Chapter 23 ♡

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Onika Tanya Maraj,

"What's up with you today?" Debra asked me as we walked to our hotel room so I could get ready for an interview.

Right now we were in New Orleans getting ready to head over to a interview.

"Nothing, why do you always assume something's wrong with me?" I asked her with an attitude.

"Because over what Chris did, you haven't been the same." She said.

"I don't like it when people say his name. So you don't have to say it. And, I could care less about him. I've moved on." I lied to her.

You've might've thought that I've moved on but really I haven't yet. I never moved on. At least night yet. As much as I try, I can't move on. It's hard. But I don't miss him. Especially not after what he did to me.

"Did you really move on?" Debra asked me.

"Yes Debra! Damn, you blowing my high right now." I stressed and she jumped up a bit.

We went downstairs after getting changed, and I saw Amari sitting in the hotel lounge.

"Let's go. We're leaving." I forced him, as he was sitting on the chair on his phone, scrolling through pics on Instagram.

"No." He retorted with no emotion.

"What did you just say to me?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I'm not going nowhere Nicki. I'm staying right here where I'm comfortable. You not finna run me nomore." He spat, and I scoffed.

"Oh so that's how your going to treat your older sister? With no respect? Just because I didn't want to argue with you last night? Amari you got some damn nerve." I said to him, grabbing his arm but he pushed me off of him.

"Get the hell off of me! Don't touch me Nicki, I'm not your son and I'm damn sure not your 'little brother'! Since you Nicki Minaj and you think you're too good for me, don't ever call me your little brother again and most of all don't TALK to me! I'm done with you and this tour." He told me.

"I'm tired of you treating me like shit man. I packed my stuff last night and tonight I'm leaving to go back home." He added.

He really has some nerve. He thinks that HE is going to leave MY tour, he got it twisted.

"Oh really? Who's taking you home then? Cause you not eligible to travel home by a plane at the airport yet!" I yelled a him.

"Oh, I'm not taking the plane!" He laughed, getting up out his chair and facing me.

"Okay so who's taking you home? Because if you think an uber will take you all the way back home to LA, you're wrong because they won't be able to do that. So who taking you back to LA?" I asked him.

"Chris." He blurted out.

I busted out laughing in his face. "No your not. You aren't going anywhere, especially with HIM. How the hell did you get that to happen?" I asked him.

"I called him and told him the situation and he offered to drive here and pick me up. He ain't gon' be here for yo ass." He said.

"Okay first of all, you shouldn't be telling his ass my business and that's between me and you ONLY! That's it! Second of all, why you even got his number! As far as I'm concerned he's a STRANGER now, and third of all, don't talk to me like that!" I yelled at him as Debra tried to calm me down.

"He ain't no stranger. He's my homie, and almost my best friend. So if you don't like that then oh well. I don't even know why you don't like him anymore. That was your dancer. And plus his ass was the best dancer on the team so you basically just got rid of him now your team whack," He said before walking off.

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