And There She Is.

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Have you ever had one of those days where you just wished you stayed in bed? Yeah. Well I was having one of those days. One I get up this morning with my mom already on my ass about what a mistake I was. How I should have never been born. Yeah I got it mom you don't fucking want me. I know you tell me atleast twenty times a day. I got it. Then my oh so loving dad was next with a punch in the face and with the same loving story.

Then I get to school and the fucking teachers are on my ass. Okay the fight was my fault but everything else wasn't. It's not my fault Devon wanted to try and burn the school down. Hell I was trying to talk him out of it. That was going to far even for me. Or I didn't have my homework. I wasn't there yesterday to get our homework assignment. All day I had some teacher on my ass for something.

I was standing in the hall to long. I was on the bathroom to long. I bumped into a kid to hard. I was walking to fast, my hair was to black. Don't ask me. Or my piercings were showing. Well duh. They are on my face.

The only good thing about my day was my boss let me off work early. Yeah I work. I'm a mechanic at a local mechanic shop. Do my parents know? Hell no. If they did they'd take my checks away and blow it on dope or booze. So no they don't know. My boss keeps my money unless I need some. My parents think I'm out running the streets. So let them.

Then I caught my oh so loving 'girlfriend' in bed with some guy.

"What the hell?!" I yell at them. They fumble apart and she stares at me in shock.

"It's not what it looks like." she rushes out.

"Yeah it looked like your were riding him like a whore you are!" I fume walking out. I didn't want to hear it. Yeah that's what I get for going over there when I got off work. She's not what I'd really call a girlfriend. She's more of a booty call. We do hangout at school. Occasionally do the boyfriend girlfriend thing. I'd use the term loosely. She's head of the bitch squad. Head cheerleader and the badass. How fucking cliche? I know. Eh. She's a...was a good lay. I don't love her but I atleast thought she was faithful. Hell I was.

I heard rumors but rumors are just rumors. I don't believe it until I see it for myself or until that person tells me their version. Then my car was so nice enough to breakdown on me on the way home. I had to walk home thru the rich part of our town to get to my slum side of town.

So I started walking fuming mad just thinking. I really should of stayed in bed. Seriously. Or maybe I should just drop out of school and leave this town once and for all. It's not like anyone would miss me. I'm the schools bad boy and most hated guy around. I don't even know how the fuck I got that label. Sure I skip school a lot. I get into fights atleast once a day. I don't take people's bullshit. I'm in a bad mood a lot. Teachers hate me. Wait they loath me and I'm not sure why. It's not like I did anything to them. Maybe I cussed them out a few time or politely flipped them off when they were on my ass about something. That shouldn't earn a bad boy label should it?

How I got or had the preppy peppy bitchy head cheerleader is beyond me. I guess she wanted the school bad boy as a trophy. So school wouldn't miss me. My parents damn sure wouldn't. I was their ultimate mistake. I'm reminded daily. How does my favorite saying go? Oh right. 'Your nothing but a worthless stupid ass loser that will never amount to anything. I wish I never had you your nothing. Nothing but a mistake. One I wish I was dead'. Yeah I so love that one.

My own parents wishing me dead. Oh let's not forget the daily ass kickings I get. I've learned not to fight back. They get worse if I do. How do you think I learned to fight. When they first started when I was young I did take them. Everyday I took them. Then I got fed up and took a page out of his book. I started to fight back. I paid attention to his swings, his kicks. Each hit I watch. What else was I suppose to do? Close my eyes. Nah I'm observant if nothing.

So I started to swing back. To fight back. That's when they got worse. He started pulling out bottles hitting me them, knives stabbing me with them. Luckily none of them where deadly hits. Whatever he could get his hands on. He'd hit me with. So it just became easier and less painful if I just took the punches and kicks. I've been to school with gashes, black eyes, busted lips, bruises on my face. Broken ribs, arms. I think my jaw was broken once. Did anyone ever do anything about it? No. They just thought I had been in a fight. I had been. With my dad you assholes. I never did go to the hospital for any of it. Why would I? With my luck they'd call the cops then it would probably get ten times worse. Either I'd get stuck with my parents and the beatings would get worse. Or I'd be put in foster care with really fucked up people. No thanks.

As soon as I'm eighteen I'm out anyway. That's only a couple of months away. Then I graduate. I'm not sure why I want to graduate its not like I'm going to collage or anything. I love my job at the mechanics shop. I love being a mechanic. That's what I want to do.


Liquid running down my neck pulled me out of my thoughts. I lift my hand to my neck wiping it then bringing it back so I could see it. Purple. Purple paint.

"What the hell?!" I yell.


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