Chapter 2

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I look around. Nothing. Nothing but trees and fancy houses. No noise but birds. A little bit of traffic but other than that nothing. I stand there like a fool. Don't ask me why. In shock I guess.

Where in the hell did purple pain come from? Just out of the damn blue. It had to come from somewhere. Right? But where?

I put my hand back in my shoulder. Great just fucking great. My leather jacket is ruined. Do you know how much this cost. I saved my hard earned cash for this. It's the only thing I can actually call mine. The car isn't I'm still paying for it.

"Come out come out wherever you are." I taunt in a well I think is a scary voice. "So I can beat the living shit out of you!" I finish with a growl. No I'm not a werewolf just really pissed. Nothing. Nothing but silence.

Then I hear it.

The rustling of leaves.

"Oh come on. You can throw paint at me ruin my jacket but I can't box you in the head just once? Doesn't really sound fair to me." I scoff. Then I hear a thump. I turn around and see her. I guess she jumps down from the tree.

The school nerd. She's nothing really. If I didn't know any better I'd think she was ten. She's that small. She wears those square looking glasses, ten year old clothes, baggie of course. She's the definition of nerd.

"I...I...I..I..I..I." she squeaks stuttering.

"Would you quit stuttering!" I yell. She does this eep jumping thing that made me want to laugh. "Care to explain?" I ask as thru gritted teeth holding my hand up so she could see. "Without the stuttering." I finish.

" umm...." she stutters rushing out fidgeting. I groan loudly.

"Without the umms." I growl. Yeah bad mood. Sue me later. I'll pay up. Not.

She takes a deep breath then let's it out. She then starts fidgeting again jumping from one foot to the other biting her lip darting her eyes anywhere but me. Like she's looking for someone to come save her. But says nothing.

"Do you seriously go around throwing paint on random people?!" I growl at her after a minute or two. She sighs heavily shaking her head. "Then why the hell did you throw it at me?" I ask calmly. She finally looks at me still biting her lip. Eat the damn thing already! I think to myself.

"It was an accident." she whispers looking ashamed.

"Accident? How do you accidentally nail someone in the back of the head with paint?!" I growl yet once again.

"I...I thought you were someone else." she whispers. I cock an eyebrow.

"So you were going to nail someone else with paint?" I ask in disbelief.

"Well yeah." she says lifting her hand showing me. In her hands are a couple of small medium size balloons. They are small but big enough to fit two in her small hand.

"And what are those?" I question calmly.

"Umm paint balloons?" she says in a question.

"Paint balloons."

"Yeah?" she says in a question again.

"Is that an answer or question?" I ask with a cocked eyebrow crossing my arms over my chest.

A...a..answer?" she stutters in a question yet again.

"Do you always answer a question with a question answer?"

"No." she finally says without it being a question shaking her head.

"So your out nailing random people with paint balloons?"

"No." I cock my eyebrow up waiting for further explanation. When she doesn't I press on.

"So it's just me. You thought you'd nail me in the back of the head and ruin my jacket?"

"Umm no?" she really does answer a question with question answers. It's kinda annoying. But kinda comical at the same time. She sighs heavily. "I was playing a game."

"A game?"

"Yes a game."

"I just got caught in the cross fire?"

"Umm yeah?" I don't know if I want to slap her or laugh at her. But me being an asshole I am I walk up to her take the two balloons out of her hand and smash them on her head.

She looks up at me in shock. Her face was priceless. It was between shock, panic and disbelief. What I didn't see were the others ones in her other hand until it was to late. I guess she put one in each hand stood on her tippy toes, raised her hands and smashed then into my cheeks. It was my turn to stare at her in shock.

Then she cracked a smile and ran around the tree. I just stood there. I wasn't sure wether to be pissed or laugh. Sneaky little shit isn't she?

"Dude no fair!" I hear her yell bringing me out of my debate. "I'm fixing to get my butt handed to me because I hit the wrong person! You just can't come up and bombard me!" she finishes still yelling. I'm still standing there like an idiot. Who the hell is she talking too? I see no one.

"Your going to do what?!" some guy growls at me stepping out from behind the tree. He's as big as me. A lot older. I cock an eyebrow crossing my arms over my chest.

"She did nail me and ruined my jacket." I inform him. I'm really not going to hit her. I have never hit a girl. Thank you very much.

"Dude it was an accident. Don't get your undies in a bunch. Besides well pay for it." he says. I just shake my head.

"It's all about the money with you bunch isn't it?" I say starting to walk away.

"Hey where you going?" she says coming up behind me.

"To jump off a bridge." I grunt still walking.

"It's just a jacket. No need to jump off a bridge over it." she says seriously. I stop turn my head to look at her like she's nuts.

"It's not about the jacket." I grunt and begin walking again.

"Well atleast let me..." she stops. "Hey! Stop for a second Mikey!" she yells then grabs my jacket stopping me. "Let me see if I can clean it off. I'm sorry." she says stepping in front of me.

"No." I say shaking my head. "It's okay." I say stepping around her walking away.

Then I'm hit again. I stop and turn around. She's standing there with an innocent look on her face. The guy Mikey is pointing at her smiling. He lifts up his hand showing some paint balloons smiling brightly. And with that I walk up to him taking them from him.

"Michael." he introduces himself.

"Tyler." I introduce myself taking off my jacket.

"Nuh uh." she says backing away putting her hands up in surrender.

"Oh yes." I snicker throwing one at her. That began a paint war between is three.


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