First Steps PART II

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Natsu POV

Circumstances seemed to be conspiring to keep my sexual temperature elevated, all in the first few days after my 18th birthday, Lucy  and I were talking in her room, with the door open. Her room was at the end of the hall on one side; mine was just up the hall from, hers. Mom and Jude shared the master bedroom, which was next to Lucy's, on the other side of the hall.

During a pause in our conversation, we heard a *click* as the door to our parents' room was locked, from the inside. Lucy and I looked at each other. "Really?" she asked in a low voice, of no one in particular. Then, grabbing me by the arm, she took me over by the bedroom door, and the two of us sat on the floor, on either side of the door to the master bedroom. "This could be fun," i giggled, quietly.

From the other side of the door, we could hear mom giggling, intermixed with a few exclamations of surprise, and 'Ooohs'. Before long, the sounds had morphed into purrs and moans and groans. Lucy and I grinned at each other mischievously.

After the moans and groans went on for a while, we heard mom say something. I couldn't quite make it out, so I leaned over to lucy. "What'd she say?" I whispered.

Kelly was wide-eyed, and could barely contain herself. "She said, 'Put it in me!'"

My eyes got wide with the realization that we were really and truly listening in on our parents having sex -- that Mom was telling jude to put his penis into her. From behind the door, the moaning and groaning took on a more rhythmic character, accompanied by the faint sound of squeaking bedsprings.

Lucy slid over to where I was sitting, positioning herself in front of me, facing away from me. She had a far-away look on her face now, as she wrapped my arms around herself. As we continued to listen in on the rhythmic sexual sounds from behind the door, she moved my hands to cover her breasts, and instinctively, I began to caress and fondle them, kneading the soft, firm flesh through her bra and shirt. It didn't immediately occur to me, caught up as we both were in the erotic excitement of the situation, but I had never felt such big boobs before. Once I did realize it, I was nearly overcome with the wonderful sensation of lucy's full, firm young breasts, and I squeezed them with great relish. As I did, I could feel my penis swelling, straining to find room for itself inside my pants, and I instinctively ground it against lucy's backside.

The sounds from behind the door were getting more intense, and soon we heard Michelle, no longer able to keep her voice quiet, emit a long, tremulous wail. "Ooooooh, God!" she cried. "Ooooooh, God! Yes! Oh, yes!" And then we heard Dad make a loud grunt, as Michelle whimpered, "Oh, yeah, baby. . . you're coming in me. . . give me your cum. . . oh, yeah. . ."

Hearing that, I very nearly came myself.

Lucy stood up quickly, and pulled me up after her. "Come on," she whispered. "They're pretty much done. We don't want 'em to catch us here." So we went to a spot in the other end of the house, and when our parents emerged from their bedroom, clad in their flannel PJ's, we smiled sweetly at them, like we'd been there the whole time.


Lucy and I held onto the excitement of listening in on our parents for a few weeks afterward. We even got to repeat it a couple times. And each time, we ended with me feeling Lucy's boobs outside her clothes, grinding my erection against her butt.

A couple weeks later, mom and Jude  had to go to a wedding out of town, which Lucy and I weren't invited to, so the two of us had to stay home alone together. Aiming to keep us 'out of trouble', they assigned us the job of cleaning the attic while they were gone. Of course, we promised to be good, and to clean up our drunken party before they got home. They laughed at our lame little joke (more nervously than they really needed to, I thought), hugged us, then got in the car and left.

For lack of anything better to do, lucy and I decided to just head up to the attic and get started on our 'chore'. The attic was a mess, and we spent nearly an hour just trying to get things cleaned up enough to move around and get organized. Once we could move around more freely, we could talk more easily. At first, we were just forming our plan for how we were going to organize things, but before long, we were talking more casually.

"What do you think about listening to your mom and my dad having sex?" Lucy asked. "Isn't it cool?"

I chuckled nervously. "I can't believe they don't know we're doing it!"

"Yeah, but we sure know that they're doing it!"

We both laughed.


Natsu continued, more earnestly now. "Have you ever had sex, Lucy?"

I looked at him. incredulously. "I can barely say three words to a guy, besides you, Natsu Um. . . no; I've never had sex. But I bet you have, right?"

Natsu seemed genuinely hurt. "Do you think that, because I'm popular, that I'm some kind of slut?"

"Uh, no, that's not what I meant at all," I backpedaled. "I'm sorry, I. . ."

"That's okay," he said, with a soft smile. "It's not like there's no reason to think that. Lots of my friends have. But just for the record -- no, I've never had sex, either."

I smiled to myself, pleased with his answer, though it shouldn't really have mattered to me.

I piped up and continued. "But my dad thinks I must be having sex; she's had me on The Pill for two years. Isn't that weird -- a virgin on The Pill?"

He chuckled; it was funny. Not that it really mattered. "Do you wonder what it's like?" I asked.

"Heck yes! I mean, I sit outside my parents' door, listening in on them. . ."

"Good point. Me too. I mean, I'd love to have sex, but I have no idea how to go about it. I mean, I kinda know what to do, but. . . well, who'd want to have sex with me, anyway?"

Natsu smiled at me, shyly. In a soft voice, she said, "I would."

I was stunned. You could have knocked me over with a feather. "You. . . I mean. . . holy shit, Natsu. . . I mean. . . you would?"

She nodded.

"But. . . WHY?"

Natsu chuckled to himself. "You're sweet. And you're a lot cooler than anyone knows. And you're not always trying to get something from me. You just like me for me. You know?"

I was struck by the realization that what, to me, seemed like just plain common sense, and the right way to treat people, wasn't so common in the world Natsu had grown up in. And I realized that, the two of us having been thrown together because our parents had married each other a year ago, I had come to love him. A whole swirl of emotions was throwing me for a loop.

"I've got an idea," natsu said.

"What's that?"

"It's really cheesy."

"Okay; what?"

"Really, REALLY cheesy."

"Okay, I get that it's cheesy; what the heck is your idea?"

he looked at the attic floor and blushed. "How 'bout you show me yours and I show you mine?"

I laughed out loud. "Yeah, that's pretty cheesy! I dunno, though; I mean, would it be right? We're practically brother and sister."

"But we're not really, are we? We're not really related at all, except that my mom married your dad."

"Hmmmmm; good point," I said, stroking my chin mock-thoughtfully. "So -- your place or mine?"

"How about my place? At least -- this time," he said, with a wink.

"That would be most agreeable to me," I said, and we headed down to Natsu's room.


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