Chapter 5

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It has been a week and a half since Jay and I have been dating and us girls are getting ready for Family Day. My family day was watching my drunk father squeeze in with the other parents to talk to me through the computer screen, the idiots couldn't seem to figure out how to work it, well it's not really fair to call them idiots, it was there first time seeing a computer, (We only get unwanted Auradon technology). At least my dad was there, relatively sober, I didn't think he cared that much. My moms were working at the bar, so I didn't get the chance to talk with them. They insulted FGM when they saw her, mocking her for the pumpkin, and Cinderella's curfew of midnight, and for her age. Mal had to pull her away from the screen and apologize. The whole time I stood there and smiled and pretended to have a good time, I wasn't though. The only person there for me was a person I couldn't care less about. I had my hands in my pockets, my wrists were against my mothers' ribbon, which I was using as a belt since I didn't wanna put it in my hair. Mal mostly talked with her mom, the rest of us, including the villains, remained quiet except for De Vil's comment on Carlos holding Dude. Which caused him to tell her off, telling her that he loved Dude and that her dog was stuffed, go Carlos! I didn't think he'd ever stand up to her.

Back to the present, us girls are getting dressed for the family day, everyone looks amazing. I choose to wear, only because of Evie's puppy dog eyes when I thought about saying no. We met the boys at their room, we knock on the door. Carlos opens and smiles and calls Jay so we can start going, Jay walks up and the first thing he notices is me.

I smile sweetly at him, the group stats walking ahead, leaving Jay and I walk behind the group. Jay stops before the others turn the corner, I stop as well  Jay then pulls me into him, he smiles with a little mischief in his eyes. "You look nice in that dress Gena."

"Why thank you, you clean up nicely yourself." He smiles smugly and brings me in for a kiss. He then brings his hands to my hips and pushes me until I'm leaning against a wall, he continues to kiss me. I decide I want to have some control, so I pull away and start to kiss him along his jaw, down his neck and back up again, Jay growls in pleasure. I stop kissing him and push him slightly grab onto his shirt and swiftly move and push him into the wall. I go close to his ear and whisper, "See you there." I walk away, swinging my hips slightly. I meet up with the others, somehow he managed to beat me here (must know a shortcut). When I get closer I see that he and Carlos are messing around by the chocolate fountain, I just shake my head in disbelief, aren't girls supposed to freak out at the sight of chocolate while guys laugh and roll their eyes? While in my own thought I didn't notice that Jay stood in front of me, holding out a chocolate covered strawberry, offering it to me.

I finally focus, I look up to Jay to see him have a look like he is expecting something; I finally bite the strawberry, man was it good. It was so juicy I could feel some dripping down my chin, making skin somewhat sticky as the sun dried it. The taste was unbelievable, nothing like the fruit on the isle (most fruit is rotten or spoiled or otherwise unworthy of Auradon). I moan in pure bliss.

The day started off weird, several royals were standing in front of the school in nice, expensive clothing with towels draped over their arms, don't tell me-.

My classmates' voices interrupted my thoughts, "Be our guest! Be our guest!" Not again! What makes this school so damn musical? I put my hands over my ears, I'm not Harley, I'm not totally in love with music.

Beast and Belle invite us to play croquet, I declined as politely as I could, not wanting to offend them. I do, however, watch them (I'm not sure how to play croquet, so I didn't really know whether Mal was doing well or not, so I was mostly quiet, only speaking when spoken to.). While watching the game someone sat next to me, I turn my head and my eyes widen in surprise to see who it was. It was Belle aka the lady who my drunk ass father loves.

Belle smiles at me, you'd almost think it was genuine, "Hello Gena how are you?" What!?!

I try not to be rude so I respond, "Um... I'm good, how are you?"

She nods, "I am doing very well. How are your parents?

I shrug and reply, "Good as they can be, Father still owns that bar of his and..." That's when I remembered what my moms said, they used to be friends, she's probably asking about them, not Dad, "as for my moms, they're fine." Seeing the hope on her face, I add, "They really miss you. They wanted me to give this to you if I had the chance." I pluck my purse off of the table beside us, I rummage through it until I found the slightly crinkled paper (What did you expect? Let's see you keep a paper in your purse in pristine condition). I smile at her, "I guess this is my chance."

Before Belle could accept it, however, it was snatched from my hand, "Belle! What are you thinking? You never accept anything from a villain!" It was Beast.

In as sweet of a voice I could manage, I asked, "I'm sorry sir, but what crime have I committed?"

It was as if I hadn't even spoken, he spoke to his wife again, "Her father is the most despicable man I've ever met! He tried to force you to marry him and bare him 6 or 7 sons, he tried to have your father sent to a mental institution, not to mention HE TRIED TO KILL ME!"

Belle tried to defend me, God bless her, "How is that her fault?! She wasn't even born!"

The look that Beast gave his wife then, it made me afraid for her. He looked angry, no, angry isn't strong enough to even compare, he looked livid, he looked like he was gonna hit her. "It doesn't matter! What do you think he taught her? How to be a compassionate, upstanding citizen? No, he trained her to be a fucking murderer!"

I couldn't take it anymore, I snapped, "EXCUSE ME?! You think he trained me to murder? You think he-"

He cut me off, "He can only teach what he knows! He only knows evil! How could you be any diff-"

I interrupted him, I don't care if he's the king, that doesn't give him the right to be a dick. "You'd have a point, that is if he was sober enough to! That man is always at the bar, or unconscious! When would he be able to teach me anything? Especially without the glorified babysitters seeing."

"Don't talk about your mothers that way!" Belle said, clearly misunderstanding me.

"I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about your sorry excuse for the police force. My mothers couldn't hurt a fly, they taught me, not him!" In that moment, I was really tempted to hurt him, but I knew that would only make things worse, and make him right. I mumbled, "I'm not him."

Belle sat there with her mouth wide open in shock, "Um..."

Beast began to walk away, that's when I remembered he still had it, I said, "I think you have something of your wife's."

He turned and gave me a look that told me just how much he hated me, more like loathed me, then he smiled in a way that he looked almost evil, then he did something that I would never have guessed. He ripped the paper once, twice, thrice, (you get the idea, it's shredded into little bits by the time he's done with it).

I heard sobs, and I thought, is that me? I turned to see that the queen herself was crying, I heard her say in between the tears, "They... were my best friends. It's because... because of him, they left..."

What?! "What?"

Ben handed his mother his handkerchief, I sent him an apologetic look, he nodded in response and made his way to Mal. An elderly woman was staring at her, somewhere between fear and anger, looks like Mal is having a similar family day experience.

Belle looked me in the eye, hers already puffy and red from crying, "I promised them I wouldn't say anything, I didn't care if you were his child. Your mothers were innocent, and they would raise you to be as wonderful as they are." She shook her head, "It didn't matter though, she started to show. Beast wanted to know who the father was, he said something like, 'so long as it's not Gaston's.' She told him it was a man from town's, didn't tell him a name. He figured it out, I spent days pleading with him, begging that he make an exception. You wouldn't meet your father, we could lie and say he had passed away during Maleficent's attack, or that he was one of the guards in the isle, anything. Do you know what he said?"

I shook my head.

"He looked at me and said, 'The law is the law.'" She began to cry again. I pulled her into a hug, I couldn't help but think, maybe Belle didn't get such a happy ending. Maybe none of them did.

But neither did we.

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