Off White Bandages

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Chapter Twelve: Off White Bandages


Nao concentrates on the chakra around her, making sure that no one around.

Taking a few steps forward, Nao pauses once again. It was the middle of the night, the only thing that could be heard was Nao's inconsistent footsteps, and a small humming sound.

Finally Nao pinpoints the semi-familiar odd chakra colored girl. Nao smiles happily and starts to run in the direction of both the humming and red chakra, her hand trailing behind her, brushing against the cold stone walls of the hide out.

Nao stops about three meters away from the chakra, "Hello, Aki-chan!"

The humming stops as the young girl peers up in the dimlight as she spots the semi-familiar black haired girl. Though they have only known each other for about a week, the have become quite close friends.

Though Nao did not quite know what Orochimaru had experimented with the young blonde haired girl, she didn't really care.

Nao told Akira many things from her friend Naruto to her dream, stating that she would go to any lengths to complete it...

"I have brought you a little something, Aki-chan!" Nao says happily, holding up a couple sticks of dango.

Akira gasps as she focuses on the multi-colored balls of sweet goodness, "Dangos!"

Nao giggles and sticks the dangos through the bars of the cell that Akira was in, quickly Akira snatches the Dangos from Nao's hands.

Quickly gobbling up the first two sticks, the young blonde haired girl slows down on the third and last one, savoring the sweet taste, her eyes closed, a small smile across her lips.

Nao smiles happily and sits down in front of Akira's cell, "You could never guess what I did today, Aki-chan! "

Akira pauses, curiousity flitting across her face, "What did you do??"

Nao laughs happily, "Guess!"

"Awh! But you said I would never guess!" Akira says, gobbling up the last of the dango.

"Oh... okay, so Kabuto-nii and I were cooking, and then I accidentally tripped and the batter that I had flew and hit Kabuto-nii!"

Akira, scrunches up her face, imagining the white haired ninja covered in gooey, stickey, cake batter. She giggles at the thought, she never liked the ninja, though she was too scared to tell Nao why.

"Hn... Nao, what are you doing here?" A deep, irritated voice asks.

Nao jumps, she had been so focused on her conversation with Akira that she wasn't really in tune with the chakra signitures.

"Oh! Konichiwa, Uchiha-san!" Nao says, hiding her shock easily, "demo, why didn't you use an honorific?" (in the japanese culture to show respect, they would add the honorific to the end of one's name. Like '-san' '-chan' '-kun' '-sama'... ect))

Sasuke snorts, "No need, I do not respect you."

Nao pouts, Akira frowns, "Oi! (hey!), that is not nice!" the young blonde haired girl yells, standing up, pink bunny clutched to her chest, index finger pointed at the black haired missing ninja.

The young Uchiha scoffs, and looks at the cell which the little girl inhabits, "Tch, you are just an experiment..."

"Ne, Uchiha-san... don't you think you are being a bit harsh?" Nao asks, standing up from her spot on the cold stone floors.

Sasuke just snorts again, and Akira giggles, "Ne, Hen-san (hen- a japanese word for weird) if you keep on snorting I wouldn't be suprised if you are in the year of the pig, you know... the chinese zodiac?"

Nao pauses thinking about what Akira was implying and burst into laughter,  soon Akira joined in. Sasuke growls under his breath, something about idiotic, annoying blondes.

"Hn, Orochimaru had told me to find you, Nao... he says it is time for your results."

Nao gasps, hands flitting over her mouth remembering, "Eek! I need to go, ja ne Aki-chan! (see you, Aki-chan!)" Nao says, already running off to the familiar chakra signitures of Kabuto and Orochimaru.

Sasuke glares at the small girl in the cell, the young five year old simply sticks out her tongue and pulls down her eye, letting out a little mocking "ne."

The black haired Uchiha once again snorts and walks off in the same direction that Nao had ran off to.


Nao fidgets with the familiar cold surface of the kunai in her hands, though she doesn't mean to show it, she is nervous. Orochimaru calmly unravels the off white bandages from around Nao's eyes.

With the last peice of the bandage Orochimaru steps back, a sinister grin upon his face. Kabuto gently takes the kunai from Nao's hold and gently squeezes the hand in reassurance.

Nao's eyes are closed shut, she lets out a long awaited breath and slowly opens them, not sure what to expect.

But all she was met with...

Was just the same thing she had saw for the last momth amd a half...

Just plain old...


Dark inkiness of the blackness...

Nao trembles, realizing that the operation had not succeeded... amnd that she is, blind...


Kabuto sighs as he watches Nao's blank grey eyes, already knowing the outcome of the surgery. Orochimaru frowns in dissapointment and leaves the room, shouldering past a glaring Sasuke.

"Hn, so the operation didn't work...? " Sasuke asks, Nao shakes her head sadly.

"Ne, Kabuto-nii do you think Orochimaru will no longer let me do mission because of my disability and being a failed experiment?" Kabuto quickly shakes his head, then after a moments hesitation he realizes his mistake.

"Of course not, Nao-chan... you have been perfectly fine for almost two months without the use of eyesight... so why should it matter now?" Kabuto says calmly, laying a comforting hand upon Nao's shoulder.

Lip quivering, Nao turns towards Kabuto aand clings onto him, sobs racking her body, "B-but Kabuto-nii! All I am now is just another failed experiment... nothing more!"

Kabuto sighs and calmly pats Nao's back, rubbing slow circles, the younge girl calms down, eyes red from crying, hair in an unkempt mess.

Just before Nao falls asleep, Kabuto whispers a few loving words into her ears, "No worries, Nao-chan... to me you will always be more than a failed experiment, you will always be my imouto(little sister)..."

"... And as your aniki (older brother) I will always love you, Nao-chan."


Eek! Sorry for the ooc Kabuto, but I just wanted to show you guys that Kabuto isn't just a crazy-old, glasses-wearing, Orochimaru slave-person, but rather that he has a soft side...


Anyway, I know it isn't that high... but this story had just reached #910 in the action list... when I had first started writing I had never knew that any of my stories would be getting this much attention... soo, arigato gozaimasu!!

Soo, I have other fanfictions that has been up for over a month now and hasn't even recieved one vote yet... so can you guys go show them some love??

Anyway, fifteen votes and a couple comments... kay?

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