Chapter 5

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Dumbledore called Danny in his office after the incident. The halfa walked in not knowing what going to happen "Mr.Fenton your little stunt might put you in great danger." Danny looked at the old wizard in the face "professor i know magic can hurt ghosts but I'll be fine trust me." The wizard looked at the white haired boy nodding "go back to your dorm."

Walking out of his office the ghost looked around then flew threw the halls  then made it up to the dorm painting. "Password please." Danny didn't have time for this turning intangible walked threw the painting then seeing everyone looking at him. "What are you?" Ron looked at him so did Harry but Hermione smiled at him.

Danny sighs two rings went across his body turning human. Everyone eyes widen "I'm a human and half ghost known as a halfa. That's my explanation done can we not talk about this at all." He walks passed everyone going into his room.

Next day

Harry got hurt his broom was acting weird causing him to fall. Danny on instinct jumped going ghost flew fast as he could catching Harry everyone was looking at then the ball kept going for Harry. Danny turned them both intangible causing it to go right threw them the charging an ecto blast destroying it.

"Harry!!!" Hermione ran hugging him the teachers and students ran to him. Dumbledore looked around nothing then looked at Danny nodding "at least Danny here saved me thanks." The halfa nods then laughs to himself "yea at least I can do this now to help out if anyone else falls." Everyone looks at him nodding in agreement.

Two weeks later

Harry runs to Danny "Ron's sister is missing." The halfa looked at him "what you mean?" Harry explained everything sighing to himself going ghost looking at him. "I'll be back stay here Harry go get Ron I'll deal with mr snake." Danny flys at top speeds turning intangible going threw the floor seeing weird snake statues with water. Then seeing her about to make a move his ghost sense kicks in.

Clenching his fists filled with ectoplasmic energy scanning the room. Then sees a younger man looking something like what Harry was telling him about but how? The ghost looked at the guy "your to late to save her." This made Danny raise an eyebrow then saw some red eyes looking at him hissing.

This made Danny look hard then knowing it's the snake. "Hey ugly I don't think we like your welcome. Like to say it's time for your departure." Blasting at the giant snake then it's tail hit Danny causing him to hit a statue. He heard footsteps looking seeing Harry clearly mad "I told you to wait up there with Ron I got this." The boy shacks his head "Danny your gonna need help." Accepting this nodding they ran different directions the snake went after Harry.

Danny changed his energy into an ectoplasm Spear throwing it at the snake causing damage to the side of its neck. Hissing in pain Danny smiles at this laughing "aw what's the mater don't like that?" He fly's around occupying the beast but seeing Harry at that guy then saw letters spelling I am Voldemort.

Danny's eyes widen at this then boom got bite on his shoulder causing him to scream in pain. The beast lets go ectoplasm in its mouth hissing looking ready to strike again. The a bird cane with a hat dropping it to Harry then clawing the eyes of the snake.

Harry pulled out a sword looking at a injured Danny "you got this Potter he's distracted kill it." Harry runs at it the snakes eyes gone hissing in pain then smelt the air going street at Harry. Danny used all his might to get up using his ice core freezing the snakes causing it to be a statue. Harry took a swing then shattered.

Then Harry looked at the boy which was Voldemort pulling out a book stabbing it over and over again. Causing it to bleed black blood hearing the scream made Danny smile. Then boom gone Danny's healing-factor was working slowly. They got Ron's sister going to the surface. Hoping that's the last of there problem.

In the ghost zone

Clockwork smiles seeing that Danny's okay. Then seeing Time bubbles seeing what's coming ahead shacking his head "next year I'm hogwarts for Danny's gonna change everything..."

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