shooting both Michael and Lucifer had enough and both vanished. Both me and Sam looked at each other and Sam said good riddance and I just laughed. We then looked at Bobby and saw him frowning me and Sam both said what what is it.

Bobby then said all you did was make them angry you didn't get rid of them. They want to talk and explain and won't leave until they do they told me that much. I then said smiling while Sam laughed oh yeah well if they aren't gone why aren't they here.

Bobby then said oh they are look behind you boys. Both me and Sam gasped and turned around and as we did we saw both Michael and Lucifer looking at us with angry faces and I gulped and backed away as did Sam.

We both knew we were in deep shit as we backed away from them. As we were backing away we were about to make a run for it to the kitchen to get to the back door to get away.

Then just as we were 2 steps away from the door 2 of Michael and Lucifer's lower angels appeared. As soon as they appeared one of them grabbed me and kept me to the spot and the other did the same to Sam.

Once me and Sam were grabbed and secured to the spot both Michael and Lucifer stepped forward. When they both got face to face to me and Sam Michael facing me and Lucifer facing Sam they both pulled something from behind their backs.

It was a round circle like thing it looked like a collar and I didn't like the look of it so I tried to back away but I couldn't move. Before I got the chance to Sam said just as panicked as I was what is that and he to tried to pull away to but couldn't.

Michael then said it is something that will keep you and Dean under control and then both him and Lucifer walked forward. Both me and Sam tensed and tried to move away but nothing would work the angels holding us were stronger.

Both Michael and Lucifer then stuck the collar like thing on me and Sam and then closed it. As soon as it closed it clicked and after it clicked I felt a light spread through my body and I gasped and said oh god cause I did not like whatever just happened.

I looked at Sam and said did you feel that to and Sam gulped and looked at me scared and said yeah I didn't like it. I then looked at Michael and Lucifer as the angels let me and Sam go and said what the hell was that while both me and Sam pulled at the collar to get it off.

Lucifer then said that Dean was a shock collar and what it does is anytime you or Sam misbehave or disrespect us in our presences it will shock you 5 times and if you continue to do so you both will get a higher dose. I then said why the hell would you do that.

Michael then said cause we need you to listen to what we have to say. Me and Sam then huffed out a groan and sighed and because we knew we had no other choice we both said ok fine we will hear you out. Then both me and Sam went over to the couch where Bobby was and sat down while Michael and Lucifer followed us.

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