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After we made sure my mom was fine Xavier and I were about to go back to his house to get cleaned up and get some rest before we go pick Sam up .

"Where're you two going ?" Landon asked

"home" Xavier said

"oh okay I'll see you later then AJ" he said

"where're you going ?" I asked

"back with Mike why ?" he asked

"no you can't go back there that's not your home Lan this is home" I said

"no Anna this is your home you're happy here with him and the others I can't stay here people will look at me like I'm some freak I won't belong here" he said

"yes you will you're my best friend my brother I can't just let you go like that" I turned to Xavier "say something" I almost begged

"she's right you're her friend so you do belong here" Xavier said

"why would you want the guy that flirts with your Mate all the time here with you ?" Lan asked

"because you're her friend and I know that having you here is gonna make her happy and that's all I want" he said

"but I'm a Vamp now" I rolled my eyes

"so what that doesn't make any less my friend" I said

"I can't just stay here Anna I'm sorry" he said

"yeah you can ... she wants you here more than I want you so you can stay" Mike said

"that's so sweet of you Mike I don't feel hurt at all" Lan rolled his eyes

"dude that's your friend she wants you here with her then you stay here with her" Mike said

"fine I'll stay" I ran to him and hugged him "yep I'm never leaving again" I pulled away and slapped him on the chest

"why would you do that ?" he whined

"shut up" I walked back to Xavier "come on let's go" I said

"when are you going to get Sam ?" he asked

"tomorrow I'm too tired to go tonight why ?" I asked

"because I want to come with you" I nodded

"fine I'll tell you when we leave" then Xavier and I finally walked to his car and got in "are you really okay about Landon staying here with us ?" I asked

"yeah why not he's your friend" he said

"you're being nice why are you being nice ?" I asked

"do you want me to be an asshole ?" he asked

"no of course not but this is weird" I said

"whatever let's just go inside" we got out of the car and walked inside the house

"wait I don't have clothes here" I said

"so ? Just take mine of take Aurora's she has some here" he said

"yeah but ..." he cut me off

"no buts now come on we need a shower and sleep a lot of it" he lift me up and took me in his arms to his room

"you know I can walk right" I said

"yeah but where's the fun in that ?" he asked

"I still can't believe that it's over it's really over ... from now on we don't have to worry about people wanting to kill us anymore" I said

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