Chapter 10 Well... Shit!

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Author: Hiya guys I'm soooooo sorry I've neglected u guys I'm such a bad author.
Chase: um well it seems Conan got tired and of waiting.
Author: shut up and last time I checked you and Conan had literally just crashed the car.
Chase: Uh... *Gulps* Author-Chan you wouldn't?
Author:Haha oh YES I  would. So.. 3 2 1 start.
- No one's POV-
Chase groaned and rubbed his now achy neck, he felt blood trickle from his nose and winced look at his left hand and saw his index and middle finger bruising and swollen.

"Fuck" he cursed and then turned to look at Conan only to see him unconisous and blood running down his head and staining his white button up shirt.

Scrabbling to undo his seat belt Chase quickly checks Conan over and see's he is still breathing.

"Holy hell you are one hell of a fighter." Chase laughed in a pained tone and picked Conan up and headed to the targets house.

Upon arrival Chase pounded on the door desperately as he waited for someone to open it, after what seemed like forever someone finally answered the door.

"Yes who are yo- Oh my please come in." A man in a butler suit started off but when seeing Conan he quickly rushed the 2 inside.

"Im sorry to intrude i was driving and took a second to look at the map, I didn't notice the sharp coner and crashed. So i ran here since it seems to be the only house."Chase panicked and hurried after the butler guy.

"Well all that maters is that you were well enough to carry yourself and the young boy here." The guy suddenly turned around causing Chase to stumble a bit and stop.

"What is your's and this boys name." The butler asked suddenly and Chase suddenly paled and swayed slightly.

"M-My name is....." and Chase never finished the sentence as he collapsed. The butler caught Chase but didn't realise poor Conan slip from the motionless Chase's grip.

Just before Conan hit the floor a pair of lean firm arms caught him.

"Símon what is going on here? Who are these guys?" The mystery person asked.

"Oh Master Hiro these boys crashed at that damn cursed corner." Símon the butler explained. "As for their names i do not know the young lad passed out before telling me."

"Hmm.. well either way lets get them to the medical wing before my father wonders what he commotion is about." Hiro said and walked the the medical wing with Conan in his arms, his butler Símon following behind carrying Chase bridal style since he didn't know the extent of Chases injury's.

~Le Time skip.~
-Conan's POV-
I opened my eyes to see a white ceiling and blaring white lights, i looked around seeing a few beds and green curtains around the side of my bed.

"Am i dead." I whispered and sat up, my hand brushed something cold and plastic and i see a button. "Push the button." I taunt myself and suddenly blush. I sound crazy i mentally scream and push the button anyway.

After about a minute a maid rushed in and then ran out again... WAIT WHAT!

I was starting to panic when she came back with a woman with short black hair and a white long coat. Could she be the doctor.

"Well hello there, you are at the Harusai Manor. Home to business man Sajo Harusai and his son Hiro Harusai." The nurse said calmly and i sighed.

"Right great and i'm guessing that im here because a boy with black hair brought me here after saying our car crashed?" I asked holding my throbbing head.

The Nurse nodded impresses with my deduction skills, i mean i am Conan Edogawa or formerly known as Shinichi Kudo and expect child detective... what was that i turning into a narcissist.

"Yes your friend is with the young master in the tea room would you like to see him?" The nurse  question which dragged me out of my inner debate about being a narcissist.

"Um yes... if that ok." I say and she nods and grabs a wheelchair well looks like someone noticed the broken leg and lack of crutches.

The nurse picked me up and put me in the Wheelchair and started to push me the this maze of a house, until we came across 2 large well carved doors and the nurse knocked on it gently and a faint come in was heard. I straightened up when the nurse grabbed hold of the wheelchair handles and push me in to the what i presumed tea room.

I snapped back into reality as the doors closed and looked in front of me and saw a very worried looking Chase staring at a very expensive China cup full of tea, and a boy no older than 17 with spiky black hair with blond tips and piercing amber coloured eyes.

"Nurse Mai i see our little guest is awake and better." The boy said in a slightly happy voice.

"Yes Master Hiro he woke up with no problems and requested to see his friend." The nurse i now know as Mai said.

I looked at Chase with a pissed look cause he hadn't noticed me or anyone for that matter. I sighed and slowly slipped out the wheelchair, Mai and Hiro shot each other confused looks.

I held on the glass coffee table and made my way to Chase and stood in front of him, he still stared at his tea so i wobbled closer to him and put my face in his line of sight.

"Hey stranger, you finally gonna greet me... notice me senpai~" i laughed as Chase suddenly fell off the sofa with a squeal and some how managed to save the cup.

"Omg you're ok?" Chase question and hugged me and i just sighed and nodded my head and climbed in the sofa and looked at Hiro he gave me a warm smile which i returned.

"It's nice to see that you're awake bow if you don't mind i would like to know your names. My name is Hiro Harusai." Hiro said kindly and i smiled back.

"Hi thank you for helping me  my name is Conan Kudo and this is my cousin Chaz Edogawa." I said with a slight wave of nervousness hitting my body as i totally suck at fake names.

"Yes thank you Hiro for helping me and my cousin." Chase replied catching my lie.

"It was no problem i couldn't turn you and sweet Conan away." Hiro stated and suddenly felt like i was a prey in front of a  predator.

I am a Target for child predators or something like Hattori i'm ok with but everyone else not so much.

"Haha awe im not sweet." I say putting on my cute child facade and rubbing the back of my neck.

Oh Lord please give me strength i silently prayed and i saw an evil predatory glint flash through his eyes and i gulped.

Author: i know it has been so long sing i last posted and i really apologise it just im adjusting to my new college.

Conan:Author as long as u got out the chapter we good ok.

Author: Ok well see u next time bye my lovely readers.

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