Time of the Week

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Chapter Fifteen: Time of the Week

Akira, the young blonde haired girl with odd red chakra rocks back and forth, mumbling under her breath... It wasn't unusual to see her in such a state, and some days she felt as if she has gone mad...

Her only company was a small, scruffed up pink stuffed rabbit... though there was that odd blind girl that would often times visit Akira...

Akira hugs the small pink rabbit closer to herself, she had been stuck in this specific cage like cell for about a month... this one was not as bad as the other ones that she had been in, this one didn't reek of urine and other reeking bodily fluids.

Akira had lived in the cells for almost her whole life, the young girl was unable to remember what life was like out of the cold, dark, and dank cells...

She couldn't remember the smell of freshly cut grass...

Nor the feeling of the sun against her skin...

And neither could she remember seeing the beauty of the world that awaits her...

Akira takes in a deep shuddering breath, snuggling into Usa-chan, her pink stuffed bunny a bit more, still rocking back and forth, it was the time again... the time that she had fretted over and dreaded every day....

It was the time of the week....

Every week the hen hito (hen hito is a direct translation of weird person... ) whom had brought Akira here into this cell takes her out and into another room...

This one was always lit with bright white light, inside the room was various weird looking tools, most of them the young girl wasn't too sure what the use was.

Every week the hen hito, whose name was Orochimaru, if Akira had remembered correctly did different things to her, sometimes injecting weirdly colored liquids into her arms or sometimes putting her to sleep on a bed that was placed in the middle of the room...

Going to sleep wasn't so bad, the young girl didn't feel any pain until afterwards, but what she was scared about the most was that she didn't know what the weird man did to her while she slept.

It wasn't until a month ago that her chakra had felt weird... different, it was after she had woken up in her room after the hen hito had knocked her out... usually her chakra was quiet and subdued... but lately it felt like it was another creature on it's own... as if it had a mind...

That in itself scared the young blonde haired girl... But then, the next week the hen hito had knocked her out once again and done some more unkown things about her...

The weirdest, and scariest thing was, that when she woke up she sneezed, and though sneezing in itself is not an odd accurance, what had excaped from her mouth shocked the young blonde.

A plume of smoke had excaped from her nose while a small bit of flames came from her mouth and danced in the air, quickly dissapearing from the dark dank cell moments after.

Curious, Akira expiremented with herself a bit, and the young girl figured out that she could create small jets of flames from her mouth without the need to sneeze...

And though it was a common enough accurance for ninja to be able to create fire from there mouth, Akira had done no handsigns and it was accidental the first few times...

The only conclusion the young girl could think of was that her new powers that she now attains, was the result of the hen hito...

The old rusted cell doors open with a slight creak, Akira pauses in her rocking and glances up, involuntarily shuddering when her wide innocent brown eyes meets with purple framed yellow ones...

Orochimaru turns around, expecting the young girl to follow him, meekly the young girl, Akira obeys the unspoken command and follows closely behind the snake sannin.

She stumbles every other step or so, Akira hasn't walked a long distance since the last time the henhito had taken Akira out of the dark prison cell, which was exactly a week ago.


Nao frowns, pacing back and forth in her small room, trying to figure out what exactly Orochimaru was planning...

Did the snake sannin know that his former teammate, Jiraiya was in the area?

Did he know that the family was just average citizens with only one ninja family member?

Did he know that there was a huge possibility of Nao getting caught?

Did Orochimaru-sensei know all that and still made Nao-chan go?


The young black haired teen freezes in her pacing, shaking her head... maybe Orochimaru was more than she thought...

Does he even strive for peace like he claims he does...? Nao does not know anymore... The poor girl was confused out of her mind, what if she was on the worng side like Naruto so forcefully claims...?

Nao sighs and excapes from the confines of her room, steering clear from all other chakra signal, for once not in the mood to be social. Walking outside Nao breathes in the frigid yet fresh air, winter was coming soon... Sighing Nao closes her eyes, missing the fact that she was unable to see the beauty of the world that she had once taken granted of.

A soft thud jolts Nao out of her thoughts, stiffening the young teen doesn't turn around to speak with the boy who just landed behind her.

"Nao..." the boy says, his dark eyes glaring at the back of the girl's head.

"Ne, what do you want Uchiha-san?" Nao asks, slowly turning around to face the younger boy before her.

"What was Orochimaru talking about when he mentioned your origins," Sasuke says, still glaring at the teen before him, slightly disturbed about the blank unresponisive gray eyes of Nao's. The former spy made no move to cover her eyes, stating that there was no need to hide herself as if she was embarressed about her blindness.

"My origins?" Nao questions, tilting her head slightly, confused as to what he ment, "What do you mean, Uchiha-san?"

"I ment, what is your clan name?" Sasuke says, slowly drawling out each syllable as if Nao was deaf in stead of blind.

"My family name, Uchiha-san... you do know that I was an orphan when I was younger and adopted the name of Yakushi..." Nao says, still slightly confused, hoping that the young boy did not know about her true heritage.

"Cut to the chase, Nao... Orochimaru had already told me about your true last names, Hyuuga and Uchiha... I had just wanted to heat it from the horse's mouth," Sasuke says, giving a sly look in Nao's direction.

Nao sighs in consent and shrugs her shoulders slighty, "Alright, so what if I am an Uchiha and Hyuuga... it is not like I could use either of the kekkei genkais."

Sasuke finally drops his glare from Nao, looking off into the awfully quiet woods that surrounded the hideout, "It was odd to find out that there really was another one of my clansmen still alive- even if she could not use her sharigan... though it's not like it was often that females in my clan enherited the sharigan anyway."

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