Chapter 12

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As flocks of people started dropping into the tiny basement, many started to spread the party upstairs as well, something that would normally make Changkyun very nervous but he was way too busy with tipping off after only two glasses of alcohol. Not being allowed to drink was completely forgotten.

Minhyuk thus was a skilled drinker despite being only 15 from snucking out with Bora, joining her friends parties who drank until they dropped to the floor. It was quite crazy to watch but it didn't take a lot of time before he himself got used to drinking too.

The suspicious boy was now sipping from his third bottle of coke for the night as he had no intentions to get tipsy with all these unknown people around.
Plus, he had to make sure Kihyun didn't get into trouble, knowing that guy only tried drinking one time before but had thrown up instantly. It was too risky to let go already.

Who knew what mad game Wonho could come up with? Of course THAT would lead to trouble especially having those two in the same space, as Minhyuk had started to notice Wonho's weird behaviour around Kihyun lately. It was just too risky so he decided to try to watch out for anything fishy. Perhaps, he could run away if something happened.

He got interrupted in his thoughts, feeling someone bumping into his side. As he turnt his head to take a look, still calm, the sight wasn't surprising. Kihyun was already wilding just as expected. Taking a sip from his coke once again, Minhyuk slapped Kihyun's flailing arm that was reaching out to grab his waist out of nothing. Probably to avoid stumbling.

"Boy, calm down." Minhyuk sighed, grabbing Kihyun's ear to make him stand straight.

"Ow!" Kihyun yelled, feeling the tight grip of Minhyuk's hand. "Dude, why are you so boring?" He asked with a voice that could tell he was gone by miles, rolling his eyes. "You've been so down lately. Seriously-"

"I'm not boring, I'm being sane, thanks." Minhyuk answered, looking around. He was unusually calm despite the loud music and flashing lights. From the silhouettes, Minhyuk could tell Wonho and Hyungwon were talking to some other dudes in the corner right to the left. His first thought was: Trouble.

Before none of them knew it, the buff one was already standing behind their backs, unnoticed. The short guy patted Minhyuk's shoulder to gain his attention.
"Are you guys up for playing a game?" He asked, yelling to be heard over the loud music. He flashed a bright smile to be even more convincing.

"Like what?" Minhyuk asked suspiciously, showing his doubt with his whole face.

"I was actually thinking of hide and seek!" Wonho replied.

"Wh- Okay, sure."

Minhyuk wasn't prepared for this. He was definitely expecting a game that was more embarrassing. He thought he'd have to play truth or dare, 7 minutes in heaven or any other type of crazy, meaningless game that he could possibly think of. Out of all of these, hide and seek? Something felt wrong but Minhyuk also assumed it couldn't really hurt. What was the worst thing that could happen?

After some time, the three of them including Hyungwon, had gathered quite a group of people who wanted to participate. Wonho picked out a girl their age to count. Her name was Seola. She was very kind but some people were scared of her for some reason. Maybe that was the reason why he picked her after all. As she covered her eyes, the group had already started to split up. "One...Two, three..." She counted quietly with her eyes covered, standing against a wall. No one heard what she was saying but ran off as fast as they could.

Minhyuk's first thought was to run to the bathroom and lock himself in to never be found for the rest of the nighy. The plan did not really work out though as he noticed that someone was already in there. Sprinting up the stairs to the third floor, he found his way to Changkyun's tiny room.

The room was entirely painted in black. In fact, even the bed was black including the chair by the writing desk as well as the ceiling. It was a very fascinating sight because despite this, it was in no way depressing. Truth was, it looked magical as Minhyuk started to notice all the silver coloured stars painted all over the walls and furnitures. It was as if the whole room was a piece of the universe on earth.

The moment was ruined by the sound of footsteps coming closer up the stairs. Minhyuk gasped quietly, realising that Seola had probably tracked him already. She was fast and for every step he heard, the panic grew bigger. Hitting his head in the process, the slender shaped one managed to crawl under the low bed of Changkyun's. It was a matter of centimetres that allowed Minhyuk to get in there. With his chest pressed against the floor, he tried to get a sight of the hallway to determine whether he was in a risk zone or not.

Someone could be seen walking through the hallway but it was not Seola, Minhyuk could tell from the hairy legs, obviously belonging to a male. He assumed it was just some random guy so he proceeded to get out of there without suffocating. The goal was to find a better hiding place.

Half way out of the tight space, the male that had walked through the hallway suddenly came back but now they were two. Raising his head in an uncomfortable position, Minhyuk could tell that they were no others than Kihyun and Wonho.

Panicked, he quickly forced his whole body back under the bed, avoiding to groan out of pain. They must not notice him. He really wanted to know why they were there TOGETHER and the only way of finding out was to watch. Unnoticed.

Kihyun still looked pretty tipsy from what Minhyuk could see but what was Wonho doing? That one looked fully sober but something was wrong. Very wrong.

Both of the boys in front of him went completely quiet before Minhyuk could hear how Kihyun asked something. It sounded like "What do you want me?" Or something similar.

Without Wonho answering the question, Minhyuk bitterly watched how he, without any warnings whatsoever, leaned closer to Kihyun's face until their lips touched.
What was worse was that Kihyun seemed to kiss him back without protest.

"I fucking knew it." Minhyuk cursed in his head, only being able to lay there, witnessing how his best friend got kissed by such a player like Wonho. He knew Wonho well enough to know that he jumped from one lover to the other way too quickly. It wasn't because he was a bad person, he knew the poor one only searched for true love like in the fairytale. He wouldn't or...Shouldn't find it in his dear Kihyun though. Minhyuk wouldn't let his friend's precious heart be broken but for now, the only thing left to do was to watch.

He could see how the two stopped kissing and heard them saying something although what they said was very unclear. Maybe Kihyun didn't even know what he was doing? He was drunk after all?

Before the conversation between Wonho and Kihyun could continue, the light steps of a female could be heard. It was Seola. The boys hurried to find a place to hide. Meanwhile, Minhyuk assumed he was safe.

"Where is everyone...?" The longhaired girl mumbled to himself, now standing in the middle of the hallway. After a while, she hesitantly walked into Changkyun's room.

Minhyuk held his breath the best he could, not wanting to be found at any prize. He refused to count for the next round.

Seola walked back and fourth in the minimal room until she suddenly kneeled down in front of the bed.

"I found you, Minhyuk!" She rejoiced, sticking her head under the bed where Minhyuk lied. He rolled his eyes and started crawling out from the suffocated space. He really had no choice but to count now. Things really couldn't get worse now and the time was only 11 pm so far.

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