Part 20

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Dean's Pov

Once I knew all my siblings were in the room with me and once I saw that they all had sat down I knew it was time to say my peace. So I took a breath and said ok listen I know bad stuff have happened between all of us. Now I know I didn't want that to happen I don't know about all of you all I know is that it was all of you that choose to fight me.

Then Alastair said look Dean we didn't want to do all those things to you and cousin Sam I mean your our baby brother. We had to listen to what we were told dad told us we had to make your life hell to challenge you both to see if you'd turn evil like before. I just rolled my eyes and said yeah I know that he told me that a while back. Then Meg said look Dean we just want to be your big brothers and sisters again now that you know the truth about everything.

Lilith then said yeah Dean please we just want to be a family once again. Ruby then said we know we have did some shady shit in the past dean but we just want to start over let the past be in the past. After all that was said Benny then said we have some good times back when we were in purgatory can't we go back to that Dean lil bro. I just smiled and thought about all that was said and done and looked at all my siblings.

Then I said yeah ok I'll forgive you all and give you all a second chance and for once in my life I want more than one sibling. All my siblings then laughed and one by one they walked over to me and gave me a hug and I hugged them all back. After having a siblings moment we all went out to the living room and got together with our uncles and cousins and our dad and we had a big family dinner and from that day on we were a big great God like family living our perfect lives in heaven.

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