Chapter 12

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Chapter 12- Shall we have That Last Cry?

* The bold words is Harry's dream *

He was all he wanted, but what if it's cost them the life that was something special to the other and the same on the other hand?Louis was sitting in the living room once Harry had fallen asleep that night once the rock went through the window, it was something that he wasn't expecting to happen to him, to them. He got the tea from the frig once he had came down the stairs and sat down and drank it slowly, it was painful that he was like this, it was so much drama in his life now that he couldn't remember the last time he had a great moment, it was always killed by Eleanor. He remembered everything that had happened in his life again, he was doing this daily now and it wasn't different at all, just the same old memories that flowed through his mind like ocean waves on the tides. He just laid there peacefully as Louis thoughts ran freely through his mind, but only if he knew what was going on inside Harry's head now, he won't think some much from his curly-headed lover.

2 Hours later...

He tossed and turned in his sleep and nothing really did that to him, not even something that he didn't think highly of at all. He moved over to the edge of the couch still moving from the thoughts in his mind as they progressed into something more than just that, it seemed so real to Harry, ever single thing that happened just seem to did go the way it was now. He rose up with total shock as to what he had just encountered.  He got up from the couch an made his way to the bedroom where he an Louis slept in. He started to shake from it but he just couldn't stop it even when he stood in the halls before getting to the bedroom, he couldn't. That thought; those thoughts made things even more scarier as they started to make sense and then exactly none at all. As he got into the room, he sighed, low breathing of the air that surrounded him; it was utter silence. No noises that came from downstairs ( maybe because Louis fell asleep on the couch where they both where) but he walked over to the bed slowly an got under the covers of it. He relax, the tension was lifted off of him as he was just laying the in the warm bed that he hadn't got in all night. As he started to close his eyes for sleep, he wouldn't guess what was waiting for him in the fairy world named dreams.

" Louis?"

He walked over to the room downstairs of the apartment they had shared, he walked around and still didn't see Louis anywhere to be found. He grabbed the jacket off of the rug and heard a drop from upstairs I remember this.. but from where..he says to himself as he looked up the nearby stairs to the second floor of the flat. He easily put the jacket back onto the floor and walked up the stairs slowly, it was nothing that he really could say at all, he wasn't thinking right or maybe he was just believing everything was like it was before. As he reached the top of the stairs he had a feeling of looking into the bathroom, it was strange but he walked over to it anyway, what was there to lose. He opened the door of it... what could he say; he called his own problem to come. But then, he closed it back before opening it some more, his brain flashed with things and thoughts running through it, what was going on. It was like he had seen this before, but where? He started to have flashes of his past go swiftly through his mind as he lowered himself to the floor of the hallway in front of the bathroom. He started to pull at his curls as he couldn't get the thoughts out of his head but the last flash he saw that scared him the most... was Louis' body on the bathroom floor of the flat. He froze. He shot a glance at the door, it could be this... no.. i-it just couldn't be.. Without thinking of anything, he push the door open all the way back with his body still on the ground. But when he looked in the bathroom, he saw it, he saw the body of Louis on the floor of the bathroom. He could think without grabbing hold of Louis shirt and bringing him closer to him, it wasn't fair, why was he seeing this again? Wasn't it hard to get through this the first time anyways? He looked into Louis eyes, the blinked fast as I tried to pull him over to the tub, he was staring but nothing would come out this time, he wasn't himself to say the least. Harry hailed him over to the tub and turn the cold water on again like before for, he wasn't trying to relive the whole thing, he couldn't.


No response...

" Louis please wake up" he said as the water eased down the face of his lover, it wasn't changing anything but the wetness in the clothes. He started to shake him, his eyes were closing as he did so. Harry couldn't help but let out a cry for help but no one would hear it, he was tearing up as this was different than the last time. He saw something different in this all, Louis wasn't going to leave like this. He got in the tub and started to do anything in his power to wake him but it was too late. He starting to give up but he couldn't break himself to do so, Louis wasn't going anywhere, not yet.

" Louis! Please.. don't leave me, I'm sorry for not answering you the night before, I love you, I know that now and I shouldn't have hurt you or pushed you to this. The pills Louis, the pill!" I said as I looked down on the floor and saw them laying there, were Louis' body was at at first. He looked back over to were Louis was at and then sat down next to him, it was hard the think of anything when you see that you just cause your friend; your lover, his death. Louis' eyes closed shut, Harry face went into total shock, he just sat there and let his friend die and did nothing about. As he laid down beside Louis body, he start to feel his heart stop and total heartache, he was horrid for what he had done to him and he deserved everything coming his way. Just as he closed his eyes for a blink, everything was gone in a matter of seconds.

" You did this, Harry."

That voice... it's Eleanor..

"You killed him, Harry. It's your fault, he wouldn't be this way if it wasn't for you Harry."

" Shut it, Eleanor."

" Oh, murderer, don't dare speak, you don't deserve to. He wouldn't be this way if it wasn't for you and I will show you just the reason why..."

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