Chapter 14

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I spent the next three freaking weeks in the hospital. And I could wait to get out. After I actually stayed awake they piece everything together for me. Apparently a neighbor saw me coming out of my house covered in blood and call 911. The cops and ambulance arrived took both my parents in.

My dad was stupid or high enough to keep his clothes on and the knife beside him. So they arrested them both. My dad for attempted murder and for having a meth lab in the basement. That I swear I knew nothing about. No wonder my house smelt funny. My mom for accessory. So they got a butt load of charges stacked up against them. There's suppose to be a slew of charges that goes along with running a meth lab in your basement.

Anyway Apparently I kept calling Jesse's name when I was in the ambulance. When they got me to the hospital the emt told the nurse or whatever. Then they dug out my phone from wherever and called her. She then called John because she knew I was close to him. My injuries wasn't much. Multiple stab wounds, internal bleeding, a shattered shoulder blade. Which they fixed up and stopped but the thing they were worried about was the stab wound to my back. It was close to my spinal cord. They were afraid I was never going to walk again.

But after one week of physical therapy I proved them wrong. That's why I got stuck here so long. Since I was going to be on my own for a while. Yeah like they know me. My ass was going back to work once I got out of here. Well after my first stop. Anyway. I had to stay longer for my therapy. Which sucked but I did per Jesse's request. Well demand so I suffered. She bitched me up side and down the other when she found out my home life. Yeah I never told her. She didn't need to get involved but she was PISSED.

"What are you doing here?" Michael asked once he opened the door.

"Where is she?"

"Bedroom but aren't you suppose to be in the hospital?" he ask opening the door wider.

"Yeah I got out a day early." I tell him walking in.

"Jesse's going to kill you." he sings as we head up the stairs.

"I know." I chuckled.

"Well I'll leave you to your demise." he laughs going to his room.

They both been to the hospital everyday after school and homework. To say Jesse has been a little uh what the word for it. Motherly. I guess. Would be an understatement. She fought me at every turn. I had to take my meds. I had to do therapy. I had to eat. I had to do everything little thing they wanted me to do. And I did for Jesse.

I knock on her door hearing a come in I open it. And there she is. Sitting on her bed doing her homework. Always the nerd.

"Hey beautiful."

"What the hell are you doing here. Your suppose to be in the hospital. Get you ass back." we're the first words out of her mouth.

"It's only a day Jesse." I say walking up to her.

"A day you could be resting." she huffs.

"I've had enough rest." I say taking her books out of her hands laying them next to her.

"You need rest Tyler."

"I'd rest better with you beside me." I say pushing her on her back.

"Tyler." she says warningly.

"Yes." I say innocently covering her body with mine.

"Your a pain in the ass."

"And you have such a potty mouth." I snicker going for her neck. "But I love you anyway." I say kissing her neck.

"And for some odd ball reason. I love you too." she moans when I hit her sweet spot wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Mmm my sexy good looks." I mutter giving her a kiss on the neck. "My intellect." kiss. "My rocking body." I joke kissing her neck. "My bad boy appearance." kiss. I kept kissing her neck making my way up to lips.

Yeah we've had quite a few make out sessions hot make out sessions while I was in the hospital. We talked everything out. She knows I didn't cheat on her. It just hurt her actually seeing me with another girl. I understood that. I told her I felt like I had cheated on her. She told me not to worry about. She just doesn't ever want to see it again. She had no problem there. I wasn't going too. She was it for me. And I told her that too. She knows she has control of this relationship. I even told her that. If it was going to end. It was because she ended it. Not me. I didn't even realize how whipped I was until those words came out of my mouth. She laughed and called me a late bloomer because it takes me a while to figure things out.

I break the kiss kissing along her jaw and neck.

"Make love to me." she moans. I on the other hand froze. Nerd girl say what? "I said make love to me." she repeats.

"I said that out loud?" I mutter into her neck. She laughs nodding.

"Yeah." I lift my head to look at her. I put both my arms under her shoulders.

"You do know that we've only been together for three weeks now right?"


"Don't you think that's moving a little to fast?" she shakes her head no.

"No. Do you love me?" I give her a quick kiss.

"More than anything."

"You know I love you too right?"


"Then make love to me."

"Shouldn't your first time be Special? Romantic. Candles? You know the girly thing?"

"Your all I need to make it special."

"It's a big step Jess. What if it doesn't workout? You'll regret it."

"You doubting my skills on keeping my man?" she ask in disbelief. I chuckled shaking my head.

"No I don't doubt you for a minute."

"Then make love to me and it will workout."

"You know you don't have to do this. I'll wait as long as you need me to. I can do it."

"I know and I am ready. Make love to me."

"It'll hurt."

"I know."

"No Jess I mean it'll hurt. I'm not your average size." she gulps nodding. I'm not sure who I'm trying to talk out of this. Me or her. It's not that I don't want to because believe me I do.

"Don't you want me?" she ask hurt.

"Oh god Jess more than anything."

"Than make love to me." she says pressing her lips to mine.


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