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Chapter Seven: Preliminaries


Uchiha Sasuke


Yakushi Nao

Nao makes her way to the lower level, ready to start the match against the Uchiha.

She studies the boy in front of her curiously... he is the so called prodigy of the Uchiha clan after his brother, Itachi... That was the reason why Orochimaru-sensei wanted the young Uchiha so bad... and this fight will be the first step to kindling the fire of hatred that Sasuke holds towards his older brother.

"Well, hello Uchiha-san!" Nao says, giving a small bow. The Uchiha doesn't respond, just giving her a glare.

"Are both opponents ready?" The proctor, Hayate Gekko says, coughing slightly.

"Hai!" Nao says enthusiastically. Sasuke gives a small nod of acknowledgment.

"Ready, then let's have the first match begin!"

Nao gives Sasuke a sweet smile, "Well, Sasuke-san... you certaintly do not look like the prodigy of the Uchiha clan, ya know..." everyone watching the match gasps in suprise that someone would have the guts to say something like that to someone's face.

"Hn... What did you say...?" Sasuke questions, scowling and glaring.

"Huh? Oh, it just seems like you are really weak... I am sure that your parents must be super embarrassed of you right now," Nao says, feigning innocence.

Sasuke tries to activate his sharigan but flinches from the pain of the curse mark... He scowls angrily and runs toward Nao at such speed that was suprising for a meer genin.

He aims for a punch at Nao but she easily evades the attack. He throws multiple punches and kicks her way, but she easily blocked or evades them all... The young Uchiha growls, annoyed.

Nao lets out a soft tinkling laugh, "Can't you do better than that? How can you even call yourself an Uchiha!?" Nao says, jumping away.

Sasuke growls lowly, and runs at her again,  throwing punches and kicks, all to which Nao easily dodges.

"Awh, come on, Uchiha-san! You should just use the curse mark already!" Nao whispers in Sasuke's ear, she had somehow dissapeared and had reappeared behind the black haired genin.

She jumps away from him yet again, and again the Uchiha runs towards her, instead of dodging the punch like the last couple times Nao simply raises a hand and catches the punch, Gasps were heard from the rookie nine of Konoha, they were all suprised how easily Nao had caught the punch.

Nao smirks and gives the Uchiha a punch of her own, sending the poor boy across the room hitting the wall on the otherside.

"Awh, this is no fun... just give into it already!" Nao says, happily. Sasuke glares at her and uneasily stands up, a hand pressed against the wall for support.

"N-no, I will not," Sasuke growls, wiping the blood that was trickling down his chin from his mouth.

"Hmm...? No... huh, well that is too bad that you will have to go back on your word..." Nao says, smirking deviously.

Sasuke gowls out in annoyance and quickly thinks up a plan, he was going have to use a move from someone else... 

But before he could even put his plan to action, he was once again punched into the wall, "Come on! Just use it already! It was a gift you know..."

Sasuke smirks, once again leaning against the wall for support,  finally he gives into the curse mark. It takes over, weird black markings covering his whole body. Sakura gasps in suprise, it was just like how he was in the forest of death.

Nao giggles, "Well, I guess that you are a push over..." Nao says, Sasuke growls, his eyes looking demonic.

He seemingly dissapears and reappears in front of Nao, punching her right in the face. She flies back and hits the wall, Nao uneasily stands up, one hand pressed against the wall for support and the other on her face, inconspicuously healing the damage on her face... if it wasn't for her medical jutsu, the angered Uchiha would have broken her jaw.

Nao glares up at the Uchiha, and smirks, "Well, even when you are using the curse to your advantage you still punch like a girl," Nao says.

A couple hoots and "Ooh, kill 'em," comments were yelled out from the people watching... mostly from a hooded boy with red triangles on his face.

Sasuke doesn't respond, he just glares and growls, Nao giggles and right hooks him across the face. Sending the black haired genin across the room once again.

Orochimaru puts a hand up, the signal... Nao sighs and looks down, pouting that her fun was abruptly stopped, "Ah, well... I guess I forfeit!" Nao says, looking up at Hayate.

Sasuke and everyone else watches Nao confused as to why she would suddenly give up like that.

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