I WALK INTO school today with a mission. Find Savannah. Speak to her. We have biology together third period, so if I can't find her before first, I'll talk to her then.
I check all her usual places.
The bathroom? No.
Behind the stairs making out with some boy? No.
The pool? (she's a swimmer) No.
Renspo? Just Arlo, busy trying to ditch health (he's failing - remember the drowned baby?).
Her first period class? Not there yet.
I sigh, and head to my maths class, giving up the search for now.
I plonk myself down in my chair and rest my head on my desk. Have you ever had someone tell you that if you get an hour of sleep tonight, it won't affect you tomorrow, instead it'll affect you in two days time? I've heard that before, and I'm feeling the effects of that now.
Nola was with Noah last night, no doubt keeping him up all night, so I had a good sleep. However, two nights ago, I did not have a good sleep. Thanks to Nola. And right now, I'm absolutely exhausted.
The teacher whose name I don't know, as this is my first maths lesson all year (thanks to in-school suspension), is droning on about calculus.
I enjoy learning calculus, but when it comes to taking the test, I just cannot for the life of me, remember what to do. Calculus? It's alright. Calculus in context? Not alright.
My mind wanders to what's happened over the past week and a bit of school. So much. A crazily abnormal amount of events that usually occur only once every six or so months.
A girl died, which I still think about every day. I was given a baby, in which I now must look after with my partner, who also happens to be Noah. Stella's photos were leaked, and I haven't seen her at school all week. Maybe she'll make an appearance tomorrow.
Our school's reputation has taken a hit, from the death, and the Stella scandal. Poor Mrs. Clermont. She must be stressing so much, after all, she has maintained our schools squeaky clean rep for so long.
I can't help but feel suspicious. I know what you're thinking. Here we go again, Lola.
But really. The overdose. The pictures. The note in Sav's locker. Noah's meeting with that weird guy. All in the space of a week.
There hasn't been this much drama since Halloween two years ago.
Who could have left that note in Sav's locker? Is it the same person that's running Morringsworth Mistakes?
Now that I think about them, they've been awfully quiet over the past few days. One post so far, and it caused enough stirring to let the media get wind of it.
Before long, the bell rings and I get up to go to second period; chemistry. It also passes quickly, as we're doing a practical experiment, and I get out of it using my broken thumb as an excuse. It came in handy after all. Who knew you could get out of an experiment just by having a broken bone?
By the time I get to third period: biology, I'm sick of waiting, the anticipation of Sav's answer is too much. I walk in to see her already sitting at our desk for two.
I hurry over, and set my stuff down, before scrambling in my pocket to retrieve the note I took yesterday.
"Hey Lola, why the serious face?"
I look left and right, to make sure no one's paying attention to us.
"Have you been getting any threats lately," I whisper quietly.
"Erm, no? Come on Lola, why're you being like this?" She seems confused, and is looking at me as if I'm crazy.
"Well, yesterday when I went to get your shoes, I found a note in your locker."
She raises an eyebrow, intrigued.
I pass her the note, "It's written in fake blood."
I watch her face carefully for a reaction. I know that people will rarely tell the truth about confronting things, including myself.
Her face remains unchanged, but her eyes flash in recognition as if she realises what the 'fire' is that she's playing with.
"What does it mean, Sav? Are you in some kind of trouble?" I question softly, concerned for her. I may come off as a bitch to some, but my friends? I'm always here for them. Always. No matter what, I'll drop everything to protect them.
Sara had a chance. But ever since Noah and I found her snooping through his locker, I don't trust her. I now question her eagerness to join us.
No normal person would be willing to hand over their phone, wear a ridiculous outfit into town before stealing from a shop, then getting a tattoo that a teenage boy chooses. He could have given her anything. It could have ended up saying, 'Arlo,' in a heart. And she would have had that forever.
"I'm not in trouble. It's just some kids playing a silly prank on me," she reasons.
I don't believe her.
As they always say, a person's face may not give anything away, but a person's eyes tell all.
She's hiding something.
Whether it's big, or not. She's either protecting someone else or herself.
I'm going to find out who.
To the people that don't like Lola's attitude or character: you probably haven't stuck around this long, but if you have then you need to give her the benefit of the doubt. She's not just like this for no reason, you only got to see Noah's POV that night, remember? Certainly not saying she's innocent, but I'm not saying she's guilty. You have no idea what her version of that night is like. So before you comment about how much of a bitch she constantly is to noah, have a think. Maybe Noah wasn't the only one hurt that night.
next up: emmy babe and lollipop's sleepover
Falling All Over Again
Teen FictionLeaked photos? Check. Suspicious friends? Double check. And a baby to take care of? Triple check. Lola Standard is a person that's constantly suspicious of everything. It's in her nature. She when two students die within a relatively close time span...