Part 17

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Dean's Pov

Once the 3 of us got back up to heaven from the trail I saw that we weren't at my dad's house but my uncle Lucifer's house. I then sighed and said groaning what the hell are we doing here I just want to go home and rest. Dad then said well tough it is time we all sit down as a family and talk everything that has happened through to get a better understanding of things got it.

I just rolled my eyes and said fine whatever and I walked into the living room of my uncle's house were I saw my uncles Lucifer and Rafael sitting there with my cousins Adam and Sam opposite them both. I sighed and continued to walk forward until I reached them all and as I did both my dad and uncle Gabriel sat down on the same sofa my other uncles were sitting on.

They all just looked at me waiting for me to sit down but I never did it has been 10 minutes now since we came in the room and I still haven't sat down. Sam then gave up waiting and said Dean come on please just sit down so we can talk about this. I just stared at him and said oh yeah and why should I you seemed to have gotten all cosy with them all so why do you need me huh.

Sam then said oh my god Dean you are be unbelievable right now of course I'm cosy with them they are my family and so are you. I then looked at him and said oh yeah what am I to you Sam huh what am I and Sam said you are my cousin and you are my brother and you always will be. I then sighed and said thank you Sam and I ran over to him and pulled him up and I hugged him.

Sam then said ok Dean too tight too tight let go and I just laughed and said oh yeah sorry and I let him go. I then took a breath and walked over and sat on the only spare chair and said ok I'm ready to talk now. Dad then smiled and said ok good now Dean we know you have took all this info hard and now that you have seemed to calmed down a bit me and your uncles have a wee bit more of info to tell you that we have already told Sam while you were away.

I just groaned and said oh what the fuck now what else could be so important and a woman's voice that I recognised behind me said well that would be us. I jumped at the voice knowing she was meant to be dead and I stood up slowly and turned around. As I turned around I saw Joe and Ellen who had died 8 months ago and I said fuck me what the hell how are you both here.

They didn't say anything but my uncle Rafael said as he walked over to them both they are here because Ellen is my wife and Joe is my daughter your aunt and cousin. My mouth dropped open and I stood in shock and for about 15 minutes the room was quiet and then I screamed WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO BE A BIG FUCKING LIE.

I then ran out of the room and popped out of my uncle Lucifer's house and popped to my house. I then ran up to my room and slammed the bedroom door and ran to my bed. As soon as I was at my bed I jumped on it and lied down on it and just cried until I couldn't cry no more.

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