Chapter 4

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Chapter 4- Closed In

He ran out of the door with the phone in his hand,  Niall followed right behind him as they got into the car, Harry was panicking to the fullest as he got the grip of the wheel, the tears started to fall down his face, thinking of Louis as he started the car. Niall reached over to Harry's one hand that wasn't on the wheel an held it with a tight grip.

" It's going to be okay, I'm here." 

" Niall, I'm scared, he's all I got."

" Ah, you got me, Zayn and Liam. Don't forget that."

" I know but...."

" He more than a mate to you but he alive, just... just have hope."

Harry drove fast to the hospital, not trying to think of the positive, only negative things flowed through his mind, he gripped the wheel harder as Niall was panicking on how he was going to survive this ride with Harry's wild driving. When they pulled up in the parking lot, Harry opened his door before the ignition went off, he wanted to know what was going on with Louis, he grabbed his keys an walked off to the door with Niall trying to catch up with him. He got the waiting room an walked over to the desk were the blonde; middle aged woman sat at with her paperwork to high on the table.

" Excuse ma'am, I come to see my friend."

" I can't let you do that honey, it's 11 o' clock, visiting hours are over. Come back tommorrow, love."

" You don't understand, I need to see him."

" You can't, go home kid."

As Harry turned around to Niall with a confused look on his face, he sighed with a sense of failure, he was suppose to be there for a firend but, he had no guts to come and fight to see him. He turned back to the woman that was now working on her computer, he hit the counter to get her attention as she jumped facing him.

" I need to see him now! He called me from his cell phone and told me to come an help him, now I don't care if the police come an try to pull me away..," he said to cry as he wipe them away, " I don't care, I want to see him, if you anyone has notice, I haven't seen him because no one has let me see him an it's just not fair! Are you going to be just like them... not let me see him? Huh...HUH!"

" Harry, calm down."

" No! I won't! It's not fair." He said as he fell the floor of the waiting room, covering his eyes with his long fingers made no light hit his eyes as Niall pressed his hand on his back pulling him closer to his chest. It was hurt him, killing him even to not seeing Louis at all, he was what made Harry, Harry. Smiling, clinging on him; loving him; being around an being his best mate, it made Harry fill complete but now it was a fence between them that wasn't letting Harry through and hadn't for a while now an it kept Harry closed in and cry because of thinking that it was his fault the Louis was like that now.

" Harry, if that your name, you can go to the back in room four, I got a call for you in the back, sorry for the misunderstanding."

" Okay then."

Niall helped him up off the floor to his feet, turning Harry to him as he stared in his eyes, " Go back there, don't let him see that your sad."

" You come with me?"

" No, I'm going to wait on you since you drove me, you deserve to see him more than I do, now go."


When Harry got off  the elevator , he saw that the hall was silent; dead at that, no one around it at all. He looked at the door numbers and saw Louis' room. He took a deep breath an opened the door to see Louis yelling Harry's name, it almost scared Harry that it was really him, but why was he yelling his name for he thought. Harry ran to Louis' side and grabbed his hand as Louis was still yelling his name, the tears slide down his soft skin landing on Harry's hand as Harry rose his head up to see Louis was crying in his sleep. Harry started to cry along with him; he felt it as he grpped Louis' hand harder and buried his head in Louis chest, he couldn't handle this at all; Louis' pain; his tears, it didn't make sense but maybe it did.

" Louis, wake up, I'm here."

He was still sleep as Harry shock him to wake up.

" Louis, wake up, it's Harry!"

" W-what? Harry?"

He gave Harry a lose look as he had to adjust his eyes to look him in the eyes; Louis eyes got big as the water in his eyes grew bigger as he smiled at Harry.

" Harry."

" Louis, I'm here now, you don't have to cry anymore, I'm not leaving anymore."

" Don't, I don't think I can make it without you."

Harry's eyes got bigger as he heard Louis' word flow through his lips, he needed Harry as much as Harry needed Louis. Harry grabbed Louis as he pulled him closer to him; it made Harry fill complete again; he was in Louis' arms; in his presense; filling like he was never gone. Louis moved over and made room for Harry to lay down with him, he knew that Niall was downstairs and wasn't coming up to see Louis tonight. He got in an laid down next to Louis, facing him as Harry buried his head in Louis chest, filling relaxed as Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's body.

" I love you, Harry."

" I love you, Louis."

Niall had texted Harry a minutes later.

I went home in your car, I'll pick you up in the morning; stay with Loueh. He needs you.- Niall

Okay. I need him too, Niall, I really do.- H 

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