First Mission

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A/N: Okay so I have decided with what the reader will be pear with and I won't change the original name


-Reader Pov morning-

I slowly started to wake up while hearing Luke saying something to one off the twins. "I can't believe that I lose again... For 45 time" Luke said while Ashley smiles "Beginner luck" Ashley said. I get up and look at my scroll to see the time "Oh Shit" I said while get up and my teammates look at me. "Don't worry we have a mission... At 10... So relax" Jessica said while reads a book. "Fuck you" I said while gets in my new combat outfit. (F/C) jacket, white shirt, (F/C) jeans, (F/C) gloves and black shoes. "That's a new outfit" Luke said while I smile "Yup... And yours to" I said while see him in another outfit.

Luke was wearing a yellow jacket and a black shirt, Black jeans, Yellow shoes. "But I would get everything... But why are you wearing... That mask" Luke said while I put the mask on.

(Here's the mask you wearing)

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(Here's the mask you wearing)

"But how the hell those your ear... Fit... Oh shit" Luke said while he was talking about my fox ears. "Wait is he a faunus?" Ashley said while being confused what Luke, just said. "Yeah... And Fucking Luke told ya... Now please don't tell anyone else" I said while see both sisters in their own clothes. "Okay... We have... Wait who turned the clock back?" I asked while everyone looks at Luke. "Why are you looking at me... I didn't... Wait, if I did that that would mean we are late for our mission" Luke said while Ashley looks at her scroll. "Fuck you... We have three minutes left" Ashley said while runs with Jessica somewhere. "Teleport" We both said while I on purpose teleport alone and Luke started to run. I waited for them for 2 minutes until they finally came. "Wait... What... How... You" Ashley was confused again "Teleport... And I didn't bring you Like, because off the time" I said while we see the bullhead land. "Let's-a-go" Luke said while I facepalm "THIS ISN'T MARIO" I yelled while he ignored me and we walk in the bullhead and started to fly.

-In a forest some kind-

"So... We clear Grimm and that's it?" Luke asked while I nod "And these Grimm are stronger than regular one... So be careful" Ashley said while we walked farther. "Would be good, if I would sleep longer" I said while some red eyes came in the distance. "Grimm" Luke said while ready his claws, Ashley ready her Ice sword and Jessica ready a large sword and I ready my hands. "Where's you freaking weapon?" Ashley asked while Luke smiles "Hold your weapons and let (Y/N) attack and see him fight. When Luke finished saying that and looks at me Sleeping while standing. "SHIIIIIITTTTT" Luke said while ready his weapon and start attacking a Beowolf, but a bigger ones. "Ready" I yelled while use my Fire and blasted towards five off those Grimm's before falling asleep again. "He's so lazy" Jessica said while shoots her laser at two nevermores.

"EVERYTHING would be great, if (Y/N) Help, but no he needs to sleep" Luke said while a huge Group off Grimm came towards while I look at them and my left hand where the Grimm and blast a very huge flame that started to burn some tree. "What did you say?" I asked while everyone mouth were wide open. "Don't be surprised let's go and Ashley use your Ice to stop the flames" I said while started to walk to the place where the bullhead will be. "How the Fuck?" Jessica said "He's OP as Fuck" Luke said while see that I wasn't their "And super lazy" Luke said.

-Back at Beacon-

"Good thing we have free time" I said happy while Luke wasn't. "hehehe... Ozpin told us, if we finish faster... We have to go to classes..." Luke said while runs to combat class while we all chase after him. "You son of a bitch" I yelled while both sisters yelled something very rude. "I'm sorry" Luke yelled while for his luck the Combat class was very near. Luke turned left and then left again and get in the class while everyone looks at him and he sits down while waited for his team. "Your gonna pay" I whispered in his ear while he jumps. "F-Fuck you" Luke said while being scared and both sisters arrived. I meanwhile felt asleep while Glynda called the next ones. "Mrs. Nikos Vs Mr. (L/N)" Glynda called while I wake up and walked to stage. "Finally something interesting" I said while crack my fingers and waited for it to start.


A/N: Sorry for the hold up... And the next part is about you and Pyrrha fight... And well I pair the reader... With Pyrrha.

Male!Faunus!OP!Lazy!Reader x RWBY Where stories live. Discover now