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(By the way, the word sake is Japanese, so the "e" is pronounced)

Chapter 17: Sake (sa•kē)

Birds tweet into the cool morning air, a gently breeze flowing through the trees, rays of laughterfilled sunshine excape through the clouds above landing on the dew covered grass below. Through all of nature's beauty in a small yet cozy cabin are two sleeping woman, one of those two snoring louder than a foghorn, the other taking short yet shaky breaths, as if she was going through some kind of nightmare.

The younger girl, her once neatly pulled back black hair now undone and all over the place wakes up with a start, her breathing harsh. The girl, Nao winces in pain as she stuggles to even move, noting that the stab wound on her stomach was wrapped, somewhat unproffessionally, yet still wrapped in tight white bandages.

Nao wonders where she was, all she remembered was the team of ninja, her excape from them, and then... nothing. She was in a small room, laying on a futon (a japanese bed mat that is on the floor, considered extremely rude if stepped upon or over), the room itself was only filled with one other occupant, the figure was on it's side, facing the wall.

Nao checks the chakra, noting the fact that it was not strong enough to be any kind of ninja. The chakra not only weak but disorganized, not unlike the type of chakra one would find in an unruly, wild dog.

Slowly the former spy manages to sit up, gasping for breath in the end, her uninjured arm wrapped around her stomach, medical ninutsu glowing green.

Nao only managed to heal herself halfway before she had to stop, it was not the same to heal yourself as it is when one is healing someone else, it is almost like inhaling the air that was previously exhaled, after a certain point it is not enough and need some outside influence.

Nao leans her back against the cool wall, closing her eyes tightly, if one did not know better one would assume that the girl was asleep, but it was quite the opposite, Nao was searching for any chakra signatures in a ten kilometer radius.

All she found was a small townfull of people, no one she reconised, not even the chakra signals that she had fought with last time Nao was up and about, it seemed that they had fled while they still could. All of them weak, nonshinobi.

The figure in the other futon shifts uncomfortably, a loud groan excaping her parted chapped lips. The woman rolls over, onto her back, her arm covering her face.

The woman slowly sits up, her hair looking much like a rat's nest, dried drool trailing from the corner of her bottom lip to her chin. "Ugh... I really shouldn't stay up so late," the woman states, scratching her head, messing up her hair even more.

Slowly she opens her eyes, at first confused as to why there was a girl in her house, then remembers. She studies the other woman, the black hair, slighty tanned skin, closed eyes framed by thick black lashes.

She could be no older than thirteen, the small frame is one much like a child's, the face shape still attaining much baby fat. The teens shifts and slowly opens her eyes, the middle aged woman gasps and moves to feign sleep, not wanting to be caught in the act of watching someone sleeps.

But she stops, catching sight of the stunning unfocused steel grey eyes, a milky white veil over it- the girl was blind.

The middle aged woman gets up from the futon, leaving the blanket she had been using in an unruly mess. The whole room was a mess, random clothes littered across the floor, empty bottles of sake hidden underneath, there was an unidentified moldy... thing on a plate that layed ontop of the windowsill, it was so disturbing that even the rats who often scurried underfoot in the cabin were too intimidated of the fuzzy green thing so that it was never touched. 

Nao struggles to stand, the wound on her side sending stabbing white hot pain through her body, so much that she simply gave up on standing at the moment.

"Where," Nao pauses, her voice thick with sleep, almost incoherent, she clears her throat and tries again, "where am I?"

"Huh? Oh... Uh, my home... I'd found ya in the woods, t'was gonna leave ya there but there t'was that wound," the woman says, slowly moving across the cabin, it only had one room, the two futon in the corner of the room, across from it is a small table, ment for only one person. The kitchen is in shambles, even though it had a perfectly working stovetop and refridgreator, the place was a mess.

"May I ask, but what is your name, Ma'am?" Nao asks, her face tilted in the direction of the woman who had brought her to the cabin.

"My name...? Eh, oh it's Fueno, what's yours?"


Nao stayed with Fueno for a couple days, the wound in her side slowly healing itself, Nao was now able to walk, the wound only causing pain if only it was banged against something.

Nao was reluctant to return home, it was calming at Fueno's cabin, sure it was extremely messy, but it was quiet, the morning songs that the birds would sing at daybreak would filter through the lone window of the cabin.

Thoughout that time Nao cleaned up the cabin, first starting in the kitchen, easily cooking something eadible to eat for both herself and Fueno. The woman could "not cook ta save yer life from a mass of behevianas," as the woman herself had put it.

And whatever the hell was 'behevianas!?'

Nao folded the clothes, throwing away the empty bottles of sake, respecting Fueno's privacy as she respected Nao's reasons. Although Fueno had halfheartedly tried to stop Nao from cleaning, the young girl would just smile happily stating that she had not minded.

Fueno had never question as to how Nao had been injured, though if Nao could remember correctly, she had thought she heard Fueno mumbling about Nao being a prostitute and how men had no thoughts abut how they affected everyone in the world and how they were selfish old pricks, all of them... or so that's what Nao thought she heard....

Fueno herself was an odd woman, she was no older than forty five years of age, every minute of the day you would find her in the presence of a sake bottle- despite that fact she looked fairly young for her age. She would always stay up late at night and not wake up until the sun was well over risen.

She was a messy woman- as it was obvious throughout her cabin, and didn't seem to have one cooking bone in her body. And late at night, in her dreams Fueno would often times call out for someone named Chiimaru, saying things about don't doing something or other...

Nao liked Fueno, ignoring all of the reasons to leave the cabin, finding the woman slightly endearing, Fueno herself had grown attached to Nao.

Nao herself seemed like a weird child, for one thing she was blind, that itself was not that much of a weird thing, just the fact that it was obvious she was not born blind, but no scar was visible to show how Nao had become blind.

Then there was the fact that when Fueno had found Nao, the young girl was passed out in the forest where anyone rarely walks nowadays.

Fueno had a sneaking suspicion that Nao was not the prostitute that she had originally suspected, but something even worse- a ninja.

The older woman shrugs off the thought pushing it out of her mind, much like she does with everything nowadays, not that Fueno was scared- no the exact opposite really, she just no longer cared. Fueno deemed herself to have lived a long prosperous life, and that if the Nao girl will bring trouble her way, then she would welcome it with open arms, for she was tired of existing in the world of the living, wanting to fade into the world of nonexistance, but not really ready to give up her precious sake just yet.


Eh, okay... I think I'm going to have two parts to my story, can't decide if it should be in the same book, or I should just create a sequel... Eh, I dunno, anyway, I'm not going to update till I get some feedback (it makes me feel good that someone who is reading this awful to goodness story stops and tell me a few things about it) I honestly don't care whether or not if you are pointing out all my mistakes or what, but please do comment! ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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