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Things got a lot better since what happened they were all coming with us to DC for the fight now and I finally faced my fear with my siblings and it made me feel so much better because Xavier is right I shouldn't have to fear them we're family and we do things even if we don't want to for family right ? ... Anyway we were getting our things ready to go and I know Sam wasn't happy about it because not all of us are going and by not all of us I mean Jane is not coming but I did call Emma and she said they'll follow us so it'll be fine .

"Mommy do I really have to go ?" he asked again

"yes honey you have to go all of us are going and we need to pack everything in the old house so you have to be there" I said

"but you'll be working and you won't have time to play with me so I'll be alone" he said

"but you'll have your dad and uncles and aunts to play with" I said

"fine" he huffed and walked away , I know he's angry but I didn't want to tell him about her coming with us just yet .

"Is he okay ?" Xavier asked

"still mad about Jane not coming with us" I said

"do you think we should tell him ?" I shook my head

"he'll find out anyway so let him do it ... now are you ready to go ?" I asked

"yeah we all are we were waiting for you" he took Sam's bag to put it in the car and we both got in with Sam sitting in my lap

"are you ready for this ?" Izzy asked

"yeah we'll be fine" I hugged Sam closer to me it's a thing I always did when I feel scared or worried and I don't know how but he knows it calms me down

"we'll be fine mommy" he said

"yeah we will" I said

"do you think Rick is gonna be mad at us ?" Ian asked

"I know Rick is gonna be mad at us" I said

"what're we gonna do about that ?" he asked

"there's nothing for us to do the only thing we can do is nothing" I said

"what about the other thing ?" he asked

"I already told you what to do about that" I said

"do you think they'll buy it ?" Izzy asked

"they have to and if we all said the same thing they have nothing on us" I said

"but are we gonna tell Andrew the truth ?" she asked

"I don't know but for now let's keep it between us" I said

"what about Allison ?" Ian asked

"don't worry about her I'll deal with her and if I really have to I'll tell her what happened" I said

"no Anna telling her is not the right thing that girl wants to get herself killed and we can't help her" he said

"then what do we do Ian lie to her ? I can't do that" I said

"we're gonna lie to everyone there about what happened and that Email proves it" Izzy said

"whatever let's think about all that later for now the only thing we have to worry about is Rick yelling at us" I said

"is there anything we need to know about before we get there ?" Xavier asked

"nope just stay with us and don't get lost" I said

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