Chapter 7

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*3rd person pov*

Those from the isle of the lost are the only ones awake on the whole campus. The clocks read 3:18 am, the world outside had long ago lost its light and become quiet, the only things interrupting the silence being the chirps of crickets and the occasional hoot of an owl.

Jay lays on his side, admiring his Tourney trophies. He couldn't help but think, I'm not getting this back. Not after we get that wand. He rolled over, not wanting to look at them anymore. Gena and I have one last day together... that's it. He curled up under the covers, what am I gonna do when we're 'just friends' again? His eyes fluttered shut, and just like that, he was out until the morning.

Carlos lay awake, the clock read 3:26 am. Jay's soft snores were all he could hear until Dude whimpered beside him, he whispered, "It's okay boy... it's okay." He pats the pup's head, "We'll get through this." He thought, I can't believe I just lied to him, he's been with me through thick and thin, and I just lied to him. Carlos pulls Dude closer to his body, snuggling up to him. "I love you boy." Dude whined and moved impossible closer to Carlos.

The clock read 3:31 am and Mal stood alone in the kitchen, mixing together the ingredients for Ben's antidote. For the first time in her entire life, Mal shed a tear. She let them drop into the batter, but she didn't stop crying. Ben had been so patient with her, he showed her things she had never imagined, taught her what its like to love and be loved, and now she was teaching herself what it felt like when your heart broke.

The clock read 3:40 am. Evie stared at the paper in her partially open drawer, her chemistry exam stared back. In the red pen, there was a big, fact B at the top of the front page. Maybe I'm not just a pretty face. Maybe I can do better than be a housewife of a prince. She shook her head as if it were impossible. Maybe if things were different, but that won't be possible after we unleash hell on Auradon.

The clock read 3:46 am. The last person on the whole campus with their eyes open was none other than Gena. Her roommate, Jane, had fallen asleep long ago. She had apologized to Jane for what she had said about her hair, but Jane simply buried her face into the pillows, ignoring Gena to the best of her abilities. Gena held the cool metal locket she had received on her birthday. The chain never left her neck as long as she could help it, but now, she willingly took it off and opened it up. A picture of her and Jay back on the isle greeted her. She smiled sadly, this won't work. We've got maybe one day left, that's it. What are we gonna do? Like Mal, she begins to cry. She is the only one on campus who did not sleep at all that night.

Chapter 9

*Gena's POV*

Jane was already gone, that happened a lot recently. When I first got here, wasn't she the one that wanted to talk? The one that wanted to be friends? When the hell did the roles get switched here?

I stretched my tired body. Am I the only person in the world that can say they're too tired to fall asleep? I stepped up to the mirror.

I gasped. I thought I'd look tired, stressed, upset, anything like that, but I looked almost happy. My hair had grown longer, and my skin had become tanned from my time outside. My face wasn't permanently fixed into a frown. My eyes seemed to shine, despite the fact that they were almost black. I knew I had changed but had I really changed this much? I looked at my smile, was I actually happy here?

A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts, Mal came in before I could say 'come in.' It didn't matter anyway, she had spent the night at my place a lot growing up, whenever she fought with her mom. Now, it was almost like we shared a room.

"Mornin' Sleepin' Beauty." Mal laughed a little at her lame joke, I smiled but didn't laugh. "Anyways, you should head on over to Carlos and Jay's room, we're gonna run over the plan one last time before the coronation."

I sighed, "I'll be there in five. Don't know if you've noticed, but I'm not exactly decent."

Her eyes ran over my figure. I wore a thin spaghetti strap tank top (keep in mind that I'm not wearing a bra). I wore yoga pants with a large hole on my right knee, my hair was a mess. I think you get it, I'm not winning any pageants like this.

"Alrighty, just... try to hurry."

"Will do," I responded just before she shut the door.

I'm at Carlos's room in 5 minutes and 19 seconds. "You're late," Mal said, looking mad, and not the good kind either.

Evie argued, "Beauty takes time Mal, not that you would know anything about that."

"Ouch." Carlos said, "Can we take this down a notch? We're supposed to be friends here."

"Agreed," Jay said, barely looking at me. Had I done something wrong?

I long silence followed, none of us quite sure what to say. Evie spoke first, "Alright, let's just... let's just get this over with."

"Right. Sorry." Mal said, shaking her head slightly. "So I'm gonna ride in there with Ben on a carriage. You guys will be up on a balcony, pretending like everything's normal-"

"I'm sorry Mal," I interrupted, "But wouldn't it be easier for us to get while they're transporting it?" Everyone was quiet, "I mean, I don't think that the coronations gonna be in a museum. They'll have to take the wand out of the secure museum, take it to wherever Ben's getting crowned... Why don't you spell them, Mal? We could snatch it, run to the barrier, and destroy it before the guards even woke up."

Mal looks at me thoughtfully, then shakes her head. "Too risky. There would be too many guards, too many witnesses, too much room for error."

"Really? You're worried about witnesses and guards on the street, but not in the place where literally every royal person is watching the coronation of the new king? Really?!"

"Look, we're doing it the way we planned, okay!?" Mal had snapped at me, not once, has she ever done that to me, to anyone. She would get mad, but she never yelled. Never. Not even when arguing with her mom.

After the "meeting" I walk around the campus for a bit of fresh air trying to clear my mind. Why must our families fuck everything up? My dad is too much of a drunk to even remember my name, Maleficent is so cruel and sadistic that she spends every moment training Mal to be even worse, Jafar forces Jay to lie and steal, De Vil corrupted Carlos into fearing dogs and be her slave, Lady Grimhilde turned Evie into a gold digger, and The Queen of Hearts is a murderer. Why did they ever have to become so evil? And why do they expect us to?

I walk back to my room. I'm so done with this shit.

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