Two Weeks Later

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That day changed the town of Sta. Monica forever. An act of violence and hatred shook our community right to its very core. It made us see the world for what it really was, a messed up place where evil people live in. The incident made everybody realize that Sta. Monica wasn't a sanctuary; it wasn't the quiet and peaceful town we all thought it was. There was darkness hiding in it, and this darkness corrupted the minds of four young people. It prompted them to kill at least 30 innocent individuals and injure at least a dozen other students and teachers. The incident was senseless and yet it could have been stopped. I tried my best to fully remember everything that happened during those moments we were trapped inside the school but I couldn't, I must have repressed them completely. But one thing remained imprinted in my mind ... that was the day I lost Richard.

No word could ever describe what I felt when Mom and Dad broke the news to me a couple of minutes after I regained consciousness in the hospital. They told me the EMT did everything they could, but his wounds were severe. They weren't able to save him, Richard perished with Avery and all the other victims of this unfortunate attack. Richard was brave. Richard was kind. Richard had everything I ever hoped to see in a man. He re-entered to the school to save us when he could have just waited outside and stayed safe with the others. He died saving us ... he died saving me.

"I miss you." I whispered while holding the necklace he gave me for Christmas two years ago. I've been dreaming of him over the past few nights, he told me a couple of times that he was in a great place and that I should let myself heal from all sorts of wounds I received that day. I tried to make him stay but he said he couldn't. He kissed me goodbye and faded into thin air.

Maine, are you ready?

I turned around and saw Nadine standing by the door. She was wearing a black dress and a friendly smile on her face. I nodded and followed her outside the room. When we got downstairs, I saw James and Kim waiting for us. They were also wearing black suits, they were still mourning as well.

"Are you two ready to go? Richard and Avery are waiting for us." Kim said.

"Yes," I replied. Nadine left my side and started helping James walk. Kim and I, on the other hand, trailed them from behind.

"How are you?" he asked me.

"I'm getting by. What about you?"

"Aside from the constant nightmares and this gaping hole inside my chest, I'm fine. I do miss Richard and Avery though, this world will never be the same without them," he answered.

"I agree."

A few people were already waiting for us at the cemetery. Both Richard and Avery's parents decided to do a memorial event to celebrate the two; they said it was their way of helping the community heal as well. I hugged them tightly for that gesture. I knew they were still hurting, but their brave faces became the symbols of hope that everyone needed to see. They became the living proofs that this town will never be torn apart by horrendous and evil acts conducted by coward souls.

"I'm so happy you could make it." Richard's mom said before giving me a warm hug. I told her he died saving me and she revealed that was how he would have wanted to go. She told me that Richard's grand goal in life was to make a difference. And by saving me, Dean, and Natalie, he was able to fulfill that.

"He was a great guy. I love him so much."I told her and she gave me a tearful smile.

"I know, that's why I'm so proud of him. He died saving the girl he adored the most. Maine, you're still a part of our family okay? .... Richard ... he loved you so much. There was this time last year when he told me how lucky is because he already found the one. I ... he said ... he said he was going to marry you someday and have a family as big and as happy as ours. But because of what happened ... he will never be able to have that." Mrs. Faulkerson then broke down in tears. I hugged her tightly and started crying as well. Richard's death left a hole in all of us, a hole that may never be filled or fixed ever again. A couple of minutes, all the other expected guests came and the program finally started.

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