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9:40 am – 9:45 am

Everything slowed down the moment he pointed his gun at Nadine. I screamed at the top of my lungs and begged him for not to pull the trigger. Jonah looked down at me and smiled sinisterly.

"Fine, now ... Nadine, walk towards the gym ... please." Jonah told her. I looked at Nadine and nodded; she gulped and walked away from us. The pain in my leg was growing stronger and more unbearable. I quickly pulled a handkerchief from my pocket and wrapped it around my wound. There was blood all around me, my own blood. The pain was excruciating but I pushed through it. After I successfully wrapped the handkerchief as tightly as possible around the wound, Jonah grabbed a handful of my hair and started dragging me towards the gym. That was when I reached my pain limit. I just screamed and yelled for help over and over again.




9:40 am – 9:45 am

"Oh come on, what are you guys waiting for?" I asked while staring at the screen showing footage of police officers huddling in front of the school. Two policemen then stepped forward and planted something on the gate. I shifted my eyes back to James and Nadine, only to see that they were heading to the gym. I immediately recognized the armed guy they were with. It was Jonah, Nadine's former friend and James's number one nemesis.

Shit ... shit .... He's gonna kill them ... You have to help them

I thought to myself. I quickly searched the room for something I could use to help them. After a few seconds, I noticed a baseball bat on the corner. I turned my eyes back to the screen and saw that they were already near the gym. I took a deep breath and grabbed the bat as fast as I could.

"Okay Kim, time to be a hero."



9:40 am – 9:47 am

Elliott's father used to work for my parents. He was the all-around guy at our house. He was a gardener, an electrician, an occasional driver and even a confidante of my Dad. But after it was discovered that Elliot's father was stealing money from him for years, Mom and Dad fired him right away. The last thing I heard was that he got into a car accident one night and died on the spot. Since then, Elliott stayed away from us. He even skipped school and disappeared for weeks. When he returned, Elliott became a totally different person. He bonded with a different crowd, smiled rarely and skipped classes a lot. He also blamed my parents for his father's death and vowed that someday we would feel what he and his mother felt. And after finding out that he was one of the shooters, there was no doubt that day has finally dawned upon us. Elliott wasn't going to kill our parents; he was going to kill us.

"Cafeteria! Go!" I yelled at Natalie and together, we sprinted towards where Kim and I came in. There was no time to go back for him, I just hoped he would be smart and hide long enough for the police to come and rescue him. Natalie screamed as soon as she saw the two bodies lying in the cafeteria. I quickly covered her mouth and we ran towards the kitchen where the exit door was waiting. Much to my surprise, it was locked again.

"Oh fuck ... they must have seen this open," I whispered just as we heard the sound of chairs being thrown around, meaning Elliott was at the cafeteria as well. I looked at Natalie and saw the petrified expression on her face.

"What are we gonna do?" she asked. That's when an idea came into my mind. Although it wasn't the best one, at least it would buy my sister some time to get away. I reached for the window and opened it.

"You will not fit in there!" she said, her voice trembling.

"But you will. The police will come in any moment now. I want you to run as fast as you can and don't stop. Hide and don't come out until you can see them, alright? Tell Mom and Dad I love them ... remind them that they had a son ... make them feel my love, okay? Please tell them that I'm happy I saved you ... Please tell them I love them ... please." I told her as tears mounted in my eyes.

"I won't leave you, what are you talking about?" she questioned me in a whispering manner.

"There's no time! The only reason Elliott still hasn't shot us is he knows we're trapped. Now go. Tell Mom and Dad I love them. I also love you, Natalie. And I will save you over and over again if I have to." I told her and she started crying. I knew deep in my heart that it was my goodbye message to Natalie. I knew right at that moment that what I was about to do will save her. Resigning myself to my fate, I smiled and planted a good luck kiss on her forehead.

"Don't forget my face, okay? And always remember what I told you; never let any boy break your heart. You're worth it, Natalie ... you're so beautiful and Mom ... Mom and Dad ... they love so you much ... I love you so much ... Remember I existed, okay?" I asked her. I could hear Elliot's footsteps outside, I knew he was waiting for me to come out and face him.

"I love you," Natalie told me.

"I love you too, sis. Now go." I said and she hopped on the kitchen sink and squeezed herself out of the window. I heard a loud thud from the other side and I asked her if she was okay.

"I am," she said, voice cracked and full of pain.

"Run then Natalie, run and don't stop."

When she didn't reply, I gulped and knew my time has come. I grabbed a kitchen knife and returned to the dining area where Elliott was waiting for me.

"You decided to be a hero, pity." He said.

"Is it? I'm going to die for someone I love ... you're going to die because you can't fucking move on." I replied, taunting him intentionally.

"At least you got one thing right, you're going to die."



9:45 am – 9:47 am

"Where are we going?!" I asked Richard as we continued sprinting across the school grounds.

"To the back building! Go!" he yelled. I looked at Dean and noticed that he was lagging behind. I stopped running and caught up with him. I glanced behind us and realized that the shooter was already out of sight.

"He's gone!" I screamed at Richard and he stopped running as well.

"Really? Come on then, we really have to go," he told us. I turned to Dean and asked if he could still run.

"Yeah." He replied, his voice weak and strained.

"Take my hand," I said before extending it out to him. My brother looked at me as if I said the most bizarre thing in the world.


"Just take it ... we're going to run together." I responded. He nodded and reached for my hand.

"Are you ready?" I asked him.

"Yes." He answered and together, the three of us started running again.


last chapter is up next!

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