Chapter 4

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It's been about two weeks since then. We don't talk, we haven't even acknowledged each other. We've gone back to normal. Nicole is still trying to get me back. Who needs that shit? If I want a piece of ass that bad I'll just go find a one night stand.

"Party tonight." David tells me.

"Can't man." I lie. I can I just don't want too. One I have work in the morning. Two I don't want to deal with anyone.

"Why the hell not?"

"Busy." is all I say. When I say busy he thinks I'm getting lucky. Let him think whatever.

"Who's the lucky bitch?" he ask slapping me on the back.

"No one." I grunt glaring at him.

"Well when you remove your dick come join us." I just nod knowing I'm not going.

I get up from our lunch table heading for my next class. I'm in no mood to party. I just want to go home and sleep for the next month. I've had enough parties. Yes my parents throw parties. Drug parties anyway. You know how hard it is to sleep when they are throwing their stupid parties and you have school the next day?

It's bad enough I already have trouble sleeping. Oh let's not forget the beatings I have to wake up to in the middle of the night. He'll get pissed off at someone come up and take it out on me. Their his so called friends take it out on them. I don't know why I bother. I'd probably be better sleeping outside in our make shift dog house. Why do I even want to finish school? Because I'm stupid.

After school I go straight to work.

"My boy." John chirps greeting me at the door. Why he always calls me my boy is beyond my.

"Hey John."

"How was school?"

"School." I grunt walking past him. He chuckles shaking his head.

"Well I got a surprise for ya." he say grabbing my arm making me stop.

"Oh yeah. What? A diploma? Bunny? Pony?" I joke. He shakes his head opening the side door. I swear I squealed like a little girl causing him to laugh. Sitting there is a sleek black 1969 Dodge Charger. My cum in your pants dream car. "Can I fuck the shit out of her?" I joke seriously causing John to give a booming laugh. I walk thru the doors up to her. "Wait. Shit! Can I make slow passionate love to her?" I ask taking my hand slowly running it up the sides of her. Over her smooth curves.

"I don't think the owner will let you." John laughs.

"What the owner doesn't know won't hurt him. I'll even wipe the cum off." what? I'm not kidding. I freaking love this car. Hell I'd marry it. I'd even be willing to have its babies. John gives another booming laugh shaking his head.

"Needs knew brakes my boy. Get to work." he says chuckling walking back in the office.

I didn't waste time. I popped the hood and came. Yeah I know far cry from brakes but I had to look.

"John tell the owner he just lost his car! I'm marrying the girl tomorrow!" I yell. I heard him laugh. I groan shaking my head and got to work. I worked for I don't know how long on that car. I didn't just fix the brakes. I gave the baby a turn up. Check all oils, filters, belts. Replaced everything that needed to be replaced. The small stuff. I had John coming in every now and then checking on me shaking his head every time he saw me looking at something new.

When I was done I started her up and she purred and moaned. Just like I like my women. She sounded so damn hot I came again. She sounded tough and mean.

"Enjoying yourself?" came a voice from the door. I looked up and there she was again.

"Hell yeah." I chirped petting the steering wheel. Which is so not me.

"You umm might want to wipe the drool off your chin." she says. I do of course but theres nothing there.

"Haha. Tell me this isn't your car?" I groan. It just can't be. She crosses her arms over her chest.

"And why can't it be my car?" she huffs.

"Because no girl should ever own a fine ass piece of machinery as this." okay I'm a little sexist. Just a little though.

"I'll have you know this is a 1969 Dodge charger with a ....." then she goes on to tell me the specs of what this car has. Size motor, horsepower to the size of the tires it has. Everything. I just stared at her in shock. No girl I know knows all that.

"Wow. So you know cars?" I ask after I come out of my shock.

"Taught her everything she knows." Michael gloats coming into the garage.

"This is your car?" I ask. He nods smiling like a loon.

"Yep isn't she a beaut?"

"Yeah I decided we are getting married." I tell him. She rolls her eyes while Michael laughs.

"Sorry already have the marriage license." he tells me laughing.

"Come on man." I whine like a bitch. "Share."

"What the hell are you doing here dumbass?" my dad says walking in the garage with John. Uh oh. What the hell is he doing here? Think.

"Uh waiting on my friend to get his car fixed." I say quickly. I look at John pleading with him.

While she and Michael look at me weird.

"Boy you better not be working here!" he growls at me. Like I'm going to tell you.

"No just waiting."

"Why don't we go take a look at your car?" John ask trying to get him out of there.

"Why are you all greasy?" he ask ignoring John.

"We tried to fix it earlier but it didn't work. So we brought it up here." he's only asking because he wants my pay checks. And it will be a cold day in hell before I'll let him have them.

"Boy I don't care if your working but I want the pay checks. If I have to take care of your worthless ass then I want something in return." he growls at me.

"Yeah I know but you don't have to worry about it. As you so eloquently put it several times before. I'm worthless. So who would want to hire worthless ass such as myself? Huh?" I snap. I'm going to catch hell for that later if not now.

"Boy you mouthin off at me?" he growls taking a step closer.

"No stating a fact." I say shrugging.

"I'll see you at home." he says smiling with an evil glint in his eyes. He turns on his feet walking out the door.

John mouths sorry following him. I release a breath I don't realize I was holding. Yep I'm in for it now. And from the look in his eyes it's not going to be pretty. What's new? Why the fuck is he here anyway? Stupid lazy ass probably to get his car fixed. Why did he have to come to this garage. I thought I got far enough away so this wouldn't happen. Apparently not far enough away. Great. What if he shows up again? What the fuck do I do now? I can't lose this job.

"You alright?" she ask bringing me out of my thoughts.

"John will have your bill." I grunt turning on my heels walking out the back door.

John won't charge them for the extra work I done just the breaks. He'll take the extra out of my check. I don't do that often so he doesn't get mad when I do. That was for me.


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