Part 16

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Dean's Pov

Once I woke up I sat up and looked around confused at what happened. Then as I thought about it and looked around again I remembered what had happened. I remember that I had been captured by Crowley and I knew I was in deep shit because when he wanted something he always gets it.

I frowned and said oh god no I need to get out of here and I ran over to the only door and pushed on it. When it didn't work I screamed AHHHHHHH and said banging on the door Crowley damn you let me out you bastard let me out now. Then after banging and shouting for about 10 more minutes the door opened and a demon walked in and I knew he worked for Crowley.

As soon as he worked in he said shut up no one wants to hear your screams. I then said walking up to him oh yeah well you will hear more than that if you don't let me go. The demon then said look Dean Winchester I don't have time for you I'm very busy so just shut up and wait for your sentence. I just frowned and said wait what what sentence and then demon said smiling oh well your prison sentence of course. Then he walked out and locked the door after him.

I just stood in one place shocked to say the least not knowing why I'm being put on trail. Not caring and knowing I need to escape this please before I become trapped forever. I then ran over to the door and for the first time since I left my dad in heaven I summoned all my powers and pushed it onto the door and doing that pushed out a wind and blew the door right off the henges and I yelped in surprise.

As soon as the door was opened I ran out it and kept running knowing that if I didn't I would not escape. As soon as I got to the exit door I stopped dead because in front of me stood Crowley and 4 of his demons. I then went to turn back to go back the way but as I did I saw that another 4 of his demons were behind me. I groaned and stood still knowing I had no where to go.

Crowley then said so Dean you thought you could escape me huh and I said yes maybe and Crowley just laughed and then said not a chance your in my world now boy. I then frowned and said what do you want with me Crowley why am I here and Crowley said well Dean you are here for my amusement. Your here to stand trail and if you get tried guilty then you will become my pet for me to use as I please for 50 long years. I then gasped and said what no why what the hell did I do.

Then Crowley said well Dean let's see you have killed over 10,000 of my men over these last couple of months than you and your brothers have in 3 years. Also you killed my mother last week and for that alone you must be punished. Now your trial will begin in an hour we are just waiting for your father and uncles to get here and I gulped and said wait my dad is coming to my trail.

Crowley then said well yes he is you are after all now only 13 and I groaned at that info. Then I said whatever I haven't seen him in months and I won't start now I'm not getting tried with him watching me. Crowley then said tough you have no choice guards take him back to his cell and watch him like hawks. The guards then grabbed me and dragged me back to the cell I woke up in to await trail which I was not looking forward to at all.

I was in my cell for another 2 hours after that before 2 demons came and collected me. They then dragged me out of the cell and down to where the trail would be held. Once there I was sat in a chair in front of Crowley and when I looked around I looked over to the right where I saw my dad and my uncle Gabriel.

I then frowned and said so I guess Sam was to busy with his long lost father to come see me huh. Dad then said looking at me look Dean we all know your angry but to get yourself put on trail have you got a death wish. I just frowned and said fuck you I'm a hunter I hunt demons and kill them that's all I've known how the hell was I to know that there was a court of law for me because I'm the son of a god.

Dad then said well if you would have stayed long enough you would have known and I groaned and said oh fuck up dad I'm sick of this I just want this to be over so I can move on. Then uncle Gabriel said Dean you don't understand and I said understand what. Uncle Gabriel then said with a huff Dean the only way out of this is either you spending 50 years as Crowley's pet or 50 years in heaven with your family with no contact with the human world.

I then shouted what no way that isn't fair I'm not finished yet I'm not ready to leave here yet. Crowley then popped up on the judge seat and frowned looking at me. He then said well you had better choose because of your crime and how serious it is you only have those 2 options and you have 5 minutes to choose so think. So that's what I did I thought of the 2 options Crowley gave me and I thought of all the ways that being Crowley's pet would go and I thought of all the ways going back to heaven would go.

I finally then gave in and I picked the better of the 2 and picked going back to heaven for 50 years with my family. When my 5 minutes were done Crowley then said ok so Dean what's it going to be and I sighed and looked at him and said I choose the 50 years in heaven. I then looked to my dad and uncle and saw them both trying to hid smiles and at that I wanted to laugh. Crowley then said smirking ok then you will return with you father and uncle immediately and you will not set foot in this world and you will have no contact with anyone of this world for 50 years.

If by any chance I find out that you have done either of them your sentence will be switched right then and there and you will become my pet for 50 years plus another 50 do you understand me. I groaned knowing nothing can be done to get out of this and said yes I understand. Then I said under my breath which no one could hear I understand your a complete dick and I laughed a bit at that.

Then I walked over to my dad and uncle and smiled at them and dad said you ready to go home and I said no not really but I have no choice so yeah. Then my dad said ok then let's go and so he took my left arm and my uncle took my right and they both popped us both back up to heaven.

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