Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I walk into my dorm and see that it is empty I sigh, sad that I'm gonna be alone. I walk over to the table, plop my book bag on top, and start my homework.

I have been doing it for a good solid 20 minutes when the door opens and closes, I know that it is Jane so I say, "Hi." without looking up I work for another 5 minutes I get stuck on this one problem so I decide to ask Jane, she seems pretty smart, I look up, "Hey Jane I have a - wow, what happened to your hair?!"

She smiles shyly, "Oh, this thing Mal did it with her magic on me, she also did it to Lonnie."

I ask, "Who's Lonnie?"

"Daughter of Mulan." I nod my head in understanding "Oh, and they told me to tell you to meet them in their dorm in half an hour."

"Okay, thanks, Jane" and I return to my homework. I notice she's about to leave again, so I say, "I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to you much yesterday, by the time I got back you were already asleep."

"Oh, it's alright. I know it must be hard transferring to a nice school you never been to."

"Seems like you're the only one." I continue, "People avoid me like the plague, then they jump back when I try to ask them something as simple as, 'How do I get to the bathrooms from here?'"

"That's so sad. I guess it just seems that some people aren't comfortable with change, but you shouldn't put yourself down for that."

I smile at her, "Thanks, Jane, well I'll see you later I am going to head out and meet my friends." I turn and head out. It takes me shorter than last time because I actually know where I am going this time.

I enter the girl's dorm without knocking and see it is just the girls in there I decide to be funny, "Have no fear, the best friend has arrived." They roll their eyes, mostly Mal, and we head back out and head towards the kitchen.

We have been in here making 'love cookies', (sounds ridiculous to me too, just roll with it) I have been avoiding eye contact from Jay but I see that in between both of the boys that a new member of the group...a dog? "Ok I have 2 questions, 1. why is a dog here? Not that I mind I just thought Carlos was afraid of them, and 2. who are we making cookies for?"

They explain a love spell cookie for Ben so Mal can give it to him (no, she doesn't like him, it's so she can steal the wand at his coronation) and that the dog is Dude, and that Carlos isn't afraid of dogs anymore.

When they finish the explanations a girl walks in and says that all of the girls love their new do's, (must be Lonnie). She then dips her fingers in the batter and eats it everyone starts to freak out and Lonnie looks confused "What? I am not going to double dip or anything."

Evie looks a little worried "Do you feel anything?"

Mal speaks up "Yeah, like maybe something it's missing."

Jay then takes his time to walk over to her and to start to flirt, "Hey there," (I'm gonna kill him if he keeps flirting with every girl at this school) But she just smiles awkwardly and walks to the refrigerator, Jay's flirty smile fading, she says, "Ya it needs chips."

Everyone looks confused she then puts these little pieces what I am guessing is chocolate and puts it in the bowl, Mal stirs it in so it can be even. Lonnie explains how chocolate chip cookies help when you feel down and your parents make them. We all look down feeling sad because our parents never did that for us, not even my moms. Lonnie notices this and she starts to apologize and Mal looks up and sees a single tear falling from her face, she takes it by her finger and puts it is the bowl she then shoos out Lonnie saying that we need to finish the cookies.

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