The Pursue Team

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Chapter 16: The Pursue Team

In the dark of night a figure crouches down, hidden in between the shrubs and bushes of a heavily dense forest the figure is undetectabe. A few feet away a group of former experiments party, celebrating the fact that they had finally gotten away from the clutches of an evil man, Orochimaru.

The group was awfuly drunk, empty bottles of sake (japanese rice wine (alchohol)) littering across the ground of the clearing that they had demed safe enough for a camp not four hours ago. The figure shifts from their spot from behind the bushes, studying each man carefully.

There was a total of seven of them, it alone was amazing that even one of them had managed to excape from the heavy security hideouts, let alone all seven of them. Though the report did state that the whole hideut had revolted, ending with over half of the experiments dead, around five hundred, the other three hundred or so experiments had given the white flag, surrendering. Nearly ten of those experiments had managed to excape.

Those ten, or now seven had thought they were safe from Orochimaru's clutches and had decided to throw a party, not that smart on their part...The figure nodded, deciding it was finally time to act out.

Shining in the figure's hands was six needles, three clutched in each hand. With a practiced flick of the wrist each of the needles flew to their destinations. Five of the drunk men slump to the ground, in a deathike state, long needle sticking to their necks.

One of the men struggles to his feet, not as drunk as the others and more aware, he had managed to dodge the needle. The other man was simply not targetted, for he was already passed out, laying next to the campfire face first into the dirt.

The figure sends a few more needles in the direction of the last standing experiment, but the man had easily dodged all of the flying projectiles with ease.

"You'll need a bit more than that to get me!" The excaped experiments states feining confidence, but though his voice had given away the true way the man felt, for his voice had wavered slightly.

The figure frowns in slight fustration and leaps from her spot from behind the shrubs into the clearing, landing a few feet from the expirement.

"Nao-san, I shouldn't be suprised that Orochimaru had sent you," the expirement exclaims, easily reconising the black hair and blank milky white eyes of the former spy, one of two of Orochimaru's right hand men.

"Hello, if you come back with no fighting, Orochimaru-sensei just might be kind enough to excuse you of this little... mishap," Nao says not reconising the man before her, but it was not such an odd accurence for many of Orochimaru's subodinance know who exactly Nao is.

"No! No way am I coming back to that hell hole! You have no idea how horrible it is living in a place like that! I'd rather die," the man exclaims, if you could stil call him a man that is.

His skin was an oddish pale green green color, that wasn't the oddest thing abut him, the oddest thing was the fact that on his back was an enormous pink flower, not that Nao coud see any of this anyway. Though through her mind's eye she saw the oddest thing, it seemed as if the flower was quite iterally fgrowing out of the man's back, almost like a tail. His chakra going through the tail-like flower seemed to almost have a mind of it's own, it was the oddest sight that Nao had seen... err saw through her mind's eye.

"Orochimaru-sensei had ordered me to either bring you all back, or to have you--" Nao pauses in what she was saying, no longer paying attetion to the half man half plat before her, her head tilted in the Southwest, reconising the chakra signals, they were at the Chunin exams in Konoha.

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