Books and Tea

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I flipped to the next page of the novel I was currently reading. Which was Oliver Twist. I loved a good classic. Not that there wasn't any good reads in my generation, just sometimes its nice to imagine traveling back to the older ages. Seeing how this story survived into another age.

I decided that I've read enough for one night and closed the book shut. Placing on the table beside me, not before marking the spot I'd continue off next. I got out of my reading chair and headed to the kitchen of my small apartment to make myself some herbal tea before bed. An early night to bed will do me wonders. Especially with dealing with children five days of the week. I mentally took notw of that.

Being a care giver of rowdy children of all ages. Boys and girls. It was the only job that would provide the money I needed to afford this small, sort of run out, apartment. A little drafty even. It wasn't much and most people would hate such closed in areas but, I liked it. It felt cozy to me. I'd be more than happy to live my days in this little hermit cave then deal with the cruel people of society. Especially living on the streets at times and in and out if foster families. Not all foster families are bad. Some of them where great to be honest. But, to me it never felt like home. Living in my own, happy solitude is my key to happiness. And the only company I need is my black cat with the biggest yellow eyes you'd ever see. With his cute little ears folded. He was a Scottish Fold. Also known as Daisy.

I found this scrawny little kitten on the street one day and knew I had to help it. It was too young to tell it's sex so I assumed it was a female and came up with Daisy because of how yellow her eyes were. They pop like the center of a daisy. By the time I could find out the sex, Daisy was already adjusted to the name so I kept it. It suits him anyways. He's jusy the sweetest thing. Some people name their cat far worse things like Meow-Meow or Harry Purter etc...

I finished making my tea and set it down on the table with the lonely, empty chair infront of me. I sighed. I loved my solitude, but even the biggest hermits there are, we get lonely at times. Making friends was hard enough. Which I was lucky enough to have two. But, dating? That was a task nearly impossible. I've failed too many times to count on relationships at my young age of 21. I've completely given up on the thought of settling down. I'm going to be that crazy cat lady with plenty of cats.

As if Daisy had a super power to sense when I became sad, he jumps on the table. Nudging me with his head. Purring. And reassuring he loves me. I give him some scratches and pets. He then laid on his stomach and rolled onto his back. His big eyes telling me he wanted his belly scratched. He is one of the only cats I knew who liked their belly rubbed. Like a dog. Though dogs are pretty amazing too.

"You know Daze, living in this teeny little apartment isn't horrible. Especially since I got you. But, I do miss the idea of sharing it with someone. Oh well, the two of us will live in our castle like the royalty you are." I spoke to him. It was like he was genuinely listening to me. He let out is soft, high pitched meow. And blinked at me. He rolled to the left. To stretch a bit and roll to the other side so I can rub the other side of his tummy.

"You are just the cutest. I found you at the time I needed you the most without realizing I did. I'm pretty sure by know you know how much I love you. Especially with being spoiled rotten with all those kitty treats hmm?" I cooed at Daisy. He just blinked at me slowly which is the cat version of a kiss and saying "I love you". I blinked back, slowly as well. He got up from belly rub, came to me and stood on his back feet. Using my shoulder for balance. And just stared at me in the eyes.

I've never seen this intense behavior from Daisy in a long time. He does this every so often before something crazy happens. Like he was trying warn me or have me figure something out about him. The way he's staring at me like this is very human like. It was intense enough to remind me of my seventh grade teacher, Mrs. Lecky staring down at me because she never liked me.

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