Mission Complete

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Chapter Fourteen: Mission Complete


The toad sage glances at his short, blonde haired companion whom was staring out the windows of the inn, a frown almost written on his lips...

Whatever the young boy was thinking about so hard must have to be a big one for the boy to put in so much thought.

"You know, Naruto... Whatever you must be thinking so hard about, in the end everything turns out just right," Jiraiya says, gently placing a hand ontop Naruto's shoulder.

Naruto glances up at Jiraiya, a small smile flitting across his face,  "do you remember the young girl that was with Orochimaru?"

Jiraiya frowns for a moment, then snaps his fingers in recognition, "... Yakushi Nao, right? The one that had bandages last time we saw her?"

Naruto nods, "Yes, I saw her at a ramen stand that I had stopped by to eat at... she's blind, ya know."

"Hmm, is that so? I wonder what she is doing at a village like this... hmm, maybe she has to do with that recent murder..." Jiraiya says, pondering outloud.

"A murder!? Nao-chan would never murder an innocent person, Pervy Sage!" Naruto says, standing up and pointing in his sensei's direction.

"... I wouldn't be so sure about that, Naruto... she seems a lot more formidable than I had originally thought..." Jiraiya says, frowning down at Naruto.

"Now, come on, there is a new move that I want to teach you."


Nao pauses once she senses the two familiar chakra signals moving her way, the village, Yukigakure was hard to concentrate in and keep track of all the different people...

Nao breifly wonders how much harder it would be for her to concentrate in a busy village like Konoha, Yukigakure seemed to pale in comparison of how busy it is...

The two chakra signals keeps moving her way, finally making a decision Nao leaps to a nearby rooftop, crouching low, hoping that she couldn't be seen.

Thankfully the two people pass by, only pausing a second in front of Nao- as to which Nao was about to have a heart attack, before moving on the two were just arguing about a recent murder victim...

About a man named Yuuki Samumarui... the man whom had met the unfortunate end with Nao's kunai... Nao frowns, hoping that the two would not poke their noses in other's business...

Because if they did, things could possibly become a little bit tricky. Nao pulls up her hood of the jacket, frowning in concentration she locates the last three Samumarui chakra signals...

It's about time to complete the mission... Nao thought,  a small feeling of dreading lead seems to appear in her stomach at the prospect of killing more people... but if they are a danger to society, like Orochimaru-sensei had said, then surely it would have been okay to eliminate them... right?


Two children run around a tree, their laughter tinkling in the air as they chase after each other, their mother whatching them both with a small smile playing across her lips, none of them knew that this sunny and happy aura could dissapear in a few mere seconds.

A dark figure appears behind a red brick building not too far off from the laughing group, a kunai in hand. Eyebrows furrowed, a frown in place, trying to make sense of the happy group not even twenty meters ahead of her.

Nao frowns confusion written across her face, there could have been no way that the happy family in front of her could be the Samumarui family that she was told to eliminate... but if Orochimaru-sensei said they are a danger, then surely.... surely they must be...

Nao gives a barely reconizable nod of her head, her decision finale, taking two steps foward, kunai in hand, Nao leaps into the air, towards the strongest chakra signal... a signal of the average full grown citizen.

Nao easily kills the woman, but it wasn't quite a clean kill, blood splurting everywhere. Ever since Nao had lost her eyesight her kills were still not as on point as they used to be, but they have improved ever since Orochimaru's last experiment.

The woman lets out a small scream of horror, as to which her children turn around, game forgotten, horror written clearly across their faces. Nao pulls out the kunai from their mother's chest and walks forward to the two children. The two girls back away, their identical blue eye wide in horror, small gasps of breath excaping them as they watch the dark clad figure aproach them.

Usually Nao seemed like an easily approachable person, but for this mission she was dressed in a long black cloak with a hood pulled up over Nao's head, hiding her face, she looked much like one would say as to the grim reaper.


A short scream of horror and fear could be heard not too far away from where a certain blonde haired ninja was training on a new jutsu. Naruto pauses, glancing up to where his teacher was whom was peeking through the bushes to a hotsprings, the goofy smile on his face dissapearing into a concerned frown.

"Pervy sage, what was that!?" Naruto asks, shooting a worried look to the general area where the sound had originally came from.

Jiraya frowns, a loud high pitched giggle excapes from the women side of the hotsprings and Naruto's perverted sensei turns his attention to the relaxing women. Naruto frowns and leaps into the trees, eager to find out what the noise was about, his curiousity almost seems to kill him.  


Nao pauses as she senses a familiar chakra coming away, a frown working onto her hidden face, he was coming way too fast to run away... besides, Nao was in dire need to finish the mission...

In a split second Nao threw two kunai, aiming for direct kills towards the two shuddering little girl. But before the deadly weapons could reach the two it was blocked... but not from who Nao had originally thought it was, but there stood, in front of Nao... a frown working upon his face, was Kabuto.

"Huh!? Kabuto-nii, what are you doing here!?" Nao asks,  ignoring the two girls who ran the opposite direction, tripping over their untied shoelaces in a hurry to get away from their near death experience.

Kabuto frowns, "Nao-chan, you have already completed the mission... there is no need to kill the Samumarui girls... you have completed the mission."

Nao lets the kunai slip from her hand, a breathy sigh of relief excaping her parted lips.


Orochimaru growls in barely hidden anger... Kabuto had came back faster than he had thought and foiled his plans...

Though the young Yakushi boy was loyal to the snake sannin, he still would stop at nothing for the safety of his so called younger sister...


So I have been doing some research... and had found out that Misashi Kishimoto (the author of Naruto) said that a child of the Hyuga clan and Uchiha clan would have the byakugan in one eye and the sharigan in the other...

Buuuuuut.... even though Nao-chan is a member of both, Orochimaru, the bastard did mess around with poor Nao-chan's eyes...

I had also found out that there has only been one female that had obtained the sharigan, Naori Uchiha...  it is complete coincidence that Nao's name sounds so alike...

Aaaaaaand... I have no idea why I am telling you all this but... whatever...

Anyways.... I was thinking of making a new Naruto fanfiction.... one where Minato's sister gets sealed inside of Naruto along with the Kyuubi... if anyone thinks it's a good idea, please do tell me ^^...

Twenty votes and a couple comments that are longer than a few words then I'll update again, kay?

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