15 | stay the night

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Costello P.O.V

NINA SITS CROSS-LEGGED on the sofa while I cook up a batch of garlic noodles. I remember once, a long time back, I used to hate the taste of the specific dish of food and Nina would tease me for it.

"You must be a vampire then, El. Vampires can't eat garlic either" She would say, knowing accusing me of being something I wasn't would make me bawl. Nina loved to make me cry; maybe it was because it gave her that power of being the older sibling.

The stereo is blaring some alternative song as I make up two plates of noodles, adding a garnish to each. I take both over to the lounging space, and Nina and I begin to eat as the music plays, when a harsh knock startles me, and within a moment, dinner all over my white top, sauce splattered from the collar down on the light fabric.

"Can you get the door?" Nina asks, her mouth full. She has chipmunk cheeks.

I dab my chin, making no efforts to make myself presentable. Whoever is standing behind the door probably isn't worth it.

I'm wrong.

Donna smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes. "Hey. Am I able to come in?" She asks, dragging a hand through her hair. I notice her fingernails bitten down to the point where dried blood is staining the surrounding skin. Donna's nails were perfectly long and healthy last time I saw her. Something has happened.

"Sure, yeah. Nina and I were just having some dinner. Would you also like some?"

Donna nods her head slowly, as if weighing the options, and enters. The look that's plastered on her face would make you believe she's never been here before, or properly been introduced to me.

"Sweetie, you're here!" Nina chants, jumping up and running over to where Donna and I stand in the entrance way. A dying plotted plant settles at our feet.

"I won't stay long. I was actually wondering if I could speak to your brother-" Donna begins, slowly taking off her jacket.

As a gentleman in training, I take it from her, disappearing momentarily to hang it up. When I return, Nina is rinsing her plate and grabbing her handbag.

"Where are you off to?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows together. Nina and I haven't had a proper sit-down dinner in ages, and I was truly looking forward to it.

"Donna wanted to talk to you, privately-" Nina sends a non-shuttle wink my way. "-and I know when to steer clear"

Before I can protest, Nina is doing up her sneakers and pressing a kiss against my cheek. "I'm going to go have a sleepover with Karen then. Maybe find out a little more about her budding romance with our dear Shane. See you both in the morning"

Then she's gone, taking with her the glass of red wine she was previously sipping at.

"Um...so that happened" Donna says, awkwardly twirling her hair.

"Still in the mood for noddles?"

I motion to the half-eaten plate and a bottle of opened wine. Though not just legal yet, I have an idea that Donna might feel better to drink away her sorrows in the comfort of my apartment. I know I would.

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