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' after it all

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' after it all. '

★ ★ ★

[this is a lil something i wanted to write + add. it's kinda short but takes place a few weeks (like two or so) after georgie's disappearance! this is a short, kind of small part just to show how things began turning to- well... shit. anyway, i hope u all enjoy it. thank you so so so much for the votes and comments. even simply adding it to your reading lists'. it means a lot. more than you think. i appreciate it tons. and, if you have a story of your own, let me know and i'll make sure to add it to my library to read <3]

okay, bye!

★ ★ ★

THE WIND BLEW Verity's hair back harshly, nipping at her skin the faster she pedaled down the desolated streets of her neighborhood. She looked down at her watch, cursing when she saw the time.

Seven-forty-two. It was just forty-two minutes after curfew, but her parents always expected her home twenty minutes before seven o'clock. She cursed loudly once again, increasing her speed. When her house came into view, she let out a loud sigh of relief. Though being much, much earlier would've been more of a preferable relief.

The girl didn't even have time to push the breaks on her bike when her cat ran directly in front of her, getting in her way. She let out a shriek, the bike swaying side to side before it dipped over, sending her to the concrete with a loud thud.

"Shit, shit, fuck you, Harley!" she yelled at her cat, watching as it ran away to the opposite side of the street.

Frantically, she crouched down, shoving her contents, now spilled on the street, back into her bag. "I absolutely hate my life," she muttered with a grumble.

Sighing loudly, Verity arose, re-adjusting her backpack on her back. Just as she was picking her bike up from off the street, a voice startled her, "Dear, curfew was at seven. Are you alright?" Verity looked up, locking eyes with an old lady who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

Literally. She hadn't seen her whilst she was riding her bike or when she fell. Or as she had watched her cat run away. "I'm fine, thank you," Verity told the old woman, getting back on her bike.

"What's your name?" the old woman asked, standing directly in Verity's way, the smile on her face diminishing.

"Uh-" Verity struggled to say something as simple as her name when her stomach began turning uneasily. Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong.

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