Chapter 1

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*Beauty and Beast's Palace in Auradon*

3rd person POV

Let's start at the beginning, Prince Ben was in his room getting a suit fitted for his coronation, his gaze lingering on The Isle of the Lost when his parents walk through the door......... I'm just going to the part where they introduce me and my friends going to Auradon. "Mom, Dad," he began by addressing his parents, "I have chosen my first proclamation as king, I have chosen the children on The Isle of the Lost should be given a chance to live here in Auradon. I have already chosen the kids who will come, Evil Queen... Jafar... Cruella de Vil... Maleficent... and," Ben paused, worried about his parents' reaction to his final choice, knowing how this villain's crime was more personal. His parents had already gone pale at the mention of Maleficent's name, he could only imagine how they would react to this one, finally working up the courage, he said the name the name, "Gaston." And skip... I don't think you want to hear what they said about my father... or me.

*Isle of the lost*

Gena POV

I was hanging out with Mal (when I say "hanging out", what I really mean is I'm watching her tag a wall. What else is there to do here?), I watched Mal's picture as it took shape, admiring the way she was able to depict her mother surrounded in her signature green flames. I heard her mutter something that sounded like, "Rotten." I rolled my eyes, knowing where this was going, (Yay! Random music numbers at the beginning of a story, so original, I know, just go with it.) I respond, "To the core". I saw what looked like the beginning of a smile on her face, it didn't last long though, because the next thing I know we're both singing, running through town, I wasn't sure but I could have sworn I heard the others singing as well (Seriously, do they plan this? Did they plan a whole musical number?), I didn't know for sure until later in the song when suddenly all five of us are doing some weird dance while holding onto a chain-link fence (Why do we do this again? Is it supposed to make us look intimidating? I think we just look crazy, who knows, maybe we are). Don't worry, I'll skip to the end, I won't torture you with the details. The song leaves me panting to try and kickstart my lungs again, I smile at Mal as she takes a kid's candy, licks it, and thrusts it in the air as if in a victory. Jay's standing so close to me we're almost touching, here comes the tingling sensation I always get around him, I just wish the moment lasted longer, of course, I didn't get that wish, Maleficent herself makes her way towards us, surrounded by her followers, magic staff in hand, (Why does she insist on carrying it with her all the time? Magic doesn't work here, else she would probably have gotten out of here already. Maybe she's worried about her age catching up with her, and she'll need it to walk). Mal's laughter dies down when she finally sees her wicked mother walking our way, (Man, this chick walks really slow, how are people afraid of her?) as if reading my thoughts, she casts a smile my way and her eyes changed to a bright shade of green, instantly reminding me of the flames of Mal's tag, (Lesson learned, even without magic, this lady is intimidating), seemingly satisfied, she looked to her daughter again, Mal's face clearly said, "Here we go... again.".

"Stealing candy Mal, I thought you were eviler than that," her mother said disapprovingly.

Mal looking little-upset replies, "It was a baby," she said, looking at her mother.

"That's my nasty little girl." Mal has a small smile on her face, glad for her mother's praise, until her mother snatches the candy, shoves it in her armpit and orders one of her goons to give it back to the child, Mal's face turns sad again, I have never wanted to strangle Mal's mom more. Maleficent starts to walk away, and, knowing what this meant, we followed. Mal allows herself to drag her feet along the pavement, deciding there's no reason to lift them. Evie's footsteps echoed due to her heeled shoes, and Carlos stared at Evie's feet as he trailed behind her, and Jay's eerily quiet steps reminded me once again that he was a thief, my hands fly to my pockets and I find that my stuff is still there, and I smile.

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