Chapter 7

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Danny woke up in hogwarts accompanied by Harry and Ron. "What happened?" Harry looked at Danny "well Danny you where discovered by the ministry of magic. Then we'll your home town was attacked.."

Everything rushed his head then Danny sighs with grief and rage. His eyes turned neon green then a lady walked in the room "Daniel James Black. You are need at the ministry of magic with Mr.Potter." Danny looked at the lady in the eyes clearly pissed off "for what." There was a chill in the room the lady looking the halfa in the eyes "for the attack on Amity Park. You might be expelled from hogwarts same with Mr.potter."

The lady leaves then Harry looked at Danny in worry "Danny what attack?" The ghost boy was silent then cleared his throat "there was an attack I didn't use my wand put my powers and the whole town was slathered.." Ron looked at him "bloody hell im sorry man.."

Danny shacks off his feeling then Mr. Weasley came in looking at the boys in fear and worry "Danny...Harry lets go..." the boys walk out and into the streets of London. Danny had black jeans with a red shirt with black converse and a black beanie. They stop at a phone booth getting in it and they where gone.

In ministry of magic

There was a quite hall then Danny and Harry where walking into a room filled with wizards and witches like a meeting. "Today we are here for Harry Potter and Daniel Blacks actions." Danny's eyes flashed green "It's Fenton!" The guys stumbles back a bit then Dumbledore came in the room "sorry I'm late." The guy looked at him "I told you not to be here." The ild wizard smiles "I'm here for there defense."

30 mine later

The meeting was over then Danny sighs walking ahead of Harry and Dumbledore. "Sir why would they want Danny not around?" The professor looked as Danny kept walking ahead "maybe because there afraid of what he can do. He's really powerful Harry wouldn't doubt that he's trying to get to him." Harry nodes in agreement then kept walking in silence.

Danny kept walking till a guy looked at him "what do you want?" The guy just kept looking at him then walked away the halfa clearly mad just storms off Harry,Dumbledore and Mr. Weasley catch up to him. "You okay Danny?" The boy looked at them "can we leave and go to hogwarts or something can't stand it here." They teleport into hogwarts main entrance Danny sighs turning ghost flying off into the air leaving them wondering what's going on in his head.

Danny turned intangible flying into his room turning human getting into his bed little did he know the next day was gonna be horrible start at hogwarts.

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