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Hi. This authors note will be long for some odd reason, I have a few things to say.

First off:

Thank you my little flowers ilysm omg i cant believe i got this many reads in this little period of time, i know it's not alot but still oh my god.


I know updates have been a bit slow, and I was suppposed to get my laptop yesterday but I didn't my mom hasn't picked it up yet. Soo when it does get picked up I promise you lots of updates yay. (:


My wifi is shit that's why I haven't been on that much, I usually go to my neighbors because they have great wifi girl damn.


I don't really know anything about cancer, I tried looking some stuff up but all I could find were the symptons.



i feel like this chapter is kinda sad. :((



It's been two months since Harry started Chemo and nothing has changed, he's still sick and coughing up blood. The Doctor's are saying there's not much they can do. Harry has lost all of his hair and he can barely move. They've already told the boys and they took it kind of hard, Zayn wanted to post pone the wedding but Harry refused. 

"Harry come on lovely." Louis whispered into his ear. "We have to get to Zayn's remember? The wedding is in a week." He smiled, kissing his cheek. "Don't want to go to Chemo." He whispered softly. "I know babe. We'll go to your therapy after we go to Zayn's, yeah?" He smiled. Harry nodded, looking up at Louis grinning. Even after everything he's been through, he's the happiest person alive. Louis smiled warmly, helping him up he wrapped an arm around his shoulders and helped the limping Harry to the bathroom. "I'll get your water ready." 

Harry stood by the bathtub patiently, his finger tapping against his leg. Louis leaned down and turned the shower on, helping Harry in. "Let me get my clothes off and I'll help you. Hold onto the wall." He said, taking his clothes off. "You don't like this." Harry whimpered as Louis stepped in. "Like what love?" Louis asked grabbing the shampoo off the rack. "You don't like showering with me, or dressing me, or being with me every minute. I'm sorry for putting you through this." Harry croaked. Louis sighed and frowned. "Love, I love being with you every minute. I love washing your hair and undressing you, I love it all. Don't ever think I don't because I do." Louis smiled reassuringly, running his fingers through the crying lads hair. 

"Really?" Harry asked trying to stop crying. "Really." Louis grinned, washing Harry's hair. "I have a surprise for you today." Louis beamed, tilting Harry's head back so he could get all of the soap out of it. "Like what?" Harry asked trying not to get soap in his eyes. "You'll see," Louis chuckled helping him up. He grabbed a rag and scrubbed his body, smirking as he reached his dick. "L-Lou." He moaned, it's been a long time since he's been fucked. 

"Later Harry." He whispered into his ear, seductively. Harry giggled loudly and got out as Louis wrapped a towel around him. "You're not going to shower?" He asked rubbing his stomach. "I'll shower later love. I just took one last night." He said, helping Harry into their room. "What do you wanna wear?" He asked, rummaging through the closet. "A shirt and jeans." Harry shrugged sitting on the bed. 

"Okay." Louis nodded, throwing a pair of jeans and t-shirt on the bed. Louis walked over and slid the t-shirt on Harry smiling as he wiggled around. Louis helped him into his jeans and sat him back down. "Stay right there, I'm going to go get changed." 

Harry nodded and played with his fingers as Louis walked into the back of the closet, Harry bit his lip, he wanted to help Louis. Louis helped him with everything, as if he was a two year old toddler who wanted mommy. 

A couple minutes later Louis walked back out with a smile. "Let's go." 


"Here Harry, let me help you in here yeah?" Niall smiled gripping his arm softly. "I'm not a child." He whined loudly thrashing around, kicking his legs. "Let me go! I can walk!" He screamed loudly, hitting Niall's face. Louis sighed, "Go get me some juice please?" He asked taking Harry from his arms, this always happened. Harry would want to do things himself and when he couldn't he'd throw a fit. "Sh, sh sh." Louis whispered petting Harry's curls. "You're alright, look Niall's got some juice mhm?" He nodded to Niall. Harry snatched the juice up and took big gulps as Louis wiped the sweat off his forehead. "You're okay.." He mumbled soothingly. 

"Is everything okay?" Zayn asked after a couple minutes. "Everything is fine." He sighed cradling Harry. "You're okay, baby hm?" He giggled kissing his forehead. 

Liam sighed loudly. "Does this always happen?" 

"Sometimes every two days, others every two hours. Harry's independent, he doesn't like people helping him." Louis frowned. 

"I'm sorry Niall." Harry spoke up, his voice hoarse. "It's okay Harry. I'm fine." Niall reassured patting his shoulder. 

"Well let's get on with the wedding." Zayn cleared his throat. "Now, the wedding is in a week, Perrie is a wreck, trying to get last minute things set up. Raise your hand if you have your tux." 

Louis raised his hand and Harry as well. "Everyone has one, great." He smiled. "Does everyone have a date?" 

"I don't." Niall snorted, "I have Harry." Louis grinned. "Dani," Liam raised his hand slightly. 

"Perfect. Now we just have to find Niall a date." Zayn muttered. 


"Louis.." Harry whined as Louis guided him through the empty park. "Sh!" Louis scolded gently turning him around, taking the blind fold off of his face. "The park?" Harry asked parting his lips. Louis got down on one knee and pulled a small box out, "Harry Styles, marry me please? I love you to the moon and back, I always have ever since I laid eyes on you. You're my world and I wouldn't change you or this life for the world. Be Harry Tomlinson." Louis smiled his eyes glistening with tears. Harry shook his head tears running down his cheeks. "I can't." He whispered. 

"What? Why!" Louis shouted trying to hold back his tears. "Louis, don't you see! I'm dying! I'm going to be dead in a few months, you can't marry me. I;ll be dead, and when I die I want you to live your life! Go find love and be happy, be happy without me." Harry croaked broken. "H-Harry." Louis started. "Louis save it. There's nothing you can say that'll make me change my mi-" Harry was cut off by Louis kissing him. "Harry Styes, you listen to me. I love you with all my heart yeah? You're the best thing that's happened to me, I don't care if you're a fucking axe murder! I love you. I don't care about this cancer, you're not going to die you're going to make it through this Harry. You're a strong man, I know you can! Please don't reject me. I love you, we're going to be together forever." Louis cried slipping the ring on Harry's finger. Harry was hysterical by the end of Louis' speech. "Of course I'll marry you Lou! Of course!" He sobbed. 



I love you so much little flowers. ❀❀❀

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