Chapter 3

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We just stayed out there until we ran out of balloons nailing each other with them. It took us a while too. They had four large boxes full of them. The boxes we the size of oh I don't know regular packing box I suppose. They held a lot of them balloons. They had just gotten started when I walked by.

By the time we were done there wasn't any place on us where paint wasn't caked up on us. Literally. We had atleast twenty layers of paint on us. We looked like rainbows. Purple, orange, white, black, green lime, green, red, pink, gold, blue. Yeah we were very colorful.

It took me all weekend to get it off of me and it still isn't out. I scrubbed, scrubbed and scrubbed again. I haven't seen her since then. Between living in a shower, working, working on my car, getting the hell beat out of me. There was no time.

Not like I expected to see her or him again anyway. Well her just at school but that's it. It's not like I made any long time friends that night. We didn't talk that much just taunted each other. I just had a blast. I don't think I ever had that much fun in my life. Their grass and trees around their property is very colorful now. Yeah it was her house that I walked by that night.

I'm dreading this morning. Monday morning. Not only did I have hear my parent vomit. I had to listen to Nicole's too. I know what she's going to do. I'm not stupid. Okay maybe I am but not that stupid. And she did exactly what I knew she'd do.

"Tyler I'm sorry." Nicole whines. She's trying to get me back after Friday. As soon as I walk thru the damn door there she was.

"No now leave me alone." I say pushing her away from me. Trying to walk away from her. Did she not get it? I ignored her calls, her text messages, her voice messages, her coming to MY house. All weekend. Stalker much? It's getting down right disturbing.

"Tyler I'm so sorry baby. Please." and here they come. The water works. "I made a mistake. Okay I'm sorry." she sobs. Mistake my ass. "I didn't mean too." I stopped in my tracks.

"Didn't mean too?" I ask in disbelief. She nods wiping her fake tears away. "What happen then? His dick just fell in? Or maybe you fell on his dick. Where you playing ring around the posey?" I gave a humorless laugh shaking my head. "Save it Nicole." I say walking away to my locker.

"Tyler!" she yells getting everyone's attention. Just like she wants. She's going to play the victim. "I'm sorry." she starts sobbing again. "I needed you and you weren't there. Your never there. I love you baby." she sobs walking up to my locker. Love. Ha. She loves no one but herself.

I might not have been going out with her for very long but I've known her my whole high school career. She's your everyday run of the mill high school self absorbed, self centered, narsasstic head cheerleader. Me, me, me, I, I, I. Those are her favorite words. Like I said we haven't dated very long. So how the hell can she be in love? I defiantly don't love her. She was just a good in bed.

"Tyler!" she yells at me bringing me out of my thoughts. I guess she's not liking me ignoring her. Huh? Who would have thought? Note the sarcasm there. "Tyler!" she yells again. "See never there. Even when your with me your not with me." she cries. I just nod an okay.

"Umm." I hear then a tap on my shoulder.

"What the hell do you want freak?" Nicole sneers at someone. I look over my shoulder and there she is. Looking nervous as hell. "Go away. Shoo nerd." see tears are all gone.

"Umm." she mutters biting her lip looking between me and Nicole. Nicole starts laughing her big ass off.

"Oh classic." she snickers. "You think he wants to talk to you? You think he even wants to be seen with the likes of you? Your nothing but a disgusting, worthless nerd. Like he would want anything to do with you. He's mine and will always be mine." she sneers. I turn my head to look at her.

"That's where your wrong Nicole. I don't want you either. Atleast with her I know she'd be faithful." I say grabbing her arm dragging her down the hall.

"Tyler!" Nicole screeches. "Tyler!" she screams over and over. I just continue walking ignoring her.

I push her into a empty class then lean against the door putting my head back closing my eyes.

"Ready to jump off that bridge?" she ask breaking the silence.

"Any second now." I groan rubbing my face with my hands.

"Well before you do. Maybe this will cheer you up." she says. I look at her and she's holding out a bag. I cock an eyebrow.

"You got a gun in there?" I ask with a little bit of hope.

"Umm no something better?" she questions. Again. Really?

"Aww a dead puppy. You shouldn't have." I joke. But she she didn't take it as a joke. She looks at me horrified. "Kidding. Sheesh." I take the bag from slowly opening it up.

"It won't bite you." she tells me.

"Why not everything else does." I grunt. I pull out the whatever it is and notice it my jacket. I look it over.

"You left it...."

"How did you get the paint off?" I ask cutting her off.

"I didn't." she says blushing. Why she's blushing? I don't know. "You left yours." she finishes.

"Yeah." I say slowly.

"I tried I did but it wouldn't come off." I nod.

"I figured as much but it doesn't explain....." I cut myself of when I notice the smell. It smells like brand new leather. I stare at her in shock. She sighs putting her hands behind her back looking nervous.

"Yeah umm we went shopping this weekend and I found it. So."

"You just found it. I took me forever to find this jacket." I say in disbelief.

"Umm well." she says scratching the back of her head. "It wasn't a normal store." she finishes. Ah that explains it. It was one of those rich specialty stores.

"Umm well thanks but you didn't have too."

"I know I just...I felt bad for hitting you and ruining it." I just nod not knowing really what to say. No one has bought me something like this and has never replaced anything the messed up of mine before. I not sure if I should take it or not. So I shove it back to her.

"Thanks but I can't."

"Umm yeah you can. I owe it to you. I ruined your other one." she says shoving it back to me. I didn't know what to say. Wether or not to take it. I look at her and it a couple of times shaking my head. "Please." she whispers. I gulp. "Please." she says again.

It's kinda hard to say no when shes giving me a look. The look that makes you think you killed her puppy dog and you got to make it better for her in some way. Just then the bell rings.

"Fine." I say with a sigh. "And thanks again." I say pushing myself off the door.

"Don't thank me I'm the one who ruined it." I just nod opening the door going out separate ways.


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