Chapter 6

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I sat beside Belle as she cried, what do I do here? I don't know this woman and it's my fault she's crying in the first place, how could I possibly comfort her? Not knowing what else to do, I pulled her into a hug and let her literally cry on my shoulder. That's when I saw my friends leave. Belle released me from her embrace, "You should go before Beast comes back, it looks like your friends ran into some trouble." I squeezed her one last time and ran to catch up with them, I'm shocked I didn't trip and fall considering I was wearing heels. I lost sight of them and spent the next 20 minutes wandering around looking for them. As I walk closer to the group of royals sitting at the table ahead of me, I realized that the princes and princesses were gossiping about these 'freaks'. My friends must have been here. As I walk past the Royals, I hear Chad shout, "Keep walking, MONSTER!"

I spin around and make my way back towards them, a few of them appeared to be shaking, I guess I was intimidating to them. Good.

I get so close to them I could see one of the girl's hands trembling, it took a moment for me to realize that it was Jane. I smiled at her, "Hi Jane. Did Mal fix your hair?"

She ran off crying. I looked back to the bitches that stood before me. "What d'ya want, freak?" Audrey said, feeling confident.

I roll my eyes, "That the best you can do? Even pretty boy over there thought of somethin' better." I point to Chad, "I believe he said something about a monster. Care to explain?"

He looked me in the eyes and said, "You don't scare me."

I lunged towards him, making sure not to hurt him. He flinched away from me. I laughed, "I think I do."

Audrey gives him a kiss on the cheek, I forgot that they've been dating since the game. "You just proved him right. Only a monster would attack someone like that."

I laughed again, "Check your eyes bitch, I didn't even touch him."

"She's right." One of the girls, (I recognized this girl as Anna's daughter, she shared a few of my classes), squeaked, "She hasn't hurt him, hasn't broken any rules, she's fine."

If looks could kill, Audrey's glare would have ripped her to pieces. The girl, Kelsi, ran away, too afraid to glance back. Audrey turned to me again, "You are a monster, just like your father."

I stepped so close to this bitch that I could feel her breath, I said, "You wouldn't know, would you?" I laughed, "Have you ever actually seen a villain? Seen what they're capable of?" I paused, letting it sink in, "If I was a monster, the school and the rest of this damn kingdom would be in flames. Your parents would be screaming in terror as I tortured you and your friends until you were begging me to kill you. I would unleash the end of the world..." I pushed her, not enough to hurt her, but enough for her to get the point, "Because I'm not a monster, I let you live your perfect little lives, asking for nothing in return. But know... if you go near my friends again, that little picture I painted for you, will be a reality. There's nowhere you could go to escape me."

For once, Audrey was silent, all of the colors had drained from her face. Chad broke the silence, his face didn't betray his fear, but his voice had. "A-as f-fun as this has b-be-been, I-I've gotta go." The boy tripped over his untied laces as he fled, but he kept running.

I look at Audrey, then I look at the girls and boys behind her, "The same goes for all of you. Attack me all you want, but leave my friends out of this." I locked eyes with Audrey and gave her a sickly sweet smile, "Have a nice day."

I spun around and headed towards the dorms, knowing that that was probably the best place to look. As I got farther away, I began to hear sobbing. I turned my head to see that they were coming from Audrey, she had her face buried in her hands. For a moment, I considered going back and apologizing, but then I decided that I didn't care; if it was for my friends, I'd do anything.

I open Mal and Evie's door, not bothering to knock. Mal sat on her bed, Jay, Carlos, and Evie surrounded her curious as to what Mal has to say. I hear Mal say, "... stealing the crown next week...coronation..." It felt like the whole world froze, my heart stopped beating, I couldn't breathe. Are we doing it that soon? I may not like it here, but it's better than the isle. Although we aren't going back, we'd be fools to think that Auradon wouldn't become the new isle once the villains get out. I look at Jay, there wasn't any dating on the isle. Would we still be together when this is over? What would the others think? but what about Mal? Evie? Carlos? They may not care that we're dating, but care that we kept it from them. What would we do?

Jay rushed to my side, "Gena? Gena, what's wrong?"

My heart began to work again, my lungs continued doing their job. I tried to catch my breath, but it seemed impossible.

Mal, Evie, and Carlos stared, not knowing what to do or how to react. My breathing leveled out, and I felt okay again. "I'm fine. Go on."

Mal looked at me, her eyes telling me just how concerned she was.

"Really," I insisted, "I'm fine."

Mal opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by a knock on the door. Moving away from Jay I step towards the door and open it.

~Next day~ 

 I happened to be heading to History of Auradon, someone please shoot me now. If I hear another goddamn word about villains being cast out and Ben's father uniting everyone, I'm pretty sure I'll kill somebody.

I entered the classroom and sat in the seat closest to the door, ready to bolt the moment that bell rang. I set my bag down in the space between my desk and the wall.

"Now, get out your notebooks. I'm gonna review what we went over in the last chapter." Ugh, the last chapter was all about Beast's accomplishments, I had been vaguely interested at one point, but after family day, I'm sick of even hearing someone talk about him. It's all propaganda, he's not some great guy that united everyone, he's a fucking dick that treated everyone like crap, even his own wife!

If I've learned anything from my time here, it's this: people see what they want to see. They look at me and see a monster, they stare one in the face and think he's their savior. People are unbelievable.

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