0.6 (final)

141 11 4



I know I said it'd be longer but I honestly had no more ideas for this story.

I love you all okay? Thank you so much for the votes and support omg. Ily. 

You're amazing. If you ever need me I'm just one message away! c: c: 



-Three weeks later-

Harry can't do anything anymore, he's stuck in a hospital bed asleep most of the time. The Doctors want to turn the machines off but Louis refuses. He won't let his baby die young. He just won't. All Louis does is cry, when Harry is awake all he does is talk to Louis about the funeral. All Niall, Liam and Zayn do is stare. Zayn post poned the wedding because Harry was too sick and couldn't make it.

Anne came up everyday to drop off flowers and read to her boy. Gemma comes up and cries her heart out, she usually has to be kicked out of the room because she can't breathe from crying. Her little brother was dying.

Jay came up to reassure him everything was going to be alright, but she knew it wasn't going to be alright, so did Louis.

His baby was dying, and no one could save him.


Louis sighed and walked over to his bedside grabbing his hand. "Hey Harry." He whispered softly, "How are you today? Feeling any better?" He asked the cripled boy. "Can't feel my legs Lou." He mumbled, his green eyes filled with tears. "Hey, that's okay mhm? You're going to get better Harry. I promise you will." Louis whispered kissing his head.

"Louis, why are you lying? We all know I'm not going to get better. Look at me! I can't walk, I can barely talk." He croaked. "I'm dying Lou. I'm sorry." He shook his head crying lightly.

Louis shed a couple tears and held Harry close to his chest. "We're going to get through this Harry. I promise you we are."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say."


Louis walked into the old two bedroom apartment with a frown, Zayn insisted that he caught up on his sleep and took a shower. Louis threw his jacket on the couch and sighed. It was so empty, cold and gloomy without Harry. He always brought a smile to everyone's face.

That made Louis cry harder, Harry was never coming back home, he'll probably never be able to hear his beautiful laugh or stroke his hair. He wouldn't be able to take him places, and shower with him he wouldn't be able to whisper sweet nothings into his ear when he cried. 

And that broke his heart. 


Louis arrived back at the hospital the next day with a glum look on his face. He walked into the hospital room and smiled seeing his mom. "Louis.." She croaked tears racing down her face. "Mom what's wrong!?" Louis asked franctically. "They're unplugging the machines.." She cried softly. "No!" Louis sobbed loudly dropping to his knees.

"No, no, no." He cried rocking back and forth. "Lovely sh. The boys have already said goodbye, Harry wants you. He needs you." Jay encouraged. "What about Anne and Gemma?" Louis weeped, "They came earlier. Anne couldn't stay without almost fainting." Jay frowned. "Go on."

On shaky legs, Louis stood and wiped his tears away. He had to stay strong for Harry. he walked in and smiled. "Hi Harry." He croaked softly walking over to him. "Lay with me Lou." He mumbled, Louis laid down and pulled him close careful of his sore bones.

"We never had our wedding yet." He whispered. "We're married in the heart Harry." Louis murmured tears threatning to spill down his cheeks. "I'm sorry.." He mumbled. "Here," His hoarse voice spoke up as he leaned over shakily grabbing a folded piece of paper. "Open it after I die." He smiled softly. Louis nodded and hugged Harry close. "I'm just so tired Lou." Harry mumbled. "Go to sleep love. I'll be right here when you wake up.." Louis sobbed, knowing Harry wasn't going to wake up.

Harry nodded, "I love you Lou.. So much."

Louis pressed a soft kiss to his temple. "I love you too baby."

"Always?" Harry croaked before closing his eyes.








Okay. I love you all<3 Have a nice day bye. Thanks for supporting me! c:

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