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"Aiden" I called but he didn't even look at me he was still walking "Aiden stop ... listen to me" I grabbed his arm to stop him

"what ?" he snapped

"look I know you're mad I get that but we can't do anything about this if we go there now then we're doing what Morgan wants we're going to him ourselves and I can't and won't let that happen I don't want you or your brother to get hurt" I said

"what about our mother don't you care what will happen to her ?" he asked

"of course I do but Aiden she's a strong woman and I know that I've seen her fight before and it's not like you cared about that last night you didn't even know she was alive and we're still not sure about that ... I've seen her die Aiden 14 years ago I saw her dying" I said

"why didn't you tell anyone about that ?" he asked

"I tried telling your brother but he wouldn't listen to me and I did tell someone I told Bobby and Maya about it you can even ask them if you want" I said

"I just don't know what to do" he said

"I know but I promise we will get her back but for now I need you to find everything you can about Morgan" I said

"fine" he said then walked away

"is everything okay ?" Xavier asked

"yeah it's fine we were just talking" I said

"I'm sorry if he's giving you a hard time" he said

"he's not giving me a hard time X he wants to find his mother just like I wanted to find Aurora it's okay I get it" I said

"you're perfect" he said

"far from it" I said

"you just don't see it but we do" he said

"guys we have a problem" Ian said

"what's wrong ?" I asked

"Noah's not alone Helena's with him" he said

"why the hell is she here ?" I asked

"I don't know" he said

"fine whatever just make sure everyone knows the plan and we'll be good even if she's here we have to keep the plan going" I said

"fine" he said then walked away

"if she tried anything I'm killing her" Xavier said

"don't worry about her" I said .

Aaron P.O.V

So here I am with Derek and Izzy waiting for Noah to arrive

"I don't like this" Izzy said

"yeah me too" Derek said

"will tell that to Anna she's the one that came up with this plan" I said

"she's our friend and we believe in her" Izzy said

"how can you say that when her plan could get us all killed ?" I asked

"because she's the best fighter in our team she won't let anyone of us get hurt even if it killed her" she said

"and that's what I'm scared of she doesn't care about herself or getting hurt" I said

"she would never let herself get hurt she can't" Derek said

"why not ?" I asked

"because of Sam" they both said

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