Chapter 2 The Unfateful Encounter

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Author: its chapter 2 yus lmao.
Conan: A-le-le what's this author chan ur happy.
Author: b*tch what.
-Conan's POV-
Its been a week since I got released from the hospital, but I still had a cast on and Genta,Ayumi and Mitsuhiko all insisted on drawing on it all while Haibara was laughing in the corner doing something. Now I'm suppose to meet her now at Professor Agasa's house, but I'm seriously thinking about turning back  it that might mean a whole big lecture from her about manners and blah blah blah.

But the face of that burglar has been haunting me I mean sure I know what he looks like but he killed a police officer and robbed a jewelry store and I've seen his face and he knows I saw. So I must be careful because if he see's me I'm done for well I think I would be anyway.

I was looking around town scanning everyone to make sure he wasn't he and luckily he wasn't so I carried on walking in peace.

~time skip~

I knocked on the professor's door but no one answered so I grabbed the spare key from my pocket and opened the door and walked in only to be met with darkness what's going on.

"Professor hey professor you here?" I called but no response.

"Hoi Haibara, hoi Haibara what about you, are you here?" again I got no reply again so I walked further in the there was a loud bag and a the lights switched on and there was a loud applauses.

I winced at the bright lights and stared at everyone around me and I saw a big banner slung across the room that said 'Get well soon Conan' and I sighed I was shot in the arm I wasn't sick. Like seriously.

I fake smiled and walked in with shock and happiness written all over my face and tried my best not to look like a complete and utter idiot and try to act my 'age'.

"Wow all this for me" I exclaimed happily and I felt stupid like seriously.

I looked at everyone smiling and they all smiled back while nodding there heads, and then all of a sudden music started and everyone started dancing. Um no! Oh no I am not dancing I tried to walk away but Haibara grabbed my arm and dragged me off to dance and I mentally face palmed.

The song that was playing was 'Crying in the club' and everyone seem to be enjoying it well everyone but me I mean I just got abducted by Haibara to dance with her and the rest of the detective boys and about 3 time Ayumi has tried grabbing my hand.

"Sorry guys but I'm gonna go to the toilet be right back" I said I just wanted to get away from them to be completely honest, and when I was finally out of sight I sighed of relief and leaned against the wall comfortably and relaxed.

"Hoi Conan, hey Kudou" I snapped my head up and glared up at the one who just called me Kudou and saw it was Hattori and he was smiling like an idiot.

"Hattori what have I told you about calling me me that with lot of people around" I whisper shouted to him.

"Yeah yeah sorry bout that but you weren't paying attention but look I got you a present" Hattori said sheepishly and went inside his jacket and pulled out a bottle of 'sake' and I just gapped at him.

"Hattori what are you doing I'm meant to be a kid you can't give me this" I was slowly raising my voice.

Hattori just shrugged and and took a swig a faint blush covered his face well it looks like he's a light weight, I though and sniggered and Hattori looked at me.

"What's so funny" damn he already had a slight slurred and I laughed again.

"Nothing nothing hehe" I said clutching my stomach from laughing.

Hattori took another swig and smirked.

"You find this funny" he asked with an even bigger slur.

I nodded and tried to keep the laughing at a giggle.

"Then how funny is this" Hattori slurred in a seductive whisper.

Wait why is he whispering seductively.

"Hattori are you o-" I was suddenly cut off as Hattori kissed me on the lips.

What the hell is going on, when Hattori pulled away he just smirked, and a blush came over my whole face and I ran away straight passed everyone some people told me to stop but I ran straight to the door.

As soon as I was far away from the house I was panting for dear life what the hell was Hattori thinking. Jeez I need help I thought as I walked along the side walk heading back to the detective agency.

I was on the way back, going through town when I felt a pair of eyes on me and of sent shivers down my spine, I spun around and looked through everyone but there was to many people so I carried on walking but the feeling never left.

After about 5 minutes I was annoyed and full on turned just in time to see 'him' that's right the murderer and thief and I made eye contact and he made his way towards me and I ran away and he ran after me.

I was getting tired but he wasn't and he was really close, but I didn't give up I kept running and I could see the detective agency up ahead and smiled speeding up.

I was finally at the detective agency steps and i put my hand in my pocket for my key and pulled it out and unlocked uncle Kogoro's office door and shut it and was about to lock it when the thief banged through the door and and saw me I backed up and went straight into a wall damn it.

"Well well well so you live with the famous detective Mouri Kogoro then" the man said smiling.

I just nodded slightly.

"Well you sure did hide youself good then, hey Conan or wait no should I call you Shinichi Kodou" the thief laughed.

He new my identity how was this possible.

Author: haha sorry I'm leaving it at that sorry but anyway I hoped you enjoyed it.

Conan: Author-Chan save me.

Author: sorry Conan I can't do that that's not part of the story I cant save you.

Bye bye everyone!

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