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I'm going to be writing a lot today. (: (: A couple more chapters will be up. c:


"We have to go to my mom's and tell everyone." Harry spoke up after a few moments of laying on the bed in pure shock. "I know," Louis nodded. "We have to tell the lads too, they deserve to know."

Harry sighed. "Call the Funeral home tomorrow while I quit my job."  Lou's heart was crushed, Harry thought he was going to die. "No one is going to die understand?" Louis said sternly shaking his head. Harry just rolled his eyes and sat up. "I'm going to take a shower, call my mother and tell her we'll be there in a hour."

Louis nodded and watched Harry walk into the bathroom. He dropped to his knees and sobbed into his hands, if the treatment doesn't work, he could actually lose Harry. Lose his one and only, his soul mate, the man he thought he would be with forever and ever. After a few moments of silent crying, he pulled his phone out and dialed Anne's number.

"Hello, Anne Cox here." Her sweet soothing voice rang over the phone.

"Hi Anne, Harry wanted me to call you and tell you that we're going to be stopping by in a about an hour. Some big.." Louis stopped so he could swallow the lump in his throat. "News, some big news Anne. I'll see you soon love. Take care,"  He said before hanging the phone up.

"Did you call her?" Harry asked, walking out with a towel wrapped around his skinny waist. "Yeah Harry," Louis nodded. "Louis.." Harry croaked falling into his embrace. "I-I'm losing my hair!" He wailed into his chest. A couples of tears fell down Louis' face but he quickly sucked it up so he could comfort the distraught boy.

"Sh. Shh. This is going to happen, and much more will happen love. I'll stand by your side through everything, I promise." He reassured giving him a smile.  Harry's breath hitched. "I won't be fine Louis. You know I won't."

"Harry stop talking like this! You'll be okay!" Louis cried desperately. "Of course Lou. I'll be fine," He croaked holding the crying boy to his chest. After a couple minutes he pulled back and cupped Louis face, wiping his tears away. "We'll be okay." He smiled.

Louis nodded hesitantly. "Let's go. Your mom is waiting."


"Harry!" Anne smiled warmly kissing his head. "How've you been my love?" She asked sweetly. Harry sighed and shrugged her question off. "How's Gemma?" He asked walking into the house. "She's good, you know working as always." She chuckled. "Gemma was always like that." Harry laughed shimmying his coat off.

"How've you been Louis?" Anne asked pulling the much smaller lad into a hug. "Good." He fibbed kissing Anne's temple.

"Well, I haven't got anything prepared since you two gave me a short notice, but I suppose I can whip up something quick mhm? Harry why don't you come help?" Anne smiled sweetly.

Harry nodded and got up following his Mother into the kitchen. "Ah. I'm so glad you're home for a bit Harry. You've been so busy with work." Anne shook her head pulling the carrots out of the fridge.

"Wash these up for me love." Anne smiled handing the carrots to him. Harry nodded and pulled his sleeve up, wincing as the bruises brushed against the materiel of his shirt.

"Harry? What the hell are these!?" She exclaimed, "Mom it's nothing." Harry shrugged turning the water on. "No, it's not nothing Harry. This is serious!" She shouted. "Did Louis do this?" She whispered her voice dropping.

"What Mom! No!" Harry exclaimed, dropping the carrots into the sink. "I have cancer." He whispered. "Leukemia."  "What?" Anne's voice dropped again. "I-I no!" She cried falling to her knees. "Mom, shh. I'll be okay, we're starting treatment next week. It's okay." He reassured pulling her to his chest. "How? How did this happen?" She croaked. "The doctor said a light switched in my body." He mumbled.

"Oh my god no." She whispered shaking her head. "My baby!" She wailed clinging onto him for dear life.

"Harry? What's going on?" Louis asked stepping into the kitchen. "I told her." He whispered. Louis' mouth dropped open.


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