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Hii. (: I've been trying to sit down and write this chapter for the past hour I've been distracted by Frozen omg


my little flowers


❀one week later❀

"Lou, I don't need to go to the doctor." Harry whined loudly. "I'm perfectly fine, look." Louis rolled his eyes and turned to look at Harry, he had dark circles under his eyes, his face was pale. He was tired anymore, for the past week all he's done was puke up blood.

"Oh yeah Harry, just peachy." He sighed pulling into the parking lot of the Doctor's office. "Everything is fine Louis. When the Doctor says nothing is wrong I'm going to laugh in your face." He stuck his tongue out.

Louis ignored him and sighed. "Come on love." He said taking his hand, he knew something was wrong with Harry. He just knew it.


Louis and Harry were sat in the waiting room waiting for a Nurse to call them back. "Louis?" Harry whispered his voice cracking a bit at the end. "Yeah?" Louis mumbled.

"What if something is really wrong!? I don't wanna die!" Harry wailed softly nuzzling his face into Louis' shoulder. "Oh Harry sh. You're not going to die." He whispered rubbing his arm.

"Harry Styles?" The nurse called out, smiling with the Clip-Board in her hand. "Let's go love." Louis whispered, taking his hand and giving his hand a tight squeeze.

"Step up love." She smiled nodding to the scale. Harry nodded and slipped his boots off getting on the scale, tapping his finger against his thigh softly.

"154." She announced, "Hmm. The last time you were here you weighed around 170. Harry, have you been eating regularly?"

"Yes." Harry nodded. What was with the serious weight drop? Something was up. "So, what's the problem love?" She asked leaning against the counter. "Well, I've been puking up blood, um losing lots of weight. Really tired, I'm sweaty all the time." Harry sighed softly. "Hm. Let's go, we need to run a few cat scans and tests. Something here doesn't sound right." She shook her hand clasping a hand on Harry's shoulder.

Louis bit his lip hardly and followed the nurse and Harry. He just hoped and prayed nothing was seriously was wrong with his baby.


"Harry, you'll be okay." Louis reassured kissing his head. "It was just a few tests."

"Just a few tests," Harry snickered. "You don't understand! Her face! Lou something is wrong with me." Harry bit his lip tears trickling down his face. "Oh love don't cry. Everything will be alright," Louis soothed rubbing up and down his arm.

"Harry Styles?" The Doctor called, walking into the small blue paint coated room. "Y-Yes?" Harry croaked wiping his tears away with the back of his hand.

"It doesn't look too good I'm afraid." He sighed, "Harry it looks like you have cancer."

Lou's whole world stopped. It felt like a truck rammed into him over and over again. The pain in his heart was unbearable. His soul felt like it was crushed into tiny little pieces. "What?" He whispered brokenly. "I'm so sorry. It looks like Leukemia Harry. We can start treatment right away," The Doctor sighed deeply. "Y-Yeah we could do that. Thank you Doctor." Louis mumbled, glancing over at Harry. He was shocked, he looked like he was about to break down any moment now.

"Could you give us a moment?" Louis asked a couple of tears racing down his cheeks. "Of course," The Doctor nodded stepping out of the room closing the door silently. "Harry.." Louis bit his lip. Harry broke into a fresh round of sobs falling to the floor clutching his chest. "I-I'm going to die Louis! D-Die!" He sputtered out through his deep sobs and wails. Louis picked him up and held him against his chest gently shushing him. "Hey, hey, hey! Now you listen to me mhm? No one is dying okay? You're going to get the treatment you need, and you're going to be okay." Louis soothed running his hands through Harry's tangled curls. "You don't know that Lou." Harry whispered shaking his head.

"I do know Harry. We're going to get through this, and if we struggle along the way we're going to fall, but we're going to need to get back up and brush ourselves off. We're going to try Harry."


That was short/sad. New update tomorrow! (:


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